Turves Green Girls’ School: Y7 Pupil Catchup Plan

  1. Summary information

School / Turves Green Girls’ School
Academic Year / 2016/17 / Total Y7 Catch Up budget / £12,000 / Date of most recent Y7 Catchup Review / September 2016
Total number of pupils / 561 / Number of pupils eligible for Catchup / 38 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / July 2017
  1. Year 7 Catchup Cohort

Pupils eligible for Catchup intervention / Pupils not eligible for Catchup intervention
% entitled to intervention in Mathematics / 32% / 68%
% entitled to intervention in English / 26% / 74%
  1. Barriers to future attainment for pupils eligible for Y7 Catchup intervention

/ Pupils have already had a largely negative experience regarding their progress at KS2. This quickly develops into disaffection on arrival at their new school, where they quickly reinforce negative attitudes and feelings towards learning.
/ Low levels of attainment for these pupils at KS2
C. / Low reading ages and a lack of reading culture among low attaining Y7 pupils when they come to TGGS
  1. Outcomes

Desired outcomes and how they will be measured / Success criteria
/ Y7 Catchup Pupils make significantly faster progress than their peers in Year 7 to enable them to close the large gap established by the end of KS2. / At least 5% more Y7 Catchup Pupils make at least expected progress in Maths and English by the end of Year 7 compared with their peers.
/ Y7 Catchup pupils to read regularly and widely. / Reading Ages gap closes to 12 months by end of Year 7, 8 Months by end of Year 8 and is negligible by the end of Year 9.
  1. Planned expenditure

Academic year / 2016/17
Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
Y7 Catchup Pupils are presented with an adapted curriculum which provides them with access to focused timetable of extra Mathematics and English tuition / Specialist Mathematics and English Teachers to deliver timetabled booster lessons throughout whole of Y7 on a weekly basis. / Historical pupils who have underperformed at KS2 find themselves in lower sets on entry to secondary school. There basic skill set in English and Mathematics then restricts their ability to engage with the new secondary curriculum.
Having weekly timetabled access to specialist Mathematics and English teachers, through timetabled Booster lessons will enable pupils to quickly close the gap with their peers so they can access the normal curriculum on an even basis. / A use of KS2 data and baseline testing provides teachers with an accurate starting point for each pupil.
Delivery of a planned curriculum with calendared test dates, enables monitoring of individual pupil progress on a regular basis. / Assistant Head / At least half termly when pupil data available from taking progress tests can be measured against baseline scores.
Monitoring of half termly progress data
Annual review
Annual report to governors.