Minutes of meeting of Old Road West Surgery (inc. Mackenzie Way branch surgery) Patient Participation Group held on September9th2014


Jim Hancock (JH) – Chair

Marilyn Berry (MB) – Secretary

Colin Ball (CB)

Chris Ball (CBa)

Horace Sutherland (HS)

Sue Preston (SP)

Janet Murray (JM)

Sarah Hutchinson (SH)

In attendance Karen Hoadley (KH) – Practice Manager

Jack Mossam

Apologies for absence

Judith Hathrill

Gaynor Farran

Len Berry

Julian Ollerhead

Terms of service for officers

MB put forward a suggestion that there should be set lengths for the periods served by officers. There was a good discussion and it was agreed to keep the annual election of officers.

Election of Officers

JH handed the Chair to KH for the election of officers. The following Officers were elected.

Vice Chair – Colin Ball.Nominated by Judith Hathrill, seconded by MB.

Secretary – Marilyn Berry. Nominated by Jim Hancock, seconded by Janet Murray

Chair – Jim Hancock.Nominated by Marilyn Berry, seconded by Janet Murray.

Minutes of previous meeting

There were no amendments.

Matters arising

Membership of PPG – the total number for membership of the PPG was discussed. It was agreed that the total number of active members with voting rights should be a maximum of 12. This equates to 1 PPG member per 1000 patients.

There will be no limit for virtual members i.e. those who receive the minutes but do not regularly attend meetings. Virtual members do not have voting rights.

It was agreed that if the membership of the PPG achieved 12, a waiting list for membership would be held. In the event of a waiting list, PPG members would serve a 4 year term only.

Current membership of the PPG is 9 active members and 3 virtual members. SH was willing to join the group at this meeting bringing the active membership with voting rights to 10.

Work Plan

The flu clinic will be held on October 18th from 8am to midday. Carer’s First have requested to have a stand and this will be situated in the waiting room. KH said no help was required for the clinic but suggested that PPG members could be available to assist in directing patients into the waiting room to see the display.PPG members to contact MB if they are able to help.Action – all PPG members.

KH informed the PPG that there does not have to be an annual survey this year. Instead, GP practices have to use the Friends and Family Test (FFT). This is a feedback tool which offers patients of NHS funded services the opportunity to provide feedback about the care and treatment they received. There is currently some detail lacking, but the FFT scheme must be up and running from December 2014 with results published monthly from January 2015 at the latest. JH said he will bring it up at the next Chairs meeting.

A discussion was held with reference to the PPG arranging information events. Suggested topics were diabetes, back pain, Alzheimer’s and carers. There would need to be a cap on numbers if the event was held in the surgery. KH agreed to talk to the GPs to obtain their approval and support. Action – KH.

Info from the Chair

  1. Dartford Gravesham & Swanley CCG are working with West Kent, Medway and Swale CCGs to provide specialist services. The first will be dermatology, with Medway CCG taking the lead, providing a service at Medway Maritime Hospital. More services of this type will be rolled out over the coming months.
  2. The CCG will be carrying out more online surveys in the future, as part of their ongoing process of CCG awareness. These will be circulated to PPG members, to be completed if relevant to them.
  3. Healthwatch Kent is continuing the project involving Mental Health services. The visits to the In Patient units have been completed.

An area team has been established for the DGS area and things are moving forward in relation to their involvement with the CCG, Darent Valley Hospital and Kent Community Health NHS Trust (Gravesham Community Hospital).

  1. KCC, with Gravesham Council, are looking at the possibility of having a SHEDS project in the Borough. This is open to men over the age of 50 who are resident in the Borough.

News from Practice

Dr Mann joined the Practice on August 27th and is full time.

Dr Giles is retiring on November 13th.

The Practice is advertising for 1 more doctor.

Dr Millar is fully recovered and is now back at work


JH proposed having a Christmas meal for the PPG. It was decided to discuss this at the next meeting.

Date and time of next meeting

The next PPG meetingwill be held on October21st2014 at 7pm at Old Road West surgery.