Name: ______Almost There Archetype Unit Test Honors World Lit- Comp

SECTION I (Writing): (Write in complete sentences, 5 – 7 only; include specific facts from The Epic of Gilgamesh as proof for your reasons) Write the proof (reasons) given in The Epic of Gilgamesh to support the following statement:

The Epic of Gilgamesh is an example of the Hero’s Journey.

SECTION II Multiple Choice/Matching (Reading): Write the best answer for each question on the line in front of the question:

SECTION III (Reading): Clearly complete the following crossword puzzle about The Epic of Gilgamesh:

Name: ______Benchmark Archetype Unit Test Honors World Lit- Comp

SECTION I (Writing): (Write in complete sentences, 5 – 7 only, include specific facts from The Epic of Gilgamesh as proof for your reasons) Write your reasons(all must be from The Epic of Gilgamesh) to support ONE of the following statements: (1) Gilgamesh is an example of a Character Archetype Hero. OR

(2) Enkidu is an example of a Hunting Group of Companions/ Sidekicks Character Archetype.

SECTION II (Reading): Write the best answer for each question on the line in front of the question:

SECTION III (Reading): Clearly complete the following crossword puzzle about The Epic of Gilgamesh:


2. Enkidu initially lived with what?

4. Epic says Gilgamesh was king

of where?

5. Gilgamesh was how many thirds a


6. What is baked each day Gilgamesh


10. goddess of love & patron goddess

of Uruk is ?

11. Mystery plant gives what?

12. How many days Gilgamesh slept

15. Epic written for King of where?

16. God of the underworld

17. When released, what “found

ground” and did not come

back? (Think flood section)

18. Faithful followers

21. Type of contest between Gilgamesh

and Enkidu was what?

23. Name of mountain on which

boat grounded

25. Gilgamesh and Enkidu set off to

destroy who?

27. Confusion of voices or sounds

28. Structural form epic is written

in is ?

(32 words)

Almost there Test – give on Monday, 15th

Section 3: Crossword puzzle on The Epic of Gilgamesh – (different crossword for test)

Students may bring one note care with info

Students who earn 95% will not do the puzzle on the Unit test

Tracey do ATT Judy do Unit test

Section 2: 20 Multiple choice/matching on archetypes, 3 flood stories and 101 Nights piece (different

questions than will be on the test)

Maz do ATT and Unit

Section 1: One short essay:

ATT: The Epic of Gilgamesh is an example of the Hero’s Journey. Support this

statement with specific facts from the text. Write in complete sentences. Answer is

to be specific and exact; maximum sentences allowed are 7. (7?? – 5??)

Unit Test: give on Monday, 22nd

Section 3: Crossword puzzle on The Epic of Gilgamesh – Judy – students may bring note card

Section 2: 20 multiple choice / matching questions on: archetypes, 3 flood stories and 1001 Nights -


Section 1: (students do one of the two choices in the space provided (a box)

Gilgamesh is an example of an Archetype Hero. Support this statement in 5 – 7 sentences

(no more than 7) that provide specific, exact evidence/proof/ facts from the text, The Epic of



Enkidu is an example of a Hunting Group of Companions/Sidekicks Character Archetype.

Support this statement in 5 – 7 sentences (no more than 7) that provide specific, exact

evidence/ proof/ facts from the text, The Epic of Gilgamesh

Everyone have all work typed (with key) for ATT no later than Thursday, 11th – e-mail to each

other/bring copy to collaborative

Everyone have all work typed (with Key) for Unit Test no later than Thursday, 17th – e-mail to each other

/ bring copy to collaborative

Grades on Unit: Essay question - 50 points – Writing grade

Matching/multiple choice/crossword puzzle – 3 pts each – Reading (summative ) grade