

Belfer, L. City of Light (Dial Press, 1999)

(a novel set in Buffalo around 1900 when it was in its former glory, that covers its positioning within North American industrialism as well as politics, local landscape and social detail).

Feinberg, L. Stone Butch Blues (Alyson Press, 1993)

(a novel spanning the life of butch women in Buffalo from the 1950s to the present, interspersed with their lives in working-class institutions of the city).


Buffalo Architectural Guidebook Corporation, Buffalo Architecture: A Guide (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981)
Carpenter, N. Nationality, Color, and Economic Opportunity in the City of Buffalo. Westport, Conn,: Negro Universities Press, 1891, 1970)

City of Buffalo.The Queen City in the 21st Century: The Buffalo Comprehensive Plan. Buffalo N.Y.

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Davis, M., Kennedy, E. (1993) Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold.

(the groundbreaking history of lesbian communities in Buffalo and winner of the 1993 Lambda Literary Award)

Dewar, M., Manning T. J. (eds) The City after Abandonment(University of Pennsylvania, 2012)

Dillaway, D. Power Failure: Politics, Patronage, and the Economic Future of Buffalo, New York (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 2006)

Glasco, L.Ethnicity and Social Structure: Irish, Germans, and Native-Born of Buffalo, New York, 1850 – 1860. New York: Arno Press, 1980.

Goldman, M. City on the Lake. The challenge of change in Buffalo, New York: Buffalo, New York 1900 - present. (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1990)

Goldman, M. High Hopes: The Rise and Decline of Buffalo, New York (Albany: SUNY Press,1983)

Goldman, M. City on the Edge (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 2007)

Klinkenborg, V. The Last Fine Time (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1991)

Le Corbusier Towards a new architecture.Trans. Frederick Etchells. (London: The Architectural Press, 1946)

Obidinski, E. Ethnic to Status Group: A Study of Polish Americans in Buffalo. New York: Arno Press.

Schneeklotch, L. concrete Atlantis: Buffalo’s grain elevators.

Vergara, C. J. The new American ghetto. New Jersy: Rutgers University Press, 1995.


Cope, M., Latcham, F. 2009. Narratives of decline: race, poverty and youth in the context of postindustrial urban angst. The Professional Geographer, 61 (2): 150 – 163.

Housel, J. A., 2009. Geographies of whiteness: the active construction of racialized privilege in Buffalo, New York, Social and Cultural Geography, 10: 131‐151.

Jenkins, W. 2009. In Search of the Lace Curtain: Residential Mobility, Class Transformation, and Everyday Practice among Buffalo’s Irish, 1880_1910 Journal of Urban History 35: 970-997.

Jenkins, W. 2002. In the Shadow of a Grain Elevator: A Portrait of an Irish Neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Eire Ireland 37: 14-37.

Lee, G., Lim, H. 2009. A spatial statistical approach to identifying areas with poor access to grocery foods in the city of Buffalo, New York. Urban Studies, 46 (7): 1299-1315.

Raja, S., Ma, C., & Yadav, P. 2008. Beyond food deserts: Measuring and mapping racial disparities in neighbourhood food environments. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 27 (4): 469-82.

Silverman, R, Yin, L., Patterson, K. 2013. Dawn of the dead city: an exploratory analysis of vacant addresses in Buffalo, NY 2008–2010 Journal of Urban Affairs 35 (2): 131 -152. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9906.2012.00627.x

Trudeau, D. 2006. The persistence of segregation in Buffalo, New York: Comer v. Cisneros and geographies of relocation decisions among low-income black households. Urban Geography 27 (1): 20 – 44.

Yin, Li. 2009. The dynamics of residential segregation in Buffalo: an agent-based simulation. Urban Studies X: 1-22.