RaleighCounty Community Action Association Head Start
School Readiness Action Plan
Domain: Cognitive & General Knowledge
Goal: Children willgain math and science skills that demonstrate a
basic concept of problem solving, investigation, and
Strategies: Staff will plan and create activities that will encourage children
to explore, discover, learn life science, physical science, an earth
Strategies: Provide families with the information and activities to
promote understanding and knowledge of scientific and
mathematical skills.
Strategies: Purchase additional math and science materials for classrooms.
Domain: Physical Development & Health
Goal: Children will increase small muscle control by manipulating
writing tools.
Strategies: Provide a wide variety of materials for children to manipulate and
strengthen fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Include
items in all interest areas that are easy to manipulate by hand and
modify activities and materials to fit developmental levels.
Strategies: Educate the family on self help skills.
Encourage them to allow children time to practice zipping,
buttoning, snapping, tying, and lacing.
Strategies: Encourage families to attend trainings and participate in activities that will increase small muscle development. Inform families of the developmental steps and provide a list of activities to promote fine muscle development.
Domain: Social & Emotional Development
Goal: Children will increase self regulatory skills through positive
redirection, compromise, and negotiation.
Strategies: Staff will get to know each child by interacting with them one-
on-one and developing a warm relationship. Staff will demonstrate respect for children’s ideas and efforts to solve problems. Staff will validate the children’s efforts by acknowledging what they do and how they do it.
Strategies: Offer resource materials and activities to enhance the knowledge of the importance in developing positive relationships.
Strategies: Provide support, trainings, and referrals to families.
Domain: Approaches to Learning
Goal: Children will improve cooperative skills by using acceptable
language and developing meaningful relationships.
Strategies: Staff will purposefully create a classroom community by building
a relationship with each child and helping children build
positive relationships with each other. During the first few days
of school, experiences will be planned that children can engage in
successfully on their own or with classmates.
Strategies: Make available trainings that include acceptable language, developmental milestones and meaningful relationships.
Strategies: Routine monitoring of staff and child interactions to ensure that all
staff model acceptable language and cooperative interactions.
Domain: Language & Literacy
Goal: Children will enhance phonemic awareness by identifying
and discriminating the sounds of language.
Strategies: Staff will promote phonological awareness by modeling
language to children, giving children interesting experiences
to talk about, reinforcing new words and repeating them,
encouraging conversations that go beyond the here and now,
using open-ended questions and prompts to intentionally
teach children to listen to the sounds in their environment.
Strategies: Link families to available resources by conducting parent
trainings, parent meetings and home visits.
Strategies: Establish partnerships with local educational agencies, public
library, and community providers. Which will expand the
resources that broaden the diversity of language development to
Domain: Numbers & Numerical Operations
Goal: Children will develop the conceptual understanding of numbers
and operations, geometry, algebraic reasoning and
Strategies: Staff will design the learning environment for math by
purposely placing math materials in all interest areas. Activities
will include the components of numbers and operations
geometry and spatial sense, measurement, patterns (algebra)
and data analysis.
Strategies: Offer materials and activities for families to conduct in their
home to increase the knowledge of numbers and numerical
Strategies: Purchase additional math materials to place in and around the