Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 1st October 2007 at the Wheatsheaf, Southwell 7.30pm.
Members Present
Liz Andrew Janet Evans Richard Peacock John Cummins
Penny Durance Fiona Haynes Kay Cummins David Moore
Barry Clark Peter Lambarth Mick Turley Ann Turley
Dennis Gleeson Stirl Paling Steven Rice Katy Simpson
Dick Durance Chris Welbourn Jo Craig-Humphries Barbara Barry
George Pass Wayne Wilmot Mark Sutherland Jo Harcombe
Bev Owen Ian Haigh Martin Harrigan Peter Gault
Jaki Lowe Barbara Garrett Helen Jones Kath Wood
Paul Cregg David Hook Angela Edmondson-Jones
Jen Sutton Peter Cowley Ben Parker Paul Cregg
Apologies for absence
J. Stafford, M. Edmondson-Jones, J. Gleeson, B. Parkinson, M. Cockeran, B.Danby, V. Owen, H. Richardson
1. Matters Arising from minutes of last AGM
D. Durance raised the point that a change to the SRC Constitution requires a formal vote with a 2/3 majority. He also suggested that the whole of the constitution should be reviewed, not just the 2 good points raised in 2006. This could be done at a separate meeting but a formal vote would still be required at the AGM in 2008, still needing a 2/3 majority.
He also proposed that a copy of the constitution should be sent out to all members approximately 6 weeks before an AGM to help everyone understand the agreed processes for electing members, proposing changes, etc.
2. Chairman's Report 2007
3. The past year at the club has been challenging in many ways, providing times of real enjoyment, together with some more somber moments. S.R.C. remains a leading club in Nottinghamshire athletic circles, characterized by its friendliness and welcoming spirit, the membership continues to rise and now stands at a record number of 122. Runners come along to the club all seeking different goals from their running, and we hope we have provided, from the three regular weekly sessions, something for all. As is the ‘norm’ in our busy lives, the past year has flown past and you tend to forget how much has happened in such a short space of time, but I will endeavour to recall the past year at the club and bring back a few memories.
External Events
The Notts summer road league races were well supported this year by club members and gave a chance for us all to experience that special feeling of being part of a team. We hosted the first race at Epperstone, and as well as Penny managing to round up nearly 30 marshals to provide a well organized smooth-running event, we were able to field teams in all categories. Our veteran men’s team were rewarded for their efforts during the series with the bronze team medal, an outstanding effort in what is a particularly tough category, usually dominated by clubs of far larger membership than ours.
A special well done to those runners who managed to complete all 5 tough events and to Katy who finished 7th senior lady overall, again in what is an extremely competitive section.
Our numbers did improve in the cross country races throughout the winter, but again members were not so greatly drawn towards the mud and hills of the country, Martin is already on the case for the coming season and I anticipate with his keenness and drive we will see a big improvement in the numbers in the times ahead, a big thanks to Martin and also to Chris Cregg for all the work they put into both the summer and winter events
During the year, members have competed in their favourite events at varying distances all striving to achieve various personal goals, there have been many highlights but a special mention to our London Marathon ladies quintet, who trained diligently throughout the winter to see their visions and aspirations come to fulfilment on the Mall in April, we are all so proud of you, and to all those who also completed a full marathon during the year,still an extremely difficult task, which I found to my peril in Dublin last October. The Robin Hood Half Marathon a couple of weeks ago was completed by 26 runners from the club, again enjoying the hospitality of the main sponsors, Experian; thanks go again to Paul Orton for his energy in arranging this for us. A large group also visited the Lake District in March to complete the Coniston 14, this has now become an annual event in our club diary an provides a very enjoyable weekend.
Internal Events
All our internal events continue to be well supported and give members the opportunity of some friendly competition.
The Grand Prix series still maintains its popularity with over 40 runners in some of the races and this year’s series is proving to be a particularly hard-fought affair with the results in the ladies and mens still very much in the balance. Richard has organized the Grand Prix with all its complicated formulas splendidly for many years and I know he feels the time is perhaps right for the introduction of some new blood into the running of the event, so if anyone would like to take on the role, please have a word with Richard or myself.
One of my favourite events is the river relays in July, this year we had 26 teams competing with runners, ranging from age 8 to 68 and teams made up of complete families; the grit and determination of some of the children was simply amazing. Our cross country at Epperstone in December is perhaps a little more daunting than the river in July, but nevertheless the satisfaction of completing a very tough course makes it well worthwhile and the handicap system gives everyone a chance. Following the demise of the Notfast Challenge this year, we introduced a new event,The Bramley Challenge, a 5 mile inter-club race with Holme Pierrepont Running Club, this was very popular and successful and we look forward to it becoming a regular annual feature of our running calendar.
The new formula and timing of the Thursday training session has been a success with 25 runners there last Thursday and also many thanks to those who have organized fund raising charity events throughout the year, these have been very enjoyable and well attended.
If any of you have any new ideas for events or perhaps have views on improving the existing ones please let yourself be heard at our open discussion at the end of the meeting.
Annual 10k
It is difficult to believe the race is entering its 9th year this year and the money we will have raised for charity will be heading towards £40,000.00, this is a truly magnificent effort, which would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of all our members. The race is firmly established in the running calendar with runners of all standards coming from all over the country to take part and without grass routes events like this the foundations would not be laid for the progression of future talented athletes in this country and neither would a challenge be provided for more modest athletes
This will be my last year as the race director and I look forward to watching eagerly in the future as a new team takes the race forward to a new level, we have so much flair in the club, I am sure the race will continue to prosper and grow in status in the coming years.
Social Scene
As you all know, I feel the social scene of any amateur sports club is a high priority, giving the chance to involve not only the members but their families also This year was very, very special for me, to have nearly 90 members and friends at Roundstone on the west coat of Ireland was something I could only have dreamt about. We had a great time, and on going back, three months later, you all live in the memories of the locals, who have not had such a fun week since. ‘How can trained athletes drink and eat, sing and go to bed so late?’ they were asking. Arrangements for a trip in 2009 are already in place with the plan being to turn the week into a festival of running, drinking and music. Many of the events previously mentioned have concluded with the runners gathering for post-race banter over a sandwich and a pint and we continue to enjoy our traditional Christmas Dinner and presentation evening at Hoveringham, as well as our Boxing Day Run at Bruce's. One thing Kay and myself have derived great pleasure from at the club is the many friendships we have made over the years and I hope both the running and the social scene have also allowed many of you to make similar long lasting friends within the club,I’m sure they have.
Whilst this year has been very enjoyable and rewarding, in many, many respects it has also had times of adversity. It has been an unprecedented year for injuries and illness to club members and I am sure we have all been filled with admiration by the way those affected have coped with their circumstances and we all wish them well – luckier and healthier times ahead, and I am sure they will have all gathered strength from their experiences.
The cancellation of our Charity Ball in June was a particularly upsetting time for us all, but in particular the organizing committee, who had put so much work into the event, both to provide what would have been an amazing evening and to raising lots of money for breast cancer. I would like to thank all of you for your generous position and support following the cancellation, and we can now move on with our heads held high, with all our liabilities paid and, more importantly, all our friendships still intact.
I feel 2008 promises to be an exciting year for athletics in this country with the Beijing Olympics on the horizon and London 2012 getting closer. Southwell Running Club’s own mini Olympics, which we will hold over the same period as the main Olympics will be a bigger and better event this time around giving all members and families a small taste of the Olympic dream in our own back yard.
Without the hard work of the committee members, the club would not be what it is today, they all work feverishly throughout the year to provide the members with a well-run sporting organization and I extend to all of them my warm personal thanks and appreciation. This year we will be losing Julie Gleeson and Dave Moore from the committee, and Penny and Katy will be relinquishing the positions as treasurer and feature writer respectively. Their hard work will be greatly missed and I am sure we all wish them well in their future endeavours. Penny has been in charge of our finances for a period to long to remember and has always applied herself to the job in hand both with enthusiasm and diligence the club has been very fortunate to have had her talents in this role and we thank you enormously Penny.
I would also like to recognize the absolute support that Kay continues to give me, and the particularly hard work she put in during the last year on the charity ball and the Millennium Run.
Finally, it has been an honour and a privilege to have been the chairman for the past 12 months of a club where the members are such a fantastic bunch of people and I applaud you all as my friends, and fervently look forward to an exciting year ahead and having lots more fun times together.
Thank you.
4. Treasurers Report 2007
Penny circulated the accounts to those present. She thanked Brenda Peacock for auditing the accounts again this year. It has been a very busy year for the club financially.
Penny explained the accounts in more detail:
10K Race
SRC account
10K Income - entries ,sponsorship, tombola, refreshments
10K expenditure- Prizes, food for helpers, hiring of clock, hiring of costumes, collation of results, unattached fees to MCAA, £707.96 transferred to SRC (Stakes, tent and signs bought)
All income -sale of tickets
Expenses- Catering-£6000,seats and covers-£650, wine -£1700, Bus-£100, China and tablecloth hire-£150, party bags- £650, marque-£750 and 62 refunds
The race donation to charity has been increased yet again this year to £6000. (£2750 to Downs Syndrome and £2750 to Notts Leukaemia Appeal; £250 to the Southwell Care Project and Sarcoma Assoc.). This is £2000 increase on the previous year.
Southwell Running Club year ending 31 August 2007Income / 10K / Ball / SRC / Overall
Administration / 0.00 / 0.00 / 86.07 / 86.07
Breast Cancer Campaign-Auction / 0.00 / 60.00 / 0.00 / 60.00
Interest / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.47 / 0.47
Kit Income / 0.00 / 0.00 / 314.01 / 314.01
Membership / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1659.00 / 1659.00
Millennium Entries / 7284.50 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 7284.50
Millennium Income / 60.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 60.00
Refreshment Income / 383.81 / 0.00 / 2330.00 / 2713.81
Social Income / 0.00 / 13248.25 / 1157.50 / 14405.75
Sponsorship / 1245.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 1245.00
Tombola / 155.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 155.00
Xmas Dinner / 0.00 / 0.00 / 72.00 / 72.00
TOTAL / 9128.31 / 13308.25 / 5619.05 / 28055.61
Administration / 0.00 / 0.00 / 498.09 / 498.09
Kit Expenses / 0.00 / 0.00 / 583.69 / 583.69
Membership Fees / 0.00 / 0.00 / 58.00 / 58.00
Millennium Expenses / 9128.31 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 9128.31
Prizes / 0.00 / 0.00 / 79.83 / 79.83
Refreshments / 0.00 / 0.00 / 3279.25 / 3279.25
Social Expenses / 0.00 / 13109.20 / 1592.83 / 14702.03
Tickets 20th Anniversary / 0.00 / 0.00 / -20.00 / -20.00
TOTAL / 9128.31 / 13109.20 / 6071.69 / 28309.20
OVERALL TOTAL / 0.00 / 199.05 / -452.64 / -253.59
Income to 20 August 2007 / 28055.61
Expenditure to 20 August 2007 / 28309.20
Net Incoming Resources / -253.59
Funds bfwd from 06/07 / 829.18
Funds cfwd to 07/08 / 575.59
Represented by:
Bank account as at 20 August 2007 / 1514.47
Uncleared items / -939.90
Petty Cash / 1.02
I have examined the accounts of Southwell Running Club as set out in the Quicken
Register for the year ending 20 August 2007. Everything was found to be in order.
Brenda Peacock 22 October 2007
5. Election of Officers