Baltic Wharf

Consultation Steering Group - 1st meeting 20th October 2011

Present:Jeff Bishop BDOR

Chris Harris KEVIC

Alan Gorman SHDC

Laura Keely Baltic Wharf Co-Housing Group

Steve Mittler TQ9 Partnership/Baltic Wharf

Louis Victory Totnes Travel Forum/Totnes Civic Society

Tony Whitty Totnes Town Council

In attendance:Claire CrawleyStartpoint

Apologies:Susan HannisTransiton Town, HBEF

Ed Vidler Development Trust

Other:Ian Blackwell Dangerous Dads

1Baltic Wharf Update

Steve Mittler (SM) reported that the process of appointing a development partner had taken longer than expected for a variety of reasons but they were now very close to making an appointment. There was a strong shortlist who had agreed to meet TQ9’s objectives of having a high quality bespoke design, high standards of sustainability, follow the community consultation designed by the community and ensure TQ9 remained closely involved in the planning process.There would be an exclusivity agreement for 4-6 months followed by a contract only when the plans had been approved following consultation.

2Consultation Process

Jeff Bishop (JB) reiterated the consultation process designed at the Planning the Process Community Workshop (attached). It was agreed another public event was needed before final plans were submitted.Alan Gorman pointed out the importance of using media other than internet.

3Steering Group Remit and Roles

JB outlined the role of the Steering Group for discussion (attached) which was agreed. Louis Victory (LV) asked if the Steering Group could discuss the planning issues as other planning fora were doing in Totnes but it was agreed that the place for this was the extensive programme of other events as previously agreed.

It was agreed that the Steering Group members would also act as “Community Champions” to listen to any concerns held by anyone. This would be promoted in a way to be agreed with members.

It was also agreed that Steering Group members could have substitutes at the meetings if necessary, development partner and design team reps would also be invited and that Steering Group members would attend workshops, drop-in events etc.

4Key Stakeholder List

The key stakeholder list produced at the previous workshop was reviewed and developed. Contact details would be added and the list re-circulated.

5First Events

JB outlined the structure of the workshop and drop in events. The importance of the event design being interesting and engaging was emphasised.

Claire Crawley advised that the main methods of communication were the newspapers (Totnes Times and Totnes Today) as well as the daily WMN and weekly Herald Express. Others included Twitter with a Totnes page, KEVIC site and Totnes People. TTT had a large network along with Totnes Information Centre. Tony Whitty also suggested the Totnes Directory as it went to all local homes.

SM offered the facility to broadcast the workshop on live online tv and this could be interactive with people who couldn’t access the meeting emailing or phoning in with their views. This was agreed and participants would be made aware of this before the event.

Outreaching to younger other hard to reach groups was considered and ideas included:

  • design workshops for younger people eg open spaces, play areas
  • KEVIC group could record planning/consultation processes visually and in other ways.
  • Doctors surgeries and play groups

TW agreed to report to Town Council and a press release would be drafted to report on the consultation process, community champion role and reassure people how they could get involved in various ways.

6The following dates were provisionally agreed:

Workshop 6.30 – 9.30pm Thursday 26th January

Suggested venues included Civic Hall, KEVIC and Pavilions

Drop In – Friday 17th and Saturday 18th February

Civic Hall

Steering Group – 2pm 29th February Baltic Wharf