Scale of Residential Charges for Department Managed Disability Accommodation Services

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Scale of Residential Charges
Department Managed Disability Accommodation Services

Effective Date: 1 December 2016 (replacing the scale dated 1 June 2016)

Description / Monthly Charge /
Rent-only residential charge with shared housekeeping
·  Applies to residents who live in a group home with a rent-only fee structure. Residents contribute to shared housekeeping expenses as stated in their financial plan.
·  This fee is based on a rent component only. / 21 years of age or over / $259.06
Under 21 / $183.26
Board and lodging - Residents who move in to a group home after 1 April 2014
·  Applies to all residents who move in to a group home with a board and lodging fee structure after 1 April 2014.
·  This board and lodging fee is based on a rent and services component listed over the page. / 21 years of age or over / $1,498.24
Under 21 / $1,131.17
Board and lodging - Residents paying a St Nicholas/Plenty Residential Services board and lodging fee
·  Applies to residents who moved in to Plenty Residential Services or an ex-St Nicholas fee prior to 1 April 2014.
·  This board and lodging fee is based on a rent component and services component listed over the page. / 21 years of age or over / $1,152.65
Board and lodging - individually calculated fee
·  Applies to residents who lived in a disability accommodation service prior to 1 April 2014 and who transitioned to a board and lodging fee on that date.
·  This board and lodging fee is based on a rent and services component listed over the page.
·  The fee has been individually calculated and is stated in the resident’s financial plan. / Individual fee as advised in writing
Board and lodging - Residential Institutions
·  Applies to residents of the Colanda Centre, Sandhurst Centre and the Long Term Rehabilitation Program.
·  This board and lodging fee is based on a rent and services component listed below. / 21 years of age or over / $1,152.65
Respite Services* / Daily Rate
·  Applies to short-term accommodation in a department-managed respite facility
·  The charge covers all on-site accommodation and meals. The charge excludes other externally provided activity costs.
*Note: These rates do not apply to NDIS participants, as they are not charged a fee for this service. / 21 years of age or over / $23.70
16 to 20 years of age / $15.85
15 years of age or under / $9.85

Board and lodging fee – rent and service components

The following items are included in the board and lodging fee:

·  Rent

·  Utilities (including gas water and electricity)

·  Communications including telephone

·  Bedding and Linen

·  Food

·  General household consumable supplies

·  Communal furnishings and whitegoods

·  Household equipment and utensils

·  Maintenance, repair and/or replacement of the items listed above following wear and tear or accidental breakage

Residents of residential institutions and residents, who moved to Plenty Residential Services or paid an ex-St Nicholas fee prior to 1 April 2014, will also receive:

·  Basic furniture and replacement when required

·  Laundry services

·  First aid & medical supplies:

–  Prescription drugs

–  Incontinence aids

–  Sunscreen

–  Food supplements

·  Support services to the extent provided by the facility, that is:

–  Physiotherapy

–  Occupational therapy

–  Education and recreational services

–  Transport

Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, September 2016
Available at

Scale of Residential Charges for Department Managed Disability Accommodation Services

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