The National Senior Beta Club – West Jessamine High School

Information Sheet and Applications for Prospective Members

What is the BETA CLUB?

The National Senior Beta Club is an honor organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievements, promotes strong moral character and social responsibility, encourages service to others, fosters leadership skills, and provides setting for you to develop strong interpersonal skills.

Who qualifies for memberships in the WJHS BETA CLUB?

Second semester Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior students with a grade point average of 3.2, who also exemplify strong character, and have maintained role model behavior throughout the last school year are eligible to apply for membership.

What are the requirements of membership?

Each member must attend regular club meetings (held at 3:45 in room 104, generally on the first Thursday of each month), and participate in service projects to earn Beta Points for each nine weeks.

What are the dues for members?

There is a one-time fee of $20 collected prior to induction. This includes a national induction fee and local dues. You may also wish to explore the National Beta Club website at to learn more about the benefits that are included in the induction fee.

How do I apply for membership?

If you know that you have a 3.2 average and would like to join, please complete the attached application form and ask one of your teachers to complete the attached recommendation form.

Applications must be given directly to Mrs. Williams by September 2nd.

How will I know I have been accepted into the Beta Club?

You will receive an invitation to our induction meeting.

Student Applicant: Place your name and the teacher’s name on the recommendation form.

Teacher Recommendation for Student Applying to the WJHS Beta Club

Student: ______

Name of Recommending Teacher: ______

Please rate the following categories with a “1” = very low, “3” = average, and “5” = commendable.

Category Rating

Moral Integrity (Has no record of cheating or intentional dishonesty) _____

Service Orientation (Willing to help others in our school community.) _____

Industrious Attitude (Willing to go the extra mile) _____

Leadership Potential (Is a role model to peers and upholds school ideals.) _____

Additional Comments:

Teacher Signature: ______

Place this recommendation form in Janet O’Connell’s mailbox no later that 8:30 AM, Friday, April 18.

Do NOT return this form to the student/applicant.

Beta Club Student Application Form – West Jessamine High School

Directions: Complete all sections – please print legibly. As soon as possible, write your name and recommending teacher name on the next page and give the recommendation form to your teacher. Give your teacher plenty of time to complete the form before the 8:30 AM, September 2nd, deadline! Please note that your completion of this form does NOT guarantee an invitation to membership. A grade point average of at least 3.2 combined with a strong faculty recommendation, are the most important criteria for membership.

Section 1 – Administrative Information

Applicant’s Name: Home Phone:

Cell Phone:


Email Address:

Parent Names:

Name of Recommending Teacher:

Graduation Year:

Section 2 – Activities and Awards

We recognize that your list may be short at this time point in your life; however, it is important for you to begin thinking about the important of participating in activities that will demonstrate to others that you have potential for success. These activities should demonstrate strong moral character and scholarship, along with a service orientation m and leadership potential.

School Activities and Awards: List all school activities in which you have participated during elementary, middle and high schools. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and list major accomplishments. List any school awards that you have received.

Community Activities and Awards: List other activities (not listed above) in which you have participated. For example: church groups, community athletic teams, non-school clubs such as Boy or gird Scouts, other community organizations, etc., and list major accomplishments/awards in each.

I have read and understood the qualifications and goals of the Beta Club and wish to accept the invitation to join.

Student Signature: ______

I have read and understood the qualifications and goals of the Beta Club and will support my child in this endeavor.

Parent Signature: ______