Cameron Hudson


February 16, 2009

Chapters 3-4:

1. Describe Jonathan Harker’s thoughts after he discovers the Count laying the table in the dining room.

Jonathan Harker thought that there must not be anyone else in the house because if there were servants, they would surely do something as simple as laying the table. This revelation led him to realize that the Count also drove the carriage and had the power to silence wolves. What else was this man, or whatever he was, capable of? (page 38)

2. Count Dracula claims to be the ancestor of what famous warrior?

Dracula claims to be the ancestor of Attila the Hun. (page 39)

3. What does the Count warn Jonathan not to do when he is alone at night?

The Count warns Jonathan not to fall asleep in any part of the castle except the chambers set aside for him. He said that bad things will happen to those who sleep unwisely. (page 45)

4. Describe the way Jonathan Harker sees the Count leave the Castle.

Jonathan sees the Count leave the castle by climbing out his window and down the wall of the castle diagonally at a considerable speed, rather like a lizard. (page 47)

5. Jonathan Harker falls asleep in the parlor. What does he see upon waking?

When Jonathan falls asleep, he awakes to three women, two that rather resemble the Count, and one with fair hair and very blue eyes. They all had large lips and sharp, extremely white teeth. (page 51)

6. Describe the Count’s reaction to finding the women with Jonathan Harker.

The Count was simply infuriated to find the women near Jonathan Harker. He ripped one away from Jonathan and made the others leave him alone. (page 53)

7. What does Jonathan Harker believe he hears coming from the bag the Count had thrown to the floor?

Mr. Harder thinks he hears a gasp and a low wail, which sounded very much like a half-smothered child, from inside the mysterious bag. (Page 54)

8. What happens to the women and the bag?

The women and the bag just seem to fade into the rays of moonlight, and go out through the window. (page 54)

9. The Count instructs Jonathan to write three letters home. What is the content of these letters?

The first letter was to say that Jonathan’s work was nearly done and he would be leaving the castle in a few days. The second was to say that he would leave the following morning, and the third would say that he had arrived in Bistritz. They were to be dated June 12, June 19, and June 29. (page 56)

10. Jonathan attempts to send letters home without the Count reading them. What happens to the letters?

The Szgany gave the letters Jonathan attempted to send to Mina and Mr. Hawkins to Count Dracula. He reads them and confronts Jonathan about them. (page 58)

11. What does Jonathan discover upon waking on 31 May?

Jonathan discovers that all his paper, notes, and anything that might be useful to him outside the castle walls has disappeared. He was also missing his coat, overcoat, and rug from his wardrobe. (page 59)

12. What do the Slovaks deliver to the castle?

The Slovaks delivered a number of large, square boxes to the castle. They were apparently empty. (page 60)

13. When Count Dracula leaves the castle on 24 June, what does Jonathan Harker notice?

Jonathans notices that Dracula is wearing his own clothes as he climbs out his window and down the wall. (page 60)

14. Jonathan goes to the window when he hears the agonizing cry of a woman. What does she yell upon seeing Jonathan’s face in the window?

The woman yells “Monster, give me my child.” (page 62)

15. What happens to the woman as she continues to bang on the door of the Count’s castle?

Dracula orders the wolves to eat the women as she bangs on the door and begs for her child back. (page 63)

16. Jonathan decides to climb the wall of the castle into the Count’s room. Describe what Jonathan Harker discovers in the Count’s room.

Mr. Harker discovers an empty room, except for the usual dust covered furniture and a considerable pile of various national gold, ornaments, and jewelry after scaling the castle wall and entering through the window. He also finds a heavy door which guards stone steps and the entrance to an old chapel. There, in one of fifty boxes filled with earth, lies the Count. (pages 63-65)

17. Jonathan tells the Count that he wants to leave the night of 29 June, but he suddenly changes his mind. Why?

Mr. Harker changes his mind because wolves are waiting to devour him if he walks out the door of the castle. (page 69)

18. What does Jonathan Harker find when he goes back to the Count’s room to look for a key to the door?

Jonathan Harker finds the Count as before, but the Count seems much younger and has blood dripping down his mouth. His whole body seems to be swollen with the great amount of blood he must have sucked from some very unfortunate person. (page 70)