Stage 3, Term 3

Human Society & Its Environment

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation


Unit Outcomes / HSIE Outcomes
CCS3.1 Explains the significance of particular people, groups, places, actions and events in the past in developing Australian identities and heritage.
CCS3.2 Explains the development of the principles of Australian democracy.

The Information Process

The Information Process will help you organise and reflect on the compulsory and choice tasks you will be working on this term.

There are five steps in the Information Process.

What is the topic?
What are you going to research?
What is the task asking me to do? /
Where can you find the information?
There are many different sources of information to choose from. /
What is the information that I need?
What are the key words for this idea?
How can I put this idea into my own words?
Select the important ideas from the sources you are using. /
What is the best way to use my time?
How will I organise the information I have found?
Have I recorded on my log sheet? /
How will my research be presented?
What is the best way to present my work to a group of people or individuals?
What are the products I will be presenting?
Presentation is a very important part of the information process. This shows what you have learnt through your research. /

DEFINING: What is the topic we are learning about?

In HSIE this term, I will be learning about -______



Over the next six weeks you need to complete COMPULSORY tasks and CHOICE tasks.

COMPULSORY TASKS: These tasks are ones set by the teacher. These MUST be completed. These tasks will help you get a basic knowledge of the topic.

CHOICE TASKS: These tasks are designed by you. To design these tasks you will use a “WHEEL” that will help you come up with different ideas.


At the beginning of each research session you will need to define what you will be working on. This will help you with staying on track. This log will be signed by your teacher.




Tick the boxes below when you have completed this task.

Date & Tick
when you
have finished
Design a title page showing the topic you are researching.
Write an introduction to the topic(three to four paragraphs)
·  What are you learning about in this topic? (Definition of topic, general facts, issues related to the topic)
·  Why do you think it is an important topic to learn about?
·  Include interesting quotes from books or the Internet.
Due by end of Week 6 / TASK 3: INFORMATION TABLES
Fill in ALL the information tables relating to ‘THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation’.
(See contract booklet)
TASK 4: Exposition – Note: This task is a compulsory task but due to the need to present a choice task for History Week (Wk 7), this can be completed after Week 7.
Compile a glossary of terms related to the topic you are researching.
Write a CONCLUSION to the topic. (three or four paragraphs)
Put this after all your completed tasks.
What new things did you learn?
Has this topic changed the way you think about the Gold Rush and democracy? How?
Was it an interesting topic to learn about? Why?
CHOICE TASKS and PRESENTATION DAY: Minister’s History Week Schools Award
This term, your choice tasks and presentation will be entered in a History Council competition. The winner of this competition wins one thousand dollars for the school.
Presentation Day will be on Friday of Week 7 (11th September, 2009).
Your presentations will be photographed and filmed.
You may dress up as a person from the past on the day.
A PowerPoint will be put together showing your understanding of Australian history and the importance of celebrating our past through our unit: ‘THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation’.


The CHOICE tasks: These might include products such as

Powerpoint, posters, 3D models, find-a-words etc.


THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

What effect did the discovery of gold have on Australia?
To answer this question you will need to research:
What is a Gold Rush / Gold Fever?
Suggested reading: ‘Gold Anthology’ p.8 & Skwirk / Use the map below to show (using blue) where gold was discovered in Australia. Label each location and the date it was discovered.

What were Aboriginal attitudes towards gold BEFORE the Gold Fever?
Suggested reading: ‘Anthology’ p5
How and why did Australia’s population change during the gold rushes?
Suggested reading: ‘Anthology’ p9 / What were the effects of population movement on cities and boom towns?
(Suggested reading: ‘Gold and Ghost Towns’, Anthology p.39)
What happened to some of these towns once the gold rush was over?
How are these towns seen today?
·  Show the location of some of these towns in RED on the map of Australia.

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

What effect did the discovery of gold have on Australia?
To answer this question you will need to research:
Significant People and the Gold Rush
Suggested Reading: Skwirk
Select ONE of the people listed below:
- Peter Hargraves
- James McBrien (O’Brien)
- Caroline Chisholm
Research the following:
-  Where and when was this person born?
-  Some background information on this person.
-  How was this person involved in the gold rushes?
-  Why is this person significant (important)?
Life on the gold fields
Select TWO of the following aspects to research about life on the gold fields.
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Work conditions
- Food
- Medicine
- Women
Write information and draw diagrams about these topics.
Suggested Readings: Posters, Skwirk, letters written by people, articles, poems about life on the goldfields.

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

What effect did the discovery of gold have on Australia?
What were the positive and negative effects of the Gold on Indigenous Australians?
Suggested Reading: Anthology pp. 30-32, Skwirk.
Read ‘Anthology’ pp.32-37 and examine the painting ‘Might versus Right’.
Describe what life might have been like on the gold fields for a Chinese digger.

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

Were the events of the Eureka Rebellion the birth of democracy in Australia?
Locate Ballarat (use green) on the map of Australia in table one.
Why was Ballarat an important Australian town?
Draw a timeline of the significant events that led to the Eureka Stockade and following the Eureka Stockade on an A4 page.
Suggested Reading: ‘Eureka Rebellion’, Skwirk.
□  What was a gold licence and why was it needed?
□  What was on the licence?
□  Why did the government introduce licence fees for gold mining? Make a list of reasons.
□  Why did miners hate the licence? Make a list of reasons.
□  What could happen to a miner if he did not have a gold licence?

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

Were the events of the Eureka Rebellion the birth of democracy in Australia?
Significant People and the Eureka Stockade
Select ONE of the people listed below:
- Peter Lalor
- Father Patrick Smythe
- Commissioner Robert Rede
- Anastasia Hayes
Research the following:
-  Where and when was this person born?
-  What were the symbols of the Eureka Rebellion?
-  Some background information on this person.
-  How was this person involved in the Eureka Stockade?
-  Why is this person significant (important)?

THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation

Were the events of the Eureka Rebellion the birth of democracy in Australia?
What is a ‘democracy’? / How did the events of the Eureka Rebellion influence democracy in Australia?


Create a display showing information about ‘THE GOLD RUSH: An Event that Changed Our Nation’. You will be presenting this display to students, teachers and parents in Week 7.


This is where you design your own activities using the ‘Choice Wheel’

In your display you can include things like:

3D models, science experiments, find-a-words, poems, posters, your folder, Powerpoint presentations, etc…

Bloom’s Wheel

Use this Bloom’s Wheel to create ‘Choice Tasks’ for this unit of work. Be Creative.