Missions in Christian Education5/15/2002

Introduction – Discussion

The Problem

How can I communicate the Gospel in context to persons of a different worldview and educational level from my own?

The Challenge

Start a church planting movement among the people group God has placed upon your heart.

What are the characteristics of a church planting movement?

Prayer (At 1:14;2:42;3:23-31;6:6-7;10:1-48;12:5;13:3;14:23;16:11-15,24-34;20:36;21:5)

Abundant sowing of the Gospel (2 Cor 9:6)

Intentional Church Planting (At 2:42-47; 13-20)

Local Leadership (At 14:21-23; 20:17; Tit 1:5)

Lay Leadership (Rom 1:3-16; I Cor 16:15-18); Col 4:15; II Tim 4:19-21; Tit 3:12-13)

Cell/House Churches (At 2:42-49; 5:42; 8:3; 10:24-27)

Churches planting churches (1 Thess 1:6-8)

Scriptural Authority (At 2:14-47;4:23-25;7:1-53;8:26-35)

Rapid Reproduction (At 2:41-47; 4:4; 8:4; 13:49)

Perceived Crisis or vacuum of leadership or spirituality

Worship is typically in the heart language (At 2:1-13)

There is a price to pay in society to become a Christian (At 7:12-15; 8:1-4)

On the job training for Church Leadership (At 16:4; 18:11; 19:10)

Bivocational Pastors (At 18:13)

Divine Signs and wonders (At 2:43; 5:12; 19:11-12)

Leadership from the common (rather than the exceptional) profile of the people (At 6:1-7; Rom 16:3-15)

There are a relatively small number of “outside” missionaries in relation to local workers (At 13-20)

Missionaries suffered (At 5:17-41; 7:12-15; 12:1-9; 16:16-24; II Cor II:23-28)

The 222 Principle (II Tim 2:2)

(Taken from Rapid Advance of South Asia by R. Bruce Carlton)

What will hinder a church planting movement?

Extra-biblical definitions of and requirements for being a church

When becoming a Christian results in the loss of a valued cultural identity

Overcoming pre-existing patterns of Christianity

Efforts to contain a CPM within a single denomination

Planting churches that cannot be indigenously reproduced

Money leading to subsidies that create dependency

Extra-biblical leadership requirements

(Taken from Rapid Advance of South Asia by R. Bruce Carlton)

What is a missionary?

Your job is not to pastor churches. Your job is to train those who can plant and pastor churches that will in turn train and equip other church planters and pastors!

Biblical Basis of Missions (Ex. 19:6; Mt 28:18-20; Luke 19:10; At 1:8)

Role of the Holy Spirit

Biblical Strategies for Missions (2Tm 2:2; Luke 10:1-11; At 2:37-47; Missionary Journeys in Acts)

Research and Planning


You must know your people in order to reach them

Language/Cultural acquisition


Identify the bridges, barriers, and gatekeepers

People Profiles


Brainstorming/100 Ministry Options

Master Planning

Vision Statement

End vision Statement

The Pillars of the Master Plan

Prayer, Advocacy, Networking, and Mobilization



Men and Women of Peace (Biblical Basis: Luke 10:1-11)

Leadership Training

Identifying key leaders

Train them

Mentor them

Set them free

Encourage them

Church Planting

Remember -- You do not have to do it all!

Methods Used

Paint Talks, Street Evangelism

Mass Evangelism

Personal Evangelism

Adapting strategies and understanding theology important to reach the sub segment (ex. Sunnite vs. Shiite, Druze, Maronite, and Orthodox)

Follow up

Use of education as an evangelistic tool

Language classes

Arts and crafts

Learning a trade

Music classes

Sign language



Health or other social assistance and education

Chronological Storying

Specialized Bible Studies



Rapid Discipleship/ Multiplication

Charles Brock (Good News for You and What’s Next?)

Pioneer Evangelism -- Wade and Barbara Akins

Cell Church Methodology


G-12 (Watch out with this one)

Purpose Driven Church Methodology

Adapting Material for your people

Reproducible Methods are a Key

Discipleship by accountability

Locations Used

Formal Church Location

Home or Apartment Dwelling

Neutral location (shop, gym, or other place)

Problems Encountered

Cells or churches that do not multiply

Discipleship and Education of Children

Immature Believers and Diverging Doctrines

CPM Team Composition

Working in Teams

Multicultural and interdenominational teams

Setting limits and establishing relationships

Security issues

Strategy Coordinator

Task Force Coordinator

Intercessory Prayer Coordinator

Promotion and Mobilization Coordinator

Training Coordinator

Church Planting Coordinator

Church Planters and Missionaries

Leadership Cells

Logistics Coordinator

Financial Coordinator

The Life of a Missionary

Getting started – language and cultural acquisition

Getting settled – houses, visas, transportation, schooling

Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and resting