Minutes of a Meeting of Buckingham Park Parish Council held at 8pm on3rd November, 2015

at the Buckingham Park Community Centre

Present: Cllrs Christensen (Chairman), Looker, Jones, Agoro, Brett, Berry

K Gray (Clerk to the Council), J Turner (Finance Officer) S Webb (Maintenance Officer)

2 ResidentsCllr Mrs N Glover (BCC)

  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk

RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllr Poth (illness) and

Cllr Whitlock (Work Commitment).

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive and agree any Dispensations

  • None declared
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6/10/15

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 6/10/15 as a true record.

  1. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report/update from the Clerk on matters not on the agenda

Nothing to report and no questions from councillors.

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reportsfrom councillors.


  1. Questions from the Public & Reports. To receive any reports from Parish, County and District Councillors.

Security Camera – Main Park

The council received a presentation by Jason Clifford on the suitability of a security camera

system proposed by the company “Caught on Camera”. The presentation covered all the

details/facts/ability of the proposed system and Jason answered various questions from the


The chairman thanked him for attending and the council would be in contact with Jason once a further discussion takes place with AVDC and Taylor Wimpey for the proposed system to be installed in the main park.

Cllr Mrs Netta Glover offered the Parish Council £500 towards the cost of the system from her County Councillor Community Fund allocated to each County Councillor to give to local community initiatives.

  • Cllr Mrs Netta Glover (BCC)

Winter Driving Workshops:
Wednesday 2nd December 2015 at STS Tyre Pros, Park Street, Aylesbury HP20 1DX
Events start at 6.30 – 8.00 pm.
Buckinghamshire is a county prone to experiencing micro climates, which means an unexpected variation from the surrounding conditions and these can be encountered more frequently during the winter. For example meeting icy conditions where tree coverage has not allowed the sun to melt the ground or pockets of mist and fog near water. Through a presentation and practical car safety demonstration, motorists will be able to gain knowledge to help prepare for driving in winter conditions and reduce the possibility of them being involved in a collision. The workshops are free to attend as the costs are being met by the host garages.
Free Adult Learning classes offered in promotion People interested in adult learning courses have the chance to try a class for free in a special promotion this month. ​For one week only, from 23 – 27 November, you can enjoy a wide range of courses on offer from Buckinghamshire Adult Learning. Subjects include languages, fitness, health, leisure, art and craft. ​It is recognised that some people are unwilling to make a commitment before knowing more about what it is they are signing up to, so this is an opportunity to test a free sample lesson.The courses running in the promotion are available on Enrol by phoning 01296 383582.
Family Information Service: Do you know where to go for information, advice and medical treatment? • Need help with finding your local GP surgery or dentist? • Worried about alcohol, drugs and smoking? • Want to eat a cookie without feeling guilty? We’re here to help! To find out more about the support available visit Or contact the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service on 0845 688 4944
Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan: a Public Exhibition on the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation will be held in Aylesbury on Tuesday 10 November in Friars Square Shopping Centre, 11am – 8pm. AVDC officers will be present to explain the issues and options and answer questions.
Aylesbury Town Centre: Construction works to the Old County Office building continue apace. Demolition has been completed and the contractor, has begun the construction phase of the car park which is due to be completed in time for the Christmas shopping period providing an extra 100 spaces close to the centre of the town’s retail and leisure area.During January & February 2016 finishing touches to the public realm area will be underway – lighting up the wall and planting of trees at the top. The listed wall will also get a facelift and a refurbishment to preserve this old feature.
Hale Leys shopping centre footfall Despite the increase in parking charges the latest figures show that the centre has reported a 5.9% increase on the same time last year against a national benchmark has seen a decrease of 0.1% in town centres so we have definitely bucked the trend!
AVDC Website: the website has been shortlisted for the User Experience UK Awards because of its engagement with the public, service to the public and value. In the month following its launch there was a 33% decrease in telephone calls to the Recycling and Waste team with the website now providing an easy alternative for finding information. There has also been a 5% rise in new users. The idea was to make it as easy as possible for residents and businesses to find information, apply or pay for services and report issues. The winner will be announced on Thursday November 12th.
AVDC Council Meetings: Since 10 September 2014 council meetings have been broadcast live as webcasts available through the AVDC website. The footage taken from these council meetings is then uploaded onto our website where it can be viewed any time. Webcasting is a great way to get Aylesbury Vale residents of all demographics more involved with the council’s decision making process, as the broadcasts can be viewed from the comfort of home.
Select Committees/Scrutiny Is there a burning issue in Bucks that you would like scrutinised and discussed by a special independent County Council committee? If so, contact the Council and ask for it to be investigated by one of its four scrutiny committees next year. Scrutiny committees can look at any general issues of concern that affect Bucks residents. They meet regularly in public to hold decision-makers to account and residents can watch meetings on the internet.We are very keen to hear from residents about what they think needs to be looked to help us focus on the right issues. All suggestions made by the deadline of November 6from residents will be considered at the next meeting. The role of scrutiny is to look at the big policy issues facing the County so we do not deal with complaints or individual cases – instead, we focus on reviewing policies and big issues that impact on the whole of Buckinghamshire.” Suggestions received after November 6th will be taken up early next year. The four committees are “The Children’s Social Care & Learning committee;” “Transport, Environment and Communities”; “Finance, Performance & Resources” and “Health & Adult Social Care”. Anyone wishing to suggest a topic for scrutiny should go to
Fly Tipping: It was great to see Bucks CC make national ITV news highlighting its excellent work in tackling fly-tipping. The press release regarding the 500th prosecution prompted ITV to run a national story about fly-tipping with a feature about what Buckinghamshire is doing. So despite a national rise in fly-tipping we have seen levels of fly-tipping reduce by 50% in Buckinghamshire since the campaign was launched in 2003 saving over £3m in collection and disposal costs during that period. Credit and thanks to the enforcement team for their ongoing excellent work. Hopefully the publicity will act as a further deterrent.
Young job seekers advised to try apprenticeships: Young people in search of a job are being advised by Buckinghamshire Adult Learning to try an apprenticeship. People looking for a first job in the industry of their choice find it difficult to break in. Bucks County Council is hoping that young people don’t overlook the apprenticeship route.For a list of vacancies in a range of different sectors, visit
Fire Authority: a reminder of the value of having a smoke alarm fitted. A smoke alarm recently prevented a potentially serious fire from breaking out in an unoccupied house. A quick thinking neighbour rang 999 when he heard the alarm which had been activated by a candle left burning unattended. They removed the dog and the parrot from the house – think of what would have happened without the smoke alarm!
Bucks Town and Parish Councils Conference – November 25th – A reminder to put this in your diaries.
  • Cllr A Looker reported that she will be attending the Aylesbury Town Council Remembrance Sunday Service, representing Buckingham Park Parish Council. She also asked for newsletter articles.
  • Cllr A Christensen reported on fly tipping in the parish and that the people responsible had been caught and prosecuted. Some street lighting issues reported have been dealt with by Peter Beattie of Taylor Wimpey. Whilst there are still matters to be resolved both by Taylor Wimpey and AVDC, the parish council continues to raise the concerns and continues to push for early adoption for the estate roads, parks and other matters. It is frustrating for all concerned but AVDC have the total control over adoption matters.
RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders
6.Main Park Security Camera System
Council to receive a presentation from “Caught on Camera” – company proposed to install security system for the community centre and main play park.
Council to consider the quote for the security camera system to cover the main park as well as upgrade to the current BPCC system to be able to handle the extra security cameras.
RESOLVED: That the security camera system proposed for the Community Centre upgrade be purchased, and installed, from Caught on Camera at the agreed quote.
RESOLVED: That the security system for the main park be purchased, and installed, by Caught on Camera at the agreed quote, once a formal decision/permission has been given by Taylor Wimpey and AVDC with regard to future adoption and transfer by AVDC to the Parish Council.
RESOLVED: That Jason Clifford provide a further quote for annual maintenance contract.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk and Cllr Christensen process this matter with AVDC on behalf of the Parish Council.
RESOLVED:That the council accept a gift of £500 from County Cllr Netta Glover towards the cost of the security camera system.
  1. Grant Request
General grant request letter from Aylesbury Vale Dial-a-Ride.
Does the parish council wish to give a financial contribution to this organisation?
RESOLVED: No grant to be made.
  1. Developer Updates
To receive any updates from the Developers regarding adoption or maintenance
RESOLVED: Discussion continues with Taylor Wimpey, Bucks County Council and AVDC on the adoption of the main play park, MUGA, roads and lighting as well as other matters relating to the parish. RoSPA checks are to take place before the main park is operational, electricity for lighting in the park is about to be installed, meetings have been arranged with AVDC officers to discuss adoption and main park works. Post box is to be installed soon as agreed with the Post Office. There is regular contact between the parish council and the above stakeholders on all matters relating to the estate. It is noted that the parish council is concerned at the length of time some matters are dealt with. The parish council continue to manage the areas they are responsible for as well as some other areas which are the responsibility of Taylor Wimpey until adoption takes place.
  1. Clean for the Queen
Does the parish council wish to arrange a “Clean for the Queen” event?
In the run up to The Queen's 90th birthday on 21 April 2016, the main organisers aim to inspire a million people to take action and enjoy a few hours together litter-picking to make the places where we live more beautiful. There will be ‘Clean for The Queen’ litter blitzes throughout the UK in January, February and March, and the most monumental of all litter.
Clear-ups from Friday 4 to Sunday 6 March 2016. Contact: or
RESOLVED: Cllr Lucy Jones is to discuss with other councillors and community members and bring a proposal to council on how we can take part in this event. To liaise with the Clerk for a future agenda item.
  1. Finances and Orders for Payment
To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders for payment:
No payments presented.
RESOLVED: To receive and agree the Councils Financial statements, income / expenditure report presented by the Clerk and Finance Officer.
  1. Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan: Issues & Options Consultation
To note the consultation letter and consider and agree any comments to be made to AVDC by 4th December, 2015. Letter copied to all councillors by email.
  1. Planning Applications
To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning
Applications. To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.
All applications are sent to councillors electronically and cllrs should look at the AVDC website for details of all applications prior to decision at parish council meeting.
  • 15/03390/APP - 5 Acres, Buckingham Park
Erection of a rear conservatory
RESOLVED: No Objection
There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed
the meeting at 9.05pm
Signed: ______Date: ______