Research Notes

We will produce a report using Microsoft Word about a career that is listed as one of the hottest careers in the future. Click here to go to the web site titled Hottest Jobs for College Graduates in the future. At thisweb site, you are to pick the career for the report. There is some information about the careers on this web site, but there is even more at another web site. Click here to go to the web site and go through the alphabetic list to find more information about the career.
After you pick one of the careers listed as one of Hottest Jobs for College Graduates, read about it at both web sites listed above. Use the paragraphguide below for the structure of your report. Please use your own words when writing about information from the web site. Please use the font of Cambria and the size of 14.

*To avoid plagiarism, your notes must be put into your own words unless you are directly quoting.

Introduction—Paragraph 1--Main Idea, Introductory and Thesis Paragraph
Paragraph #1 - As your introduction; tell which career you picked and why you picked it. Include what you like best about this job.
Paragraph #2Body-Support/Proof, Details--1
Concentrate on what the person does on this job and the work environment.
Paragraph #3 - Body--Support/Proof, Details--2
Write about how a person gets ready or prepares for this job and the pay.
Paragraph #4 - Body--Support/Proof, Details--3
Write about what would be hard about this job.
Paragraph #5 - Summary/Conclusion
This is your conclusion. Write about how likely you think that you might pick this job. You may also include other careers that you are considering.
Citation--We will be using the Citation Machine to cite our sources.

*To avoid plagiarism, the above notes must be put into your own words unless you are directly quoting.