McGregor Scholarship Program

for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired

The McGregor Scholarship was endowed by the last will and testament of Eudora F. McGregor. Each fiscal year, the Iowa Braille School may authorize McGregor scholarship awards. The maximum individual award for an eligible applicant in any academic year is $2,500. The scholarship funding will support students who are blind or visually impaired in pursuing a post-secondary education. Typically, the awards will be granted for room and board and other non-tuition or non-visual impairment specific related costs of pursuing a post-secondary education.


Applicants must be:

·  blind or visually impaired prior to reaching the age of 21

·  an Iowa resident for the twelve months preceding the application date

·  a high school graduate or a graduating senior, or a GED recipient

·  applying for the scholarship within eight (8) years from the high school graduation date or the date of receipt of a GED

·  pursuing or planning to pursue a post-secondary course of study on a full-time* basis in a degree program from an accredited college, university, or vocational institution within the United States of America

(*full-time is defined as 12 or more credit hours per semester, or the equivalent if enrolled in a non-semester program with a different credit structure, e.g. trimester or quarters)

·  maintaining a 2.5 semester and cumulative grade point average for any previous or current academic years for which McGregor Scholarship funds were received by the applicant.

For purposes of this scholarship, “blind or visually impaired” is defined as an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects an individual’s educational performance within the following criteria:

a)  The visual acuity in the better eye with best possible correction is 20/70 or less at distance.

b)  The visual field restriction with both eyes is 60 degrees or less (even with normal central visual acuity).


The Iowa Braille School may award one-year scholarships to eligible applicants per academic year based on full-time* enrollment. Recipients will receive a letter of award stating the terms and amount of the award. The award will be received in two payments, half at the commencement of the first academic term of the recipient’s academic year. The second half will be received after the recipient submits proof of enrollment in their institution for the second term of the academic year and proof of completion of classes for the first term. Payment will typically be made directly to the recipient. Recipients maintaining at least a 2.5 grade-point average each academic term and cumulatively are encouraged to reapply in all subsequent years. No awards will be granted for applicants enrolled less than full-time. If the applicant is enrolled full-time in a non-semester program with a different credit structure, e.g. trimester or quarters, the applicant will need to submit evidence of the nature of the program and credit structure. Recipients are responsible for providing a current address prior to the commencement of each term.

*Full-time enrollment is 12 or more credits per semester, or the equivalent if enrolled in a non-semester program with a different credit structure, e.g. trimester or quarters.


Applicants will find the scholarship application form and procedures at the Iowa Braille School website: Scholarship application information will also be made available to Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) throughout Iowa, to Iowa high schools, and to the Iowa Department for the Blind. For additional information contact: McGregor Scholarship Committee, Iowa Braille School, 1002 G Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349 or by phone @ 319-472-5221, ext. 1105 or email

Initial Application: The completed scholarship application form along with the documents listed below must be postmarked no later than April 15th. This application applies to coursework beginning in the fall through the following summer. Mail the completed McGregor Scholarship application and documents to: Iowa Braille School, Attn: McGregor Scholarship Committee, 1002 G Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349

Eligible individuals must provide the following documents with their initial application:

1.  An official high school transcript or GED certificate, and official college transcript(s), if applicable.

2.  A letter or documentation from the college, university or vocational institution, establishing acceptance to post-secondary studies.

3.  A certificate or a letter from an ophthalmologist or optometrist certifying blindness or visual impairment including a statement of current visual acuity and visual field. Also, verification of the onset of blindness of visual impairment occurring prior to reaching the age of 21.

4.  Two letters of recommendation from non-family members; i.e. academic advisors, teachers, employers, or counselors.

5.  A 300 to 500 word typewritten autobiographical sketch, including goals and how this scholarship award will help in the achievement of the goals.

6.  Copies of award letters for any other scholarships and/or financial aid awarded to you for the academic school year.

Reapplication: Eligible individuals who have previously received this scholarship are encouraged to apply for subsequent academic years as long as the 2.5 grade point requirement for academic term and cumulative college grade-point average has been met.

For reapplication, complete the scholarship application form. Include an official college transcript. If the student is transferring to another accredited college, university or vocational institution, include evidence of acceptance to the new program.

All application materials must be postmarked no later than April 15th. This application applies to coursework beginning in the fall through the following summer. Mail the completed McGregor Scholarship application and documents to: Iowa Braille School, Attn: McGregor Scholarship Committee, 1002 G Avenue, Vinton, IA 52349


The Iowa Braille School Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and determines the awards. Scholarship recipients should expect award notification on or before May 15th.

The Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action institution.

The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status or disability

The following have been designated to coordinate compliance with these legal requirements,

including Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and may be contacted

at the school for additional information and/or compliance issues:

Patrick D. Clancy, Superintendent/ Administrator

of the Statewide System for Vision Services


Dianne Utsinger, Director of Human Resources

Iowa Braille School

1002 G Avenue

Vinton, IA 52349


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February 2010