For this unit, you may work with your group (except assignment 5), but EACH person will answer each question on his/her own paper.

Assignment 1 - Simple Machines & Newton’s Law of Motion

1. In your science notebook, define and provide at least three everyday examples of the following simple machines: lever, wheel/axle, pulley, inclined plane, screw, wedge.

2. In your science notebook, define compound machine and provide at least three examples of compound machines.

3. Follow the links to play games and answer the questions in your science notebook. There are three activities.

3. A. Site: EdHeads Simple Machines

Complete the activity at the following link:

Click the “Start” button to start. Select an activity (room) and follow the directions for each area to find the simple machines and answer the related questions. Draw the following chart in your science notebook and write your score in the chart below. If you have them, put on some headphones before you begin!

Garage / Bedroom / Kitchen / Bathroom / Tool Shed
____ out of ____ / ____ out of ____ / ____ out of ____ / ____ out of ____ / ____ out of ____

3. B. Site: NetLinks – Power Play

Click of the following link to play:

Click “Start” to begin the activity. Drag the parts from the bottom to complete the machine. Answer the questions below as you work your way through the activity.

(1) What provides the power for the dog walking machine? ______

(2) What type of simple machine do you add after the popcorn pot? ______

(3) What type of simple machine cuts the log? ______

(4) What two simple machines are found in the first part you add for inflating a balloon?

______and ______

3.C. Site: EdHeads – Compound Machines

Click on the following link to play:

Listen to the introduction and then click the yellow and blue lever to get started. Answer the questions as your work your way through the activity. When you are finished, record your score below and answer the question below.

Final Score: ______Where was the plunger?______

4. In your science notebook, identify Newton's three laws of motion AND describe how one of the simple machines researched in #1 above would apply to EACH of these three laws.

5. What is the formula for finding speed?

6. Complete the worksheet below on speed problems in your science notebook.

1. NASCAR fans love race day when they get a chance to cheer on their favorite team! A driver was able to travel 600 miles in 3 hours, what was the average speed?

2. The fastest car on Earth, a British-made Thrust SSC, would win every NASCAR race in America. If it takes 0.5 hours (30 minutes) to travel 380 miles, what is its speed?

3. The fastest train on Earth, the TGV from France, can travel at faster speeds than trains in the United States. During a speed test, the train traveled 800 miles in 2.5 hours. What is its speed?

4. Spirit of Australia, a hydroplane boat, made speed records by traveling 239 miles in 0.75 hours (45 minutes). What is its record?

5. The fastest plane ever made, the Lockheed SR71, was able to travel 2200 miles per hour. Based on this speed, how far could it travel in:

a. 2 hours?b. 3 hours?c. 5 hours?

6. Which machine on this page is the fastest?

Assignment 2 - Levers

Create a model of a catapult using the materials provided that will launch a marshmallow at least 6 feet. In your science notebook, write out clear/concise directions for your design andexplain which laws of motion are involved. Describe revisions that you made to your catapult along the way and how those revisions effected the launch. Once your catapult has been perfected, determine the speed of your marshmallow. Take data for 10 launches, create a table for your data and determine the average speed.

Assignment 3 - Archimedes Screw

Read and follow the directions below to build an Archimedes screw. Your device should be able to get cheerios out of a bowl. Answer the following questions in your science notebook when done.


1. To start, use the bottom of your water bottle as a template and trace six circles on the

cardstock. Cut out the circles and then trim them so that they are about .25"

smaller in diameter than the inside of the bottle. You will also need to cut out the large end of your water bottle.

2. Punch a hole in the middle of each circle that is just big enough for your straw. Then cut a slit in each circle from the edge to the hole. Tape one side of the cut of one circle to the opposite side of the cut on the next circle, and continue until all the circles are taped together, forming a spiral.

3. Thread the spiral onto your straw, and tape each end to the dowel. Slide this into your bottle, and use your tack to attach the end of the dowel to the bottle cap. Put the cereal into one bowl on the desk.

4. Stack two science books and put the other bowl on top of the books. Put the end of your bottle with the small end in the bowl with the cereal. Lean the bottle so the top hangs over the empty bowl. Slowly turn the dowel so the circles in your spiral turn.


1. Explain how an Archimedes screw works.

2. Determine the speed that the cheerio is carried by your Archimedes screw. Create a table to record your data and find the average speed of your cheerio.

3. Identify 2 ways an Archimedes screw was used in history.

4. Identify 2 ways an Archimedes screw is used today.

5. Explain which laws of motion the Archimedes screw relates to the best.

Assignment 4 - Pulleys

Create a model of a well using the materials provided. Complete the following in your science notebook:

1. Explain which simple machines are involved and how they make the work easier.

2. Identify 2 examples of ways pulleys are used today.

3. Explain how a pulley relates to Newton's Laws of Motion.

Assignment 5 - On your Own Project

Choose ONE of the following to complete. This is an individual activity to be completed at home.

Plan, design and create a simple machine toy. Create a poster, a price, and a description of what the toy does, the simple machine included, and an exciting ‘catch-phrase’.


Build a castle with a working drawbridge. You will need to create a hinged ramp that raises and lowers through the use of a pulley system. This will incorporate the inclined plane and the pulley.


Use a variety of tubes, paint stirrers, pencils, string, spools, tape, cardboard, and other building materials to create a compound machine. Sketch a plan to build a compound machine that will dispense a gumball in the longest amount of time. Use a large box and create your compound machine within the box. The object is for the gumball to take the longest amount of time to dispense.