Seek Right Reason And Holy Faith

Gary Taylor D. Min.

Inform all about Gods Revelation – the Hebrew and Christian Scripture!

These are the inspired truths from Him to His Church.
Read them, reflect upon them, be redeemed and reconciled through the righteousness of Christ Jesus Words and teachings. Read God word out loud with your brothers and sisters in Christ! Be purified and transformed into becoming a temple of God. May contrition and conversion lead you towards a consecrated lifestyle in, with and through the grace of God and His Holy Spirit.
May you continuously consult with the LORD your God! May you continuously be docile and discerning of his will and ways! May you seek the sacred stipulations of Salvation found in the Holy Book the Bible!

The sadness, compassion, mercy and patient love of God prevails even as we do not obey the stipulations of this Holy Book, the Bible nor fulfill our baptismal promises.
All of us: priests, prophets, and people, small and great within Gods church let us come together before God and seek His will, way and truths and begin to live in sacred solidarity with the Holy Spirit. Receive and respond to the entire content of the covenant and the sacred words of God! Revive the terms of the Covenant which are written in the Holy Book. Follow God observe his ordinances, statutes and decrees. Follow Him with all your whole heart and soul. Be participants in the covenant. Open your hearts to receive Gods grace that He may teach you His ways. Open your mind that he may instruct you. With dedicated determination and with great enduring suffering persevere in observing your baptismal promise. Beseech and beg God for discernment, that you may observe His laws and keep them with all your heart. Be docile that He may lead you in the path of His commands. Learn to find your delight: in doing Gods will, ways and truths. Incline your heart to His decrees and not to gain ephemeral, empty earthly treasures. Turn away your eyes from seeing what is vain: Submit to Gods way that you may find life. Long to do Gods will. Seek to do Gods justice that you may bring the eternal kingdom to earth, the fullness of life!
Remain in God as He remains in us! You will bear much fruit for His people, His Church and His Creation!
Too many of us are false prophets seeking our selfish wants as we ignore and take from the many living in grave need. You know what kind of prophet you are! You know what kind of prophet you follow! Too many of us are picking grapes from thorn bushes and figs from thistles?
Seek the good trees that bear good fruit! Too may of you are eating from the rotten and bearing and sharing bad fruit. Seek the good tree which does not bear bad fruit, and is bearing and sharing good fruit.

How dangerous is our times for to many of us are eating from the tree that does not bear good fruit and hour common good and well being is being cut down and thrown into chaos, terror, violence and injustice.

Recognize, hear, see those bearing good fruits you will know them for they are:

Faithful, Hopeful, Loving, Prudent, Just, Strong, Temperate, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, generous, modest, have self control and are chaste.

They are agents of firm attitude, stable dispositions, and habitual perfections of intellect and will that govern their actions, order their passions and guide their conduct according to right reason and holy faith.