/ Glendale Secondary School – Business Department
TEL: 905.560.7343
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Course Name & Code: IDC 4U Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Prerequisites: none

Credit Value: 1

Guideline: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12 Interdisciplinary Studies, 2002

Text & Resources needed: None

Course Description:

Overall Interdisciplinary Studies Expectations

Theory and Foundation

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the key ideas and issues related to each of the subjects or disciplines studied
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different structures and organization of each of the subjects or disciplines studied
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the different perspectives and approaches used in each of the subjects or disciplines studied
  • Demonstrate the skills and strategies used to develop interdisciplinary products and services

Processes and Methods of Research

  • Be able to plan for research, using a variety of strategies and technologies
  • Be able to access appropriate resources, using a variety of research strategies and technologies
  • Be able to process information, using a variety of research strategies and technologies
  • Be able to assess and extend their research skills to present their findings and solve problems

Implementation, Evaluation, Impacts and Consequences

  • Implement and communicate information about interdisciplinary endeavours, using a variety of methods and strategies
  • Evaluate the quality of interdisciplinary endeavours, using a variety of strategies
  • Analyze and describe the impact on society of interdisciplinary approaches and solutions to real-life situations
  • Analyze and describe how interdisciplinary skills relate to personal development and careers

Specific Course Expectations


  • Define the basic nature and scope of marketing activities
  • Explain how marketing effects competition among products
  • Explain the importance of branding in product positioning


  • Identify the purpose (eg. business presence, online ordering, marketing promotion) and target audience for their e-business website
  • Describe the legal issues related to intellectual property law (eg. copyright, trademark, domain names)
  • Describe the social and ethical issues related to the use of information and communication technology in business


  • Describe how entrepreneurs have been agents of change (by developing new products, methods of production, and ways of doing business)
  • Analyze, using a variety of sources (eg. books, magazines, personal observation, the Internet) current economic trends (eg greater discretionary income of youth) and social trends
  • Assess methods used to price a new good or service


  • Describe alternate sources of funding available to businesses
  • Evaluate the role and impact of accounting information to decision making


  • Evaluate the quality of information that sellers in a market provide to help buyers make choices and the importance of the information to he achievement of economic goals
  • Conduct research of reliable information from a variety of different media (eg newspapers, Internet sites)


  • Evaluate the different levels of management with respect to roles, responsibilities, activities, skills and competencies


  • assess the effects of current trends in global business activity and economic conditions.
  • assess the ways in which political, economic, and geographic factors influence international

business methods and operations;

Course Evaluation

Term Mark 70%

Overall Expectation 1 – Theory and Foundation

  • Will consist of Tests, Assignments, Group Work, Presentations….………………..…30%

Overall Expectation 2 – Processes and Methods of Research

  • Will consist of Assignments, Group Work, Case Studies, Presentations...... ….…….…20%

Overall Expectation 3 – Implementation, Evaluation, Impacts and Consequences

  • Will consist of Tests, Assignments, Group Work, Case Studies.….….…..…...……….20%

Semester 70%

Final Exam 15%

Culminating Task 15%


Assessments and evaluations will be based on Achievement Chart Categories (Knowledge, Inquiry, Communication & Application).

Evidence of student achievement is collected over time through observations, conversations and student products. Not every assessment will count toward a student’s final grade. The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.

Evaluations will be based on the most recent and consistent level of achievement in each strand and/or overall expectation. Determining a report card grade will involve teacher’s professional judgment and interpretation of evidence.

Assessing Student Learning Skills:

Students will be assessed on the six learning skills and work habit categories;



Independent Work




Teachers will use the following letter symbols to report on students’ development of the six learning skills and work habits: E—Excellent



N—Needs Improvement

Evaluations have a balance between Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking & Investigation, Communication and Application.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating and Plagiarism are considered serious offences at Glendale Secondary School. Cheating and Plagiarism are negative behaviours and will be addressed by both the classroom teacher and the school administration.

When deciding the consequences for a student that has been found cheating or plagiarizing, the school will consider;

the grade level of the student

the number and frequency of incidents

the individual circumstances of the student

Cheating and plagiarism scenarios to consider;

•Cheating on a test

•Cheating on an exam

•Cheating or plagiarism on a culminating activity/assignment

•Cheating on an assignment (copying from other students)

•Plagiarism on an assignment/project

•No in-text citation or works cited page (reference page)

•Criteria decided by the classroom teacher and school administration

Disciplinary Consequences for Plagiarism and Cheating Behaviour;

  • Students caught cheating on a test/assignment: sent down to office to see a VP - for discipline and information added to student record
  • Students caught plagiarizing - phone calls home, detention communication with office for tracking of behaviour
  • Therapeutic withdrawal or Suspension
  • Forfeiture of assessment opportunity (Zero) – if the infraction occurs at the end of a reporting period.