3215 8th Ave. Department of Sociology

Rock Island, IL61201 AugustanaCollege

(309)7862034 Rock Island, IL 61201


B.A., BaldwinWallace College, 1975 Sociology

M.S., PurdueUniversity, 1979 Sociology

Ph.D., PurdueUniversity, 1981 Sociology


"Gender Role Expression Among S.R.O. (Single Room Occupant) Elderly"

Abstract:A symbolic interaction approach is utilized to investigate the effects of community size and type of S.R.O. on the gender role expression of 61 elderly male and female residents of hotels across central Indiana.


Gerontology, Family, Research Methods, Gender Roles, Comparative Social Welfare, Women Studies, Population and Demography, China and East Asian Studies


Awarded the A. Freistat Center for Peace Studies Faculty Travel Award, 2009. Through the support of this award was able to travel to Kunming, China to present two papers at the 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.

President, Illinois Sociological Association, 2007-2008. Through the support of my Advisory Board, and in conjunction with Wayne Thompson, President of the Wisconsin Sociological Society, we organized and ran the 2008 Joint ISA-WSA meetings in Rockford, IL.

Member, Board of Directors, ASIANetwork,(2008-2011). Nominated and elected to the board in Spring of 2007, currently serving on the membership and publications subcommittees.

Augustana Presidential Research Fellowship, Summer 2006. I was one of 10 faculty selected to receive $4750 to continue research on indigenous NGO's in the Pearl River Delta, China.

ASIANetwork Fulbright-Hays "The Fifth Dragon: The Pearl River Delta Faculty Development Project" June-July 2005. I was one of 15 faculty selected across the country to travel to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Xiamen, and Shantou to study the impact of economic growth on Chinese society, especially as it concerns migrant laborers from other parts of China.

Medallion of Appreciation from the National U.S.China People's Friendship Association, Washington Seminar (May, 2003)

I received this award for the work I've provided to the Midwest Regional Board, the Midwest Newsletter, China Notes, that I edit for the U.S. China People's Friendship Association.

Certificate of Appreciation from the Consulate General’s Office of the People’s Republic in China in Chicago (October, 2000)

I was one of 7 people in the state of Illinois who received this award at a Banquet Ceremony at the Consulate Office. This was the first year this award was presented.

Certificate of Recognition, Elderhostel (September, 1999)

Received a certificate of recognition and pin from Elderhostel for over 10 years of service as a local Elderhosteler Coordinator.

ASIANetwork Faculty-Mentors Freeman Grant recipient (June, 1998- June, 1999)

Jane Tiedge and I were one of 10 pairs selected in the U.S. to do student research in Asia. We traveled to Beijing, Wuhan, Xian, Baoji, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Jigongshan and Hong Kong researching the life and history of Sr. Ingeborg Nystrul.

Invited Short-Term Foreign Expert (June, 1997)

Invited to lecture in Sociology and Anthropology at CentralChinaNormalUniversity in Wuhan, China; also invited to do research at this university.

Invited Long-Term Foreign Expert (August, 1995-August 1996)

Invited to teach at CentralChinaNormalUniversity.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Gerontology, Gerontological Society of America (JuneAugust,


Created and carried out an applied research design to gather information and evaluating the delivery of outreach service to minority seniors in Western Research Area Agency on Aging in Cleveland, Ohio

Predoctoral Fellow, Midwest Council for Social Research in Aging (19791981)

Designed sex role scales appropriate to an elderly population, created an intensive interview schedule, designed an appropriate sampling frame of S.R.O. elders in central Indiana, conducted interviews, developed data base and analyzed results of this study in partial fulfillment for the Ph.D. degree at PurdueUniversity.

B.A. awarded Summa Cum Laude (1975)

Sociology Honors (1975)

An Honors distinction is received when independent research is conducted by the student, a thesis is written, and an oral examination is passed. Those who receive "Honors" have their theses bound and stored in the campus library and are honored during Commencement ceremonies. At BaldwinWallace College in 1975, only nine students of fivehundredsixtyfive received Honors distinction.

Sociology Comprehensives with Distinction (1975)

Students must pass sociology final exam in the top five percentile. All graduating students majoring in sociology must take this exam.

Dayton C. Miller Honor Society, BaldwinWallace College (1974)

Students must maintain at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average in a 4.0 system for at leastquarters to be initiated into this society.


Professor of Sociology, AugustanaCollege (2001 to present)

Coordinator, East Asian Studies Program (2006-2009)

Co-Director, East Asian Term Abroad (2007, 2010)

Acting Coordinator, Women and Gender Studies (Spring 2005)

Acting Chair, Department of Sociology (Fall 2002, Fall 2005, Fall 2008)

Chair, Department of Sociology (1989 to 1995)

Associate Professor of Sociology (1988)

Tenured, Fall of 1987

Assistant Professor of Sociology (1982)

Courses taught or currently taught include:

SO 100 Introduction to Sociology

SO 200 Marriage and the Family

SO 206 Contemporary Social Issues

SO 210 Introduction to Quantitative Methods (replaced by SO 220)

SO 305 Social Gerontology

SO 220 Survey of Research Methods

SO 303 Population Problems (taught in Japan, Asian term, 2004, 2007, 2010)

SO 350 Advanced Research Methods (now SOC 419)

SO 341 Social Research Methods (replaced by SO 350)

SO 342 Sociological Research Practicum (replaced by SO 420)

SO 380 Sociological Topics: Changing Chinese Family (1992, Asian Term, one time)

SO 420 Sociological Research Seminar

SW 360 Comparative Social Welfare and Policy

WS 230 Global Issues in Women's Studies

WS 380 Special Topics in Women's Studies:The New Reproductive Technologies (one time)

WS 420 Senior Seminar in Women's Studies

LS 400 Twenty-first Century Seminar: Burkina Faso (one time)

LS 113/103Gender, Status, Power, and Privilege in the P.R. China

Learning Communities:

Discourse and Practice: Women's Issues in a Cross-Cultural Context

WG 230 (Global Issues in Women’s Studies) & RE 392 (Women in Religion)

Toujours L'amour: Marriage and Family?

SOC 200 (Marriage and Family) & WLIT 392 (Love, Marriage and Family in French Literature across the Centuries)

Iowa Humanities Grant Evaluator (October, 2004)

I was the Iowa Humanities Evaluator for the First Annual St. Ambrose University Conference on Social and Economic Justice: Living on Minimum Wage.

Traveling Scholar, Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China (summer, 2004)

I was the academic scholar in place in Yunnan province for two different study tours during the summer of 2004: the NCTA and the University of Colorado's study tour for 7th to 12th grade teachers. The NCTA study tour was funded by the Freeman Foundation while the University of Colorado is funded by another grant.

Editor, ASIANETWORK Exchange (2002-2005)

Work with Anne Prescott and Nirmala Salgado to produce a newsletter for teaching about Asia three times each academic year.

Co-Coordator, National Consortium For Teaching about Asia, 2002-4 seminars.

Organize seminars with Helen Finken (Iowa Partner Site coordinator) about East Asia for 7-12 grade teachers of World History, World Geography, and World Literature under a Freeman grant to a consortium of 5 colleges (University of Washington, University of Colorado, Indiana University, ColumbiaUniversity, and SmithCollege).

Assistant Editor, ASIANETWORK Exchange (2000-2002)

Work with Anne Prescott and Ben Nefzger to produce a newsletter for teaching about Asia three times each academic year.

Coordinator, Augustana Elderhostel (19861999)

Created and ran AugustanaCollege's first Elderhostel program and offered in conjunction with Senior Olympics Augustana Folkschool, and Elderhostel-like program for local communitymembers during the summer of 1993.

Consultant to Council on Children at Risk Speakers' Bureau (January 1991 1995)

Advising CCR's speakers' bureau on ways to actively engage elder audiences in child abuse issues.

Quad Cities United Way Needs Assessment (January 1991-September, 1992)

Worked with Peter Kivisto and Ben Nefzger to create the needs assessment instrument for Key Informants and analyze the needs assessment questionnaire and Service Provider questionnaire for this project.

Revision of the Augustana Faculty Handbook (July, 1990 September, 1990)

Revised, reorganized and did a preliminary edit on much of the Faculty Handbook to be distributed.

Consultant to Dave Ramacitti Associates (December, 1989 January, 1990)

Provided statistical and technical assistance.

Teacher, Communiversity, (February, 1989, 1997, 1998)

Taught a fourweek course on the "Politics of Old Age" and "Taste the Charms of China"; the second taught with Dr. Jen-Mei Ma.

Consultant to Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging (January, 1985 to June, 1985)

Helped develop and analyze a questionnaire given to frail elders in the Western Illinois area concerning needs and the services available to meet these needs

Consultant for the Council for Children at Risk, Moline (June, 1983June, 1984)

Created a uniform interview schedule profiling juveniles entering the judiciary system that eventually should be used in a seven-county region, and did the preliminary analysis of these data.

Research Assistant, Grant RO1MH1881501, from the Center for the Study of the Metropolitan Problems, NIMH (Summer, 1977)

Culled N.Y. Times Index, L.A. Times Index and other indices for number of mention of riots, civil rights protests, strikes and other disturbances during the sixties and seventies.

Research Assistant, Hypertension Research (1978)

Analyzed data gathered on essential, secondary hypertensives and normotensives. Profiled each group and compared a series of nonrecursive regression models to test the impact of social stress variables on likelihood of having essential hypertension.

Research Assistant, Social Indicator Model of Health Services Systems (Summer, 1976)

Coded hospital data, cleaned data, fitted linear structure equations, and ran reduced forms of the final model to test predictive ability of the model.

Teaching Assistant in Urban Sociology and Social Problems (1976)

Conducted a recitation section, prepared and graded exams, papers.

Teaching Assistant in Introduction to Methods of Social Research (Fall, 1976)

Prepared and graded examinations, ran tutorial sessions weekly, presented a miniseminar on S.P.S.S. usage.

Research Assistant, Regenstrief Health Care Project (Spring, 1976)

Primarily conducted library research through government documents on health care usage.


"Post-War Development and Reconciliation in Cambodia and Vietnam" July 1-13, 2007. CIEE International Faculty Development Seminars.

Midwest Faculty Seminar. "Contemporary China" Jan. 18-20, 2007 at the University of Chicago.

Local Committee Member to organize the 2006 Illinois Sociological Association Meeting, at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, Oct. 2006

Organized three N.C.T.A. seminars, AugustanaCollege (2001-2004)

Organized an A.A.L. grant examining the assessment of feminist pedagogy, Augustana College, 1999-2000.

Attended Feminist Pedagogy Seminar, AugustanaCollege, August, 1998.

Received a grant to attend AAC&U National Conference on Diversity, Seattle, WA, November, 1997.

Received a grant to attend a Curriculum Development Institute: Linking the International and Domestic Dimensions of Women's Issue" at Winona, WI, May, 1994.

Received with others an AAC (Association of American Colleges) grant starting December, 1993-1995, titled "American Commitments: Diversity, Democracy, and Liberal Learning" specifically focusing on increasing multicultural diversity in faculty and curriculum for our campus. As part of this grant, attended conferences in New Orleans, LA; Middletown, CT; and a 10-day Faculty Development Institute in Williams, MA.

Received with others a grant from Institute for 21st Century Studies, Evangelical Lutheran church in America's Division for Hunger Peace and Justice, to examine, diagnose and develop a strategic agenda and action plan for Burkina Faso. The granting period runs from 1993 to 1995.

"Incorporating Japanese Reading and Writing Across Courses" (June-August, 1993)

"Technology Seminar" (September, 1992)

"Empowerment through Diversity" (June, 1991) Helped organize and run a conference for ELCACollege faculty.

Augustana Faculty Retreat (January, 1991)Attended a workshop on Cultural Diversity

Augustana Faculty Retreat (January, 1990)Attended a workshop in Critical Thinking.

Midwest Faculty Seminar "Feminism(s) and the Female Subject" November, 1989 at the University of Chicago.

Family Life Seminar (January to February, 1989)

Participated in a seminar with others on campus to develop a family life concentration on campus.

Midwest Faculty Seminar (April, 1987)

Attended a weeklong seminar at the University of Chicago that examined the "Discourse of Gender" as a social, legal, psychological, philosophical and literary issue.

Weaving Women In: Incorporating Women into the Disciplines (June, 1987) Participated in a twomonth seminar that resulted in the revision of course syllabi so that women and minority perspectives are included in course materials. Contributed as part of an advisory committee that organized and ran the sessions and also worked to create a sample of evaluation questions by which faculty can assess the effectiveness of their revisions.

Microcomputer Application Seminar (June, 1985)

Participated in a week long, hands-on seminar examining the potential uses of microcomputers in the curriculum. Presented an in-house paper considering changing the curriculum requirements to incorporate microcomputers.

Women's Studies Grant Seminar (June, 1984)

Participated in a week long seminar concerning the new scholarship on women in a variety of disciplines; presented that portion of the literature that pertains to the discipline of Sociology; Contributed to the preparation of a Women's Studies concentration to submit to the faculty; and participated in the construction of a bibliography of sources available at the Denkmann Library.


Social Science Division Chair (2009-present)

Member, Faculty Welfare Committee (2009-present)

Member, Humanities Committee (2005-2008)

Member, Faculty-Student Greek Liaison Committee (2004-2007)

Member, Institutional Review Board (formerly Human Research Review Committee) (2005-present)

Member, International Studies Committee (2005-present)

Member, Women and Gender Studies Acting Board (2008 to present)

Member, Website Overview Committee (2004)

Member, Enrollment Management committee (2001 to 2004)

Member, Women and Gender Studies Advisory Board, Steering Committee (2001-2008)

Member, Diversity Committee (1997 to 2003)

Member, Computer Committee (1997 to 2000, 2003-2005)

Member, Jaecke Award Committee (1997-2000)

Member, ACE Evaluation Revision Committee (1997 to 1998)

Member, Library and Bookstore Committee (1995-1997)

Chair, Enhanced, Cultural Curriculum Committee (1992-present; chair, 1997-1998)

Member, Asian Studies Committee (1992 to present)

Member, Woman and Gender Studies Advisory Board (1988 to present)

Member, Budget Committee (1989 to 1993)

Member, Athletic Committee (1989 to 1991)

CoChair, Nominations and Rules (1988 to 1989)

Member, Community Relations Committee (1988 to 1990)

Member, Student Judiciary (1988 to 1990)

Member, AdHoc Committee on Family Life (1987 to 1992)

Chair, Operations Subcommittee, AdHoc Committee on Day Care (1988 to 1990)

Chair, Gender Equity and Awareness Committee (1986 to 1988)

Member, Faculty Senate (1985 to 1988, 1993, 2002, 2007)

Member, nontenured; Faculty Welfare Committee (1986 to 1988)

Member, Insurance Committee, Subcommittee to Faculty Welfare (1987)

Member, Nominations and Rules (1987 to 1989)

Member, LongRange Planning Committee (1987 to 1988)

Member, Faculty Senate Steering committee (1986)

Member, Professional Ethics Committee (19841986)

Member, Student Personnel Committee (19831985)

Member, Committee to Evaluate Faculty and Instructional Resources (19831985)

Member, Educational Policies Committee (19841985)

Member, Campus Ministry Committee (19831985)

Member, CollegeCenter Committee Advisory Board (19831985)

Member, Library Committee (1983)

Member, Computer Committee (replaced B. Nefzger while on sabbatical, 1983)

Member, Campus Ministry Task Force (1982)

Treasurer, Augustana Chapter of A.A.U.P. (19821983)

Advisor, Sociology Club (1982-present)

Member, Augustana Faculty Senate (varying years)


Trustee, Shiloh University (2009-present)

Member, Midwest Sociological Society Program Committee (2009)

Committee Member, Global Connections: China, Bettendorf Library (2008)

Board Member, ASIANetwork (2008-2011)

President, Illinois Sociological Society, (2008-9)

Guest Editor, Sociological Imagination, (Winter 2007)

Chair, Endowment Committee, Midwest Sociological Society (2005-2009)

Member, Endowment Committee, Midwest Sociological Society (2005-present)

Member, US China People's Friendship Association National Board Member (2003-present)

Member, Scholarship Development Committee, Midwest Sociological Society (2001-2005)

Treasurer, Illinois Sociological Association (2001 to 2008)

Member, US ChinaPeople’s Friendship Association (1992-present, President, 1994, By-Laws chair, 1999-present, Vice-President-1999-present, Co-President, 2001 to 2004)

Member, US China People’sFriendship Association Midwest Regional Board (2000-2007,

Membership Chair, China Notes, newsletter editor, 2002-2004)

Member, Illinois Sociological Association (1995 to present)

Member, Quad Cities Chinese Association (1995-present, Secretary, 1997 to 2001)

Member, Quad Cities Transitional Housing Committee (1991-1994)

Member, Advisory Board, InTouch DayCareCenters (19821989)

Member, Midwest Sociological Association (1982 to present)

Member, HERSONG, Quad Cities Women's Chorus (19902000, Librarian, Steering

Committee member, 1993, 1998)

Member, American Association of University Women; Child Development Group (19841988)

Member, Advisory Council, Retired Senior Volunteer program (19841987)

Member, Board of Directors, VoluntaryActionCenter (19831986)

Chair, Retired Senior Volunteer Program Committee (19831987),

Fundraising Committee (19831986)


“IntergenerationalTensionsandExchangesbetween Older Wuhan Women and Their Children.”July 27-Aug. 1, 2009 at the 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) conference in Kunming, China.

“Contemporary Tensions Among the Iu Mien Community in Northern California” July 27-Aug. 1, 2009 at the 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) conference in Kunming, China.

“From Chicago to Chongqing: How Asia has impacted American Sociology” to be presented at the ASIANetwork Conference, March 13-15, 2009 in Lisle, IL.

“Visual Sociology: Changes in Lijiang Tourist Sites: 1997, 1999, 2004: How China Markets a Developing Tourist Industry” at the Illinois and Wisconsin Joint Sociological Society meetings, Oct. 23, 2008, Rockford, IL.

“The Treasure of Tea: Exploring the Art of Chinese Tea Culture” Sept. 27, 2008. Bettendorf Library, Bettendorf, IA.

"Transforming Naxi Culture: Implications of the 1997 designation of Lijiang, China as a UNESCO World Heritage Site." at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) conference, June 13-15, 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia.

“Maintaining, Claiming, and Reframing Naxi Dress: The Impact of Tourism in Marketing Minority Identity.” Presented at the ASIANetwork Conference in San Antonio, TX, March 15-18, 2008.

“Introduction to China’s Minority Groups” presentation for the University of Iowa National Consortium for Teaching About Asia Seminar (NCTA), University of Northern Iowa, February, 2008.

"Intergenerational Tensions and Exchanges between Older Wuhan Women, Daughters and Grandchildren" presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL, April 7, 2007.

"Emerging Labor-Rights NGOs in South China: Can They Make a Difference in the Lives of Migrant Working Women?" presented at the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL, April 6, 2007.