ECN Help Document

ECN Help Document 1

ECN Application 4

Purpose 4

ECN: Engineering Change Notice 4

Engineering Change Management: Where the ECN lies in the Process 4

The ECN Application Structure and Design 4

Workflow 5

ECN States 5

Create 5

Plant ECC 5

Evaluate 6

Review 6

Approve 6

Validation 6

Closed 6

Canceled 6

Where to locate the ECN State: 6

Roles and Permissions 6

Product/ Manufacturing Engineer 6

Plant ECC 6

Engineer Manager 7

Plant Quality 7

Regular User 7

ECN Login 8

Username 8

Full Email Address 8

Password 8

Initial Password Assignment 8

Resetting Your Password 8

Password Recovery 9

ECN Home Page 10

Show only ECN where I am involved 10

Quick Access Tool 10

Search Tab 11

Report Tab 12

Creating an ECN 13

Navigating to the New ECN Form 13

Filling in the New ECN Form 13

Location 13

Type of Change 14

Scope of Change 14

Cost Billed to 14

Change requested by 14

Program Information 15

Engineering Change Coordinator 15

Related Documents 15

ECN Description 15

Dates 16

Create New ECN 16

Create New ECN: Final Steps 16

Select Tooling and Technical Information Tasks 16

Transfer to Plant ECC 16

Task Selection and Assignment 17

Marking Tasks as Required 17

Assigning Required Tasks 17

Assigning a Due Date for those Tasks 17

Task Comments 17

Save Changes on Each Tab 17

Transfer to Evaluate 17

Task Completion and Evidence 18

Viewing “My Tasks” 18

Marking Tasks as Complete 18

Uploading evidence 18

Save Updates 18

ECN Tabs and Task Definitions 19

General Information Section 19

General Information 19

Related Documents 19

Uploading Parts References 19

Tooling Section 21

Quality Assurance Section 22

Production Section 23

Commercial Section 24

PC&L Section 25

HSE Section 27

FES 27

ECN Review 28

ECC Reviews Each Tasks Completion 28

Automatic Update to “Approve” State 28

ECN Approval 29

ECN Validation 30

ECN Cancelation 31

ECN Administration 32

Adding New Users 32

Adding Plants and Programs 32

Deactivating Users 32

Go to “Manage Users” under administration. Select the user you wish to remove and select edit and uncheck the “Active” Checkbox at the far right.Glossary of Terms 32

Glossary of Terms 33

ECR 33

ECO 33

MCO 33

MMR 33

BOM 33

FCS 33

Galileo 33

PLM System 33

ERP System 33

Program Change Coordinator 33

BOP 33

MRD 33

Weekly Change Meeting 34

R& D Site 34

ECN Application


ECN: Engineering Change Notice

An Engineering Change Notice is the document which encompasses the final stage of systems changes in the production/manufacturing environment for a given product. The ECN facilitates the tasks for implementing the desired change to a product or system at the manufacturing level.

Engineering Change Management: Where the ECN lies in the Process

A workflow example of the Engineering Change process is displayed below through the documents which encompass each stage:

You will note that a change is encompassed in multiple ECNs after being promoted from the ECO; a change can affect multiple production sites with varying production responsibilities. The ECR and ECO encompass initial analysis and pre-implementation of a change while the ECNs encompass the implementation at each production site.

The ECN Application Structure and Design

The document is designed as an interactive task list for those responsible for implementation within the plant and supporting the plant. This application encompasses the selection and assignment of the tasks required for a particular change as well as the marked completion and uploaded evidence of the tasks’ assignees. Please see the Workflow Section of this document in order to receive further detail on the Workflow of the ECN application.

The ECN is designed for individual plant use. Each plant gets a specialized ECN for a change. Therefore a change affecting multiple plants must generate an ECN for each of those affected plants.

The tables and reports in this application do not have the export feature as of March 2013, but these features are in development along with more extensive reporting abilities.

This application was developed for Internet Explorer and may not work in Google Chrome, Mozilla, or Firefox.


ECN States


This state indicates that the ECN has been created by the Product Engineer or Manufacturing Engineer. This state has only one actor. The Plant ECC and Plant Change team cannot act on an ECN until the Engineer has promoted the ECN to the next state. For further details on the actions of this state please go to Creating an ECN.

Plant ECC

This state indicates that the ECN has been transferred from the engineer to the Plant ECC. Within this state the Plant ECC is responsible for selecting and assigning the ECN tasks as well as establishing the due dates for each task. This task has one primary actor. The process encourages the ECC to take input from division leaders in managers in the assignments though. For further details on the actions of this state please go to Task Selection and Assignment.


This state indicates users are in the process of performing the ECNs tasks. This state has multiple actors. The users are responsible for marking their assigned tasks as complete as well as for uploading the requisite evidence. For more information please go to Task Completion and Evidence.


This state indicates that the tasks are completed and the Plant ECC is in the process of reviewing the completions and evidence. This state has one actor, though once more the Plant ECC is encouraged to take input from the Plant’s division leaders and management regarding tasks they are unsure on. For more information please go to ECN Review.


This state indicates that the ECN is waiting approval from the Engineering Manager and Plant Quality. This approval must occur ideally for the plant to finalize the change. For more information please go to ECN Approval.


This state indicates that the ECN is complete and awaiting Plant Quality’s validation of the change. This state has one actor, Plant Quality and indicates that the change has been implemented but not evaluated for success. For more information please go to ECN Validation.


This final state indicates the ECNs completion. No actors are needed within the ECN in this state.


This state indicates the ECN has been canceled. An ECN can be canceled at any time by the Plant ECC. For more details regarding canceled ECNs please go to ECN Cancelation.

Where to locate the ECN State:

Roles and Permissions

A user’s activities in the ECN application are limited by the type of user they have been set up as. Should a user require their permissions/role altered they are to contact their Plant ECC. Any person designated as a user has the ability to view any ECN in the system however their abilities to edit or interact with the ECN is dependent on their assigned roles and assigned plants.

Product/ Manufacturing Engineer

Users assigned the product engineer or manufacturing engineers role are responsible for creating ECNs and selecting the required tasks on the Technical Information and Tooling tabs. These users then are responsible for transferring the ECN to the Plant ECC. An Engineer can also be assigned a task within an ECN.

Plant ECC

Users assigned the role of Plant ECC are responsible for taking the ECN from the Engineer and selecting the tasks required for the ECN and reviewing those already selected by the Engineer. They assign the tasks and set deadlines. They also review the tasks after they are marked as completed and verify whether the tasks are satisfactorily completed in order that the change can move to be approved. The Plant ECC is also the only individual with rights to cancel an ECN.

Engineer Manager

Users assigned this role are responsible for reviewing the ECN and approving its completion. They can be assigned tasks as well.

Plant Quality

Users assigned this role are responsible for reviewing the ECN and approving its completion. They can be assigned tasks as well. These users also validate the change in the final step, evaluating the change’s implementation and results, entering “Lessons Learned” where needed.

Regular User

Users assigned this role are responsible for completing tasks assigned to them. These users can also look at any ECN in the system and in the even of an engineer being unavailable they can also create an ECN as well.

ECN Login


Full Email Address

A user’s User Name for the ECN Application will always be their full Faurecia (or DMS) email address.



This application is not an interior program and not connected to any interior servers therefore the user’s Faurecia or window’s passwords are not default. The password is completely dependent on the automatic generation and/or user changes.

Initial Password Assignment

Upon becoming a new user, the user receives an automatic email from which includes their user name as well as an automatically assigned password. It is highly recommended that this is changed at the user’s initial login.

Resetting Your Password

It is highly recommended that a new user do this immediately upon entering the application for their first time. It allows the user to create a more easily remembered password.

1. Upon logging into the application for the first time, the user selects “Change Password” in the upper right hand corner of the application’s header. (See Below.)

2. After clicking the link, the user is directed to a screen with the form below. Fill out the required fields and select “Change Password.”

3. Upon Clicking “Change Password” the following notice will appear.

4. Click “Continue” and the application takes the user back to the home screen.

Password Recovery

Should a user forget their password, password recovery is very easily available on the login page of the application (See Below.)

1. Upon clicking “Forgot Password?” the user navigates to the password recovery form.

2. Enter the user email and click submit.

The email should arrive within 5 minutes. If an email does not arrive, please check your spam mail. If it is not received at all please try at least one more time before contacting the system administrator.

ECN Home Page

The home page holds a table of all ECNs within the system. However, this table is filtered automatically to ECNs the User has been assigned tasks within. There is an exception for users designated as an engineering role within the system do not default to this view.

Show only ECN where I am involved

Checking this box displays only ECNs in which as a regular user you are assigned tasks. If you are in a Plant Quality or Engineering management role within the application, this will display all ECNs awaiting your review and approval. If you are a Plant ECC this will display all ECNs awaiting task assignments or task review.

Un-checking this box displays all ECNs listed within the Database newest to oldest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This filter filters for ECNs in which the user is assigned tasks, on which the user is required to act. If a user has created the ECN, the ECN will not appear under this filter and the in order to see these, the user must un-check this box.

Quick Access Tool

Should a user know the number of the ECN they wish to open, entering this number in the “Quick Access Search” Field and click on the “Quick Access” button and the user will be navigated directly to the ECN they had entered.

This field has no free characters and is intended to navigate a user directly to a desired ECN. If a user needs to search by a partial number or another field within the ECN, they should utilize the Search tool on the header tab.

Search Tab

The Search tab contains all the fields from the ECN General Tab, allowing users to search by any of these fields or by parts of the field (such part of a description.) The free text symbol * allows for inexact searches. All the fields work in correlation therefore if a plant is selected along with a description, the search results will yield only those ECNs that match both the plant and description criteria.

Note: The results of a Search cannot be exported yet, but any table in the ECN can be copied and pasted into Excel.

Report Tab

The reporting tab is a developing tab- it currently breaks down the ECNs by program and by tab- displaying tabs that are complete, tabs waiting on specific users, and those tabs with no tasks are left gray. See Below.

This table can be copied and pasted into excel. A more extensive export is in development as of March of 2013.

Creating an ECN

Navigating to the New ECN Form

In order to create a new ECN, click on the “New ECN” tab directly to the right of the “home” tab on the header bar. (See the image below. If a user does not have the “New ECN” tab visible on their home screen, their user role may be limiting their ability to create an ECN.

Filling in the New ECN Form

If a user is at all unsure during the creation of this document, it is extremely important that they contact their Program Change Coordinator as well as reference the ECR and ECO preceding the ECN. The selections on this form will set defaults in certain tasks that are required as well as indicates to the Plant ECC what tasks are required.

Note those fields noted with a red asterisk are required and must be filled in before the ECN is submitted to the Plant and Plant ECC.