Steven Quinlavin

CSR 309

The Meaning of Life:

A Living Obituary of Brandon Fields

Brandon Fields, Son of Mike and James Fields and brother of Sarah Fields, is known for his outgoing personality and creative outlook on life. Brandon was born February 27, 1986 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is currently living in West Lafayette but still calls Florida home. Eventually Brandon wants to move to a big city and work in the field of asset management. His dream is to live in New York City and be successful in financial counseling. He resents the normal lifestyle and wants to travel America, Europe and even the world once he gets a chance.

Brandon is currently a senior at Purdue University studying Financial Counseling & Planning. When Brandon isn’t studying or in lab he is usually hanging out with his friends or one of his many female friends. He has been working on improving his organizational skills as well as his study habits. Brandon describes his time management as “probably spending way more time at the bars than I should”. That’s not necessarily a bad thing as long as you get work done which Brandon is very capable at doing. Brandon would like to be known for his honesty and his sense of humor, his friends say he lights up any room he walks in and the girls instantly stare. In addition to working in the Finance industry he also wants to own his own company one day and get into the world of venture capitalism. He eventually plans on residing in Greenwich, CT which is 20 minutes from downtown NYC by train and own property all around the area. He loves the outdoors and wants to ensure all land he owns is light on the land and environment around it, the Fairfield hills are a nice place and he wants to make sure it stays that way.

Brandon is in Phi Delta Theta fraternity where he enjoys being actively involved. He is the social chair for the entire fraternity and loves talking to representatives from the different sororities and fraternities and increasing their social standing on campus. He has also helped with the philanthropy committee with fundraising efforts and raising money for Phi Delts national foundation. Brandon believes you need to try your hardest in everything you do. Brandon is an amazing individual and open to meet anyone he comes in contact with. He hopes to do encourage people to live with an open mind and to be adventurous in their lives. Brandon lives every day to the fullest and looks forward to what may come in the future.