MONDAY, August 12

9:00-11:30: Foreign Exchange Instructors Only, Dey212 Meet with Graduate Student Services Manager, Tom Smither, to complete additional paperwork and visit the International Center.You must bring all of your visa documents: Passport, Visa, I-94 card, DS-2019.

1:30-3:00: French exchange instructor,Dey 107A,meets with Dr. Nina Furry.

1:30–3:00: Foreign instructors teaching Spanish, Dey210 Spanish exchange instructors and graduate teaching fellows who are native speakers of Spanish with no prior teaching experience at American universities meet with Dr. Josefa Lindquist.

8:00 PM: New Graduate Teaching Fellows Meet and Greet(Graduate Romance Association [GRA]), Location TBA

TUESDAY, August 13

9:00- 10:00: Administrative Matters,Toy Lounge All new graduate teaching fellows in Romance Languages, exchange instructors, and graduate students from other departments teaching in Romance Languages meet with the Administrative Staff. At this time you will present documents necessary to finish the I-9 process.

Note: you must bring employment eligibility documents, such as:

  • passport
  • drivers license
  • social security card
  • visa documents, if foreign

In addition, if you have a checking account with a U.S. bank, you should bring a voided check in order to complete the Direct Deposit form. You will also receive keys, office assignments, mailbox assignments, and learn about procedures in the Department of Romance Languages.

2:00:Mentor/Mentee Coffee Starting inDey Hall, Main Floor Lobby – includes a “must know” tour on our way to Franklin Street to meet other mentors. (This is a chance to meet graduate students, ask questions, and start building mentoring relationships, sponsored by the GRA.)

WEDNESDAY, August 14

10:00 –12:00: General Meeting for ProgramAdvising,Dey 305 All new graduate students in Romance Languages meet with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Advisors.

Exchange instructors are not required to attend this meeting nor the sessions on registration.

3:00-4:30: Tour of Davis Library, Reference Desk, ground floor, Davis Library MeetTeresa Chapa, Librarian for Global Resources and Area Studies,and Libby Chenault, Librarian for French and Italian, for the library orientation and tour.

THURSDAY, August 15

9:00–10:00: Introduction to the Language Program,Dey206 Topics: philosophy of the language program, Carolina students, questions from the Instructor’s Handbook (please prepare three questions in advance). Dr. Glynis Cowell, Director, Spanish Language Program, Dr. Hannelore Jarausch, Director, French Language Program.

**All new instructors (including exchange instructors, students from Comparative Literature, and graduate students from other departments teaching in Romance Languages) must attend. Also required for new fixed-term faculty.

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-12:00: Language Specific Meetings: Getting Started in the Language Program Topics include lesson planning, the first day of class, microteaching assignments. All new instructors; optional for new fixed-term faculty(French in Dey 313, Spanish Dey 206)

12:00–1:30: GRA Pizza LunchToy Lounge

2:30–4:30: Introduction to the Language Resource Center and Technology Support,Dey101 Dr. Hosun Kimmeets with all new graduate teaching fellows and new fixed-term faculty.

FRIDAY, August 16

9:00–10:00: Shock Lesson,Dey206 All new graduate instructors; optional for new fixed-term faculty.

NOTE: All degree-seeking foreign students who do not have a degree from a country where English is the sole language of instruction, must take the English Proficiency Test scheduled from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in 211 Chapman Hall.

10:15 –12:00: Language Specific Meetings(French Dey 201, 203;ItalianDey 208; Spanish Dey 206) Meet course coordinators and receive course materials. New fixed-term faculty may attend or arrange to pick up materials from the course coordinators at a different time. New Italian Teaching Fellows will receive teaching assignments and course materials from Dr. Amy Chambless.

1:30-3:00: Course specific technology workshops, as needed Announced by the faculty course coordinators, for new instructors. Check with your course coordinator for location and specific time.

SUNDAY, August 18

4:00 PM: GRA PICNIC, location TBA

MONDAY, August 19

9:00 and 10:30: Microteaching(Dey 205, 207, 303, 305)

9:00: French, Dr. Jarausch, Dey 205; Spanish, Dr. Cowell,Dey 207; Italian and Spanish, Dr. Chambless, Dey 303; Spanish, Dr. Maisch, Dey 305.

10:30: Spanish, Dr. Lindquist, Dey 205; French and Spanish, Dr. Furry,Dey 207.

10:30-12:00: Dey 303, ITAL 101/ITAL 102 section meeting with Dr. Amy Chambless

1:00–1:30: ALL FRENCH AND SPANISH INSTRUCTORSInformational meetings (FrenchDey 201;Spanish Toy Lounge)Required of all new instructors and new fixed-term faculty.


French 101/102Dey 201Spanish 100/101/102 TBA

French 105Dey 202Spanish 105 Dey 303

French 203Dey 210Spanish 203 Toy Lounge

French 204Dey 313Spanish 204 Dey 101

Spanish 300 TBA