Course Description

World Literature is required of all senior students and introduces them to a broad spectrum of plays,

novels, short stories, poetry, and essays from around the world. It has an average level of difficulty,

and is a college preparatory class. It includes the study of vocabulary, grammar, and composition as


Course Objectives

1. Students will study literary masterpieces from around the world in the context of cultural


2. Students will perfect the research process, which includes: gathering information from

appropriate sources, recording accurate notes, and organizing that data to support a focused


3. Students will refine composition skills in preparation for college by writing both short and long

compositions and exercising revision practices as well.

4. Students will complete a major research paper, which should be a critical analysis of a major

work from their chosen culture.

5. Students will leave this class with a clear sense of cultural context and the role that it plays in

both literature and lifestyle.

6. Students will develop an awareness of the major themes in world literature.

7. Students will experience examples of music and painting from many world cultures.

4 Strands (Units) of Study in this Course

1) Vocabulary

Is a completely independent study using the Houghton- Mifflin Vocabulary for Achievement system, which provides an entire program of study. Your accountability will be tests every 2 weeks on 2 lessons.

2) The Literature Strand

Is organized around your textbook, which covers literature from most of the major cultures around the world. You will be expected to practice close reading and critical analysis.

3) The Composition Strand

Will be a collaborative effort both in the classroom and outside it. You will be expected to develop a project from first idea to final product, working with a writing partner and me as your feedback. We will begin with your college application essay and move to other kinds of writing throughout the year.

4) The Research Strand

Involves research assignments of different levels of complexity, organized around your study of a country of your choosing. Countries will be chosen on a first come first serve basis with only one in each section. (Ex. One Italy period 7 or 8). We will go to the Tech Space and introduce you to The World and I website as a major resource for your work. Other resources will added as we move through the year. You may add approved resources of your own choosing.

Literature Units of Study

A. Sumeria

1. Epic - Gilgamesh

B. India

1. Epic

a. Bhagavad-Gita,

b. Mahabharata

2. Prose

a. Sacred Writings: Rig Veda, Upanishads

b. Folktales: Panchatantra

C. China

1. Philosophy: Analects of Confucius,

2. Poetry: shih style - Li Po and Tu Fu

D. Japan

1. Prose

a. Tale of the Genji (novel)

b. Essays in Idleness (zuihitsu)

c. The Pillow Book (diary)

2. Poetry

a. Choka

b. Tanka

c. Haiku (from hokku)

3. Drama: Noh Theater

E. Greece

1. Drama

a. Elements of tragedy from Aristotle

b. Beginnings of western drama

c. Oedipus Rex

2. Epic

a. Iliad

b. Odyssey

Major Course Assessments

A. Quiz-Silent/Oral:

1. Silent quiz is a printed item testing information from either a homework reading or lecture.

2. Oral quiz is a short quiz, given unannounced, on assigned readings.

B. Test - Individual &, Group

1. Unit tests on particular cultural groups are a mix of short answer, true/false, multiple

choice and essay, and are extensive.

2. Vocabulary tests based on sets of 10 words which are linguistically related, and

include a reading which uses the words correctly in context.

3. Group tests are taken on the Unit (objective style) but by the study group as a whole

(4th quarter seniors)

C. Culture File: Collection of substantive articles about a particular culture with commentary

by the student on the aspect of culture represented in the article. (5 per quarter)

D. SSR: Two page summary of cultural articles about chosen culture with a commentary on

personal connections to the culture and the article read. (2 per quarter)

E. Research Packet: Research-based outline presenting an overview of the culture student has

chosen as an independent study for the year.

F. Research Paper: A critical study of a literary work from the student's chosen culture. Focus is on the research

paper process as well as the content and structure of the ideas.

G. Project Presentation: Present an opportunity for cultural immersion for the class. Include:

1. Music and/or dance;

2. Artifacts;

3. Original work such as a painting, building, game adaptation or other original idea;

4. Multi-media presentation; game design;

5. Food accompanied by customs and mores surrounding the presentation and consumption of the food.

Classroom Structure Variations

A. Writing Workshop (Pairs)

1. Work together with writing partner

2. Fulfill both planner and supporter roles in process

3. Peer edit & Conference with partner

B. Large Group Class Discussion (Entire Class)

1. Students sit in circle

2. Students are expected to be able to discuss the assigned work read

C. Small Group Study of Literature (4-5 Students) (Zig/Zag 4th Quarter)

1. Talk only within group, not outside it - Stay on task

2. Volume level controlled so as not to disturb others

3. Group can vote to expel deadbeat member who would then have to convince some other group to take him/her

4. In 4th quarter. Group takes test together


A. RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS [Choose a Culture for the Year]

l. SSR

a. 2 articles (one a quarter)

b. Cultural magazine - The World and I - Other

c. Subject of your choice related to your culture

d. Format

1.) Bib entry: see handbook

2.) Precise: summary of article

3.) Your response discussion of the article

2. Research Packet includes: (See Writers Inc.)

a. Working bibliography

b. Note cards (keep print outs)

c. Put heading on upper right hand comer of outline

d. Outline - typed

e. Formal bibliography - typed

3. Research Assignment Schedule for the year

a. 1st qu: 1 SSR, 1 research packet

c. 2nd qu: 1 SSR, 1 literary bibliography

d. 3rd qu: literary analysis paper of literature from your chosen culture

e. 4th qu: Senior Project presentation

f. Culture File: Total of 20 articles - 5 articles per quarter - all 4 quarters


1. Grade based on completion and presentation

2. Table of Contents required

3. List of required pieces will be listed in writing folder



1. Vocabulary - every 3rd lesson

2. Assigned reading quiz


1. A spiral notebook or binder with paper for class notes
2. Your active library card from your public library
3. One pack of 4 x 6 note cards
4. An envelope style plastic or paper container for your note cards - you may also use cards on a spiral ring
5. A supply of loose leaf
6. A folder, or pocket in a storage folder, for handouts
7. A 1" binder and 24 plastic sleeve pages for your culture file
8. Access to word processing


Prentice Hall Literature: World Masterpieces by Prentice-Hall (1991)

Vocabulary for Achievement, Vol. 6 by Houghton-Mifflin

Writers, Inc. Handbook (1996)

Teacher supplementary resources, including MLA, Purdue OWL, and collections of various works

relating to world literature