North Cardiff Medical Centre

Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 8th December 2011

Excalibur Drive Surgery

Minutes of Meeting

Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Sarah Morris (SM),

Ian Thomas (IT), Dinah Ball (DB), Angharad Roberts (AR), Vivienne Riley (VR), Colin Hembery (CH), Peter Sadler (PS), Margaret Benedict (MB), Vicky Burr (VB), Bronwen Phillips (BP), Rachel Davies (RD).

Apologies: Sandra Wildsmith, Bachu Diwan, Nic Pearson, Pam Parkhouse

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC welcomed all present and introductions were made to 2 new members –Rachel davies and Bronwen Phillips. SM explained that a further new member - Pam Parkhouse would be joining the next meeting. A copy of the PPG Constitution was circulated.

2. Minutes of previous meeting 8th September 2011

Minutes accepted as an accurate record

3. Action Points/ Matters arising

It was noted that the PPG member contact details that were sent out from the previous meeting were incomplete. ACTION JW/VB to complete and circulate.

ACTION. SM to chase slides from Nicola re: Carers. HGM has e-mailed Ruth Wilson from Diabetes UK and is awaiting a reply.

4. PPG Activity update & planning

DB provided an update on the meeting held with Llanishen High School . New ideas for the next project were discussed with regards to a Buddy Scheme in school for year 10 &11 and 7 & 8 for counseling and support. Will be explored further in New Year.

4.1 Art Project

Very positive feedback was given from the School and work is underway for the next display. Further discussion re: publicity – probably via the PPG page on the website.

4.2 “Buddy” Scheme

Members agreed a subgroup meeting to progress this area. Meeting to take place on 26th January at 9.30 to discuss further.

4.3 Patient information/communication

VR provided an update from the last meeting. VR gave very positive feedback on the trial on-line appointment system.

It was agreed that within the subgroup meeting on the 26th January that the PPG Profile is to be discussed and the use of the website for this. RC handed out blank profile sheets to all members and asked for them to be completed and sent back to Vicky as soon as possible to set up member profiles within the PPG. ACTION. ALL

4.4 Update following Exercise Day

RC informed that very positive feedback was received from this day and expressed thanks to all involved. New ideas were discussed on future events and the possibility of holding half day events every couple of months or so. This was agreed and BP to take lead on this and AR to assist if required. ACTION BP/AR

4.5 Fundraising Activities

RC asked for any new ideas. Members agreed that a hamper of goodies to be placed as a raffle prize on reception and that members will donate to this. PS provided a financial update.

5 Review of target activities for 2011 and planning for 2012

Members agreed the following target activities

To continue liaising with Llanishen High School.

To implement ideas for the Buddy Scheme.

To arrange an Autumn event.

6 Appointment and pilot project update

SM gave an update and presentation on the ongoing ‘access’ changes.

7 Meeting dates for 2012

A copy of the meeting dates for 2012 was circulated

8 Any other business

SM provided news of a further new member joining in 2012 - Pam Parkhouse who will join the group at the next meeting. SM also advised of Dr Evans resignation and Mary Jones retirement, both due to ill health.

MB made an announcement that she is retiring from the PPG and it was agreed that MB would be welcomed at any future PPG meetings. RC expressed to MB for her help and support within the PPG.

SM thanked members for their valued contributions during 2011 and wished everyone compliments of the season.

Next meeting March 8th 2012 at 9.30am at NCMC Excalibur Drive