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UCCS Track and Soccer Field Project

Questions/Answers Asked During Submittal Phase


The following questions were asked by firms following the Pre-Submittal Meeting:

1.  If the A/E team utilizes a general contractor for cost estimating, can the GC still submit to build the project?

1.  Yes

2.  Is the University only requesting the proposal to be submitted on a .pdf electronic copy, or are hard copies needed as well?

1.  Only an electronic copy is required. See submittal requirements if size requirement is exceeded. No hard copies of the proposals will be required for this submittal.

3.  APPENDIX B – ARCHITECT/ENGINEER/CONSULTANT CONTRACT (STANDARD OR CMGC FORMAT) – the RFQ does not mention reviewing and commenting on this. Please confirm.

1.  Comments are not required during this phase of submittal.

4.  D. APPENDIX C – CERTIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT REGARDING UNAUTHORIZED IMMIGRANTS – the RFQ does not mention reviewing and commenting on this. Please confirm.

1.  Comments are not required during this phase of submittal.

5.  Please clarify the number of pages allowed in the Proposal. Does the 20 page limit include cover, cover letter, dividers, and resumes?

1.  The 20 Pdf page limit is for the “cover letter and body of the proposal” and does not include the cover, dividers or Attestation Form.

2.  To facilitate review of the Proposal, please number the pages and key to the Table of Contents.

6.  What Conference does the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs belong to?

1.  UCCS is a member of the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, an NCAA Division II University. There are 14 colleges and universities that form the Conference.

7.  Is there an anticipated construction period for the Track/Field and Soccer Project?

1.  Since the funding for this project has not been established, there has not been a construction period set for the project.

2.  The Planning Team should develop their Statement of Probable Construction Cost based on 2013 dollars.

8.  Will the “Sign In” sheet from the non-mandatory Pre-submittal Meeting be posted?

1.  The sign-in sheet is posted on the UCCS Facilities Services website.

2.  Link:

9.  Were there mining operations under the site proposed for the Track and Soccer Field Project?

1.  Not under this portion of the UCCS Campus.

10. Is there a topographic survey of the site and is it available for use in the proposal?

1.  No, there is not one available at this time.

2.  We are attempting to obtain a survey for use in the study.

11. What user groups do you anticipate will be involved in the project?

1.  The UCCS Athletic departments and associated teams

2.  Olympic Training Center

3.  Wounded Warriors Program

4.  Several community potential users

12. Are their utility maps available?

1.  There is some limited utility map information that can be obtained from Colorado Springs Utilities.

13. What do anticipate in terms of public outreach? Open Houses? Newsletters?

1.  There may be several on campus special invitation meetings but no open houses. We may request information for an in-house newsletter or web site display.

No further questions will be responded to in regard to the RFQ.

Meridian One, 9785 Maroon Cir. Suite 150, Englewood, Colorado 80112 Telephone: 303.771.0396 Fax: 303.771.0398