Church Flowers
February 10th – March 20th Lent – No Flowers
March 20th – TBA
Church Cleaning
Liz Dowding
Brass Cleaning
Betty Armour
Friends of St Mary's Church
100 Club
January Draw
1st2Mrs G Lynch
2nd76Mr & Mrs B Coombs
3rd102Mr & Mrs J Hicks
4th62Mr M Clark
Winners of the February draw will be
announced in next month's Chimes
Next Draw
Wednesday, 9th March 2016
in the Community Room
(after Midweek Holy Communion)
As a token of our thanks for those who continue to support this fundraising initiative an invitation is extended to join us for FREE tea/coffee and homemade cakes in:-
the Community Room
Saturday, 19th March 2016
between 10 a.m. and noon
The draw on 9th March sees the end of the Club's year, so for those paying by cheque or cash on an annual basis there will be an opportunity to renew your membership during the morning. If you are not a member yet and would like to join or just find out more you too will be warmly welcomed!
Mid Week Holy Communion will be celebrated as usual in the Community Room behind the Shop on Wednesday, 9th March at 11 am with an opportunity to stay and chat afterwards over a cup of tea/coffee. If you would like to come but getting there is a problem please call Liz or Tony on 891898. Or if you or someone you know is housebound and would like to take Communion at home please let us know in advance and every effort will be made to arrange this.
OPEN FOR BUSINESS AGAIN! Thanks to a number of people who have stepped forward to join the team, tea/coffee & cakes/biscuits will be served in the Community Room every Tuesday & Thursday mornings - 10.00 to 11.30 a.m.
The Lord's Larder Your contributions are really appreciated and do make a difference to someone else's life so please keep your donations coming - they are still very much needed.
The collection point is under the desk in the Community Room. Thank you.
Women's Institute
The January WI commenced with the official business of the day.
We had a very interesting talk from Mr & Mrs Castleton entitled 'Working in the Dark'.
The talk commenced by hearing that our speaker worked as a social worker for the deaf and blind for many years. Being blind himself was a challenge so he decided to share some aspects of his daily life with us.
Ably assisted by his wife, four volunteers were blindfolded and led around the room by their helpers who walked half a pace in front with the blindfolded volunteers holding onto them by the elbow. We learnt how a person should be guided to a chair and how to use a technique so that they could sit down safely. We then listened to the rest of his story blindfolded, which showed us what a different sensory experience it was compared to being sighted.
After that the fun began, we were led back to a table and seated. Each volunteer had a task to do, such as: peeling an apple and quartering it, writing a note blindfolded, buttering bread and jam sandwiches and pouring water into glasses. Not as easy as one would think. Blindfolds were removed one by one and we could see how well or badly our task had been completed. An eyeopener indeed!
This was a very descriptive talk in which we had to imagine what it was like for the totally or partially sighted. Now having been participants we know how difficult life can be. An excellent talk.
A vote of thanks was given to Mr & Mrs Castleton.
2nd FebIvy's Story2:30pm
23rd MarchOn Cigarette Papers2:30pm
25th AprilAGM & Birthday Party7:30pm
23rd MayEndangered Species7:30pm
Halstock WI welcomes any ladies who would like to come along on the 4th Monday of each month.
The Royal British Legion
The next meeting of the Royal British Legion will be on Tuesday 8th March at the Rest and Welcome Inn at 7:30pm. Anybody interested in joining the Legion would be made most welcome.
Bridge Nights are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month at 7:30pm in the Community Room. Enquiries 01935 891249.
A Warm Welcome to Natalie Habberfield and daughter Annie who have moved into No2 Marriot Cottages, from Clifton Maybank. We do hope you will enjoy living in our friendly village.
As there was no Halstock page for February we start with three belated birthdays. Hope you all had great Parties:-
Wilfred Lemmey on the 3rd
Sophia Frampton on the 12th, and
Justin White on the 28th.
Moving on to March we wish very happy birthdays to:-
Benjamin Leather on the 7th
Annabelle Leather on the 13th
Ashton Peter Coombs on the 9th
Nina Powell on the 14th, and
Rosanna Daisy Thomas on the 23rd.
Much celebrating in Halstock!
Corscombe & Halstock Community First Responders
We are delighted to report that three people have applied to become First Responders; one from Halstock and two from Corscombe. Once they have been trained by the ambulance service, they will become active. Currently we have 4 regularly active members, so the addition of 3 almost doubles our number. Our aim is to cover as much of the week as possible, without expecting any one person to do more than they are comfortable with. So, the more members we have, the more time we can cover.
Being part of the Responder Team is both enjoyable and worthwhile. We provide a rapid response service, ensuring that a 999 call to the emergency service will likely get help to you well before an ambulance arrives (an ambulance is rarely located locally, meaning it can take 25/35 minutes to arrive on scene). Our target is to be on scene within the Government's 8 minute target.
If you would be interested in joining this vibrant team, why not contact Dick Thorne (01935 891847) or Chris Chapman (01935 891015) to find out more. We meet one evening per month for training, and then we operate a rota so that no single person does more 'on call' service than they are comfortable with. The skills gained are valuable - and on occasion life saving.
Apologies to our lovely Big Breakfast Supporters and Helpers; we had to cancel the February Big Breakfast because of problems with the village hall kitchen. The kitchen is undergoing repair, so we hope it will be completed in time for the March Big Breakfast, the last of the season. Thank you so much for supporting us and for making the event such fun.
Moscow Drug Club
Sunday 6th March 7.30 pm Halstock Village hall
Moscow Drug Club is a curious place, where elements of 1930's Berlin Cabaret, Hot Club de France, Nuevo tango and Gypsy Campfire meet, have a few drinks and stagger arm in arm into the darkness of some cobbled street in eastern Europe, on a mission to find the bar where Django Reinhardt and Tom Waits are having an after hours jam with the local Tziganes
Moscow Drug Club formed in Bristol, when North American chanteuse Katya Gorrie and International guitar virtuoso Denny Ilett stumbled into a pub and met a Django guitarist named Dave Archer. Finding that they each had a passion for the swing music of the 30s and 40s, and the Parisian songwriters of the 50s, an idea began to form in their minds. Teaming up with classical violinist John Pearce and double bassist Andy Crowdy, the five-piece was complete Combining original material with songs by the likes of Jacques Brel, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Bertolt Brecht and Duke Ellington, Moscow Drug Club have wowed crowds across the UK with their intoxicating and infectious sound.The band first toured with Artsreach back in December, selling out at several venues - early booking is advised!
Tickets: from Deborah Childs. Tel.01935 891744.
Adults £9.00, U18's £7.00, Family £28.00 Youth Club members Free.
Bar and light Refreshments available
Halstock Community Theatre
Present a one act comedy
Last Tango in "Halstock"
Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd April at Halstock Village hall at 7.30 pm
Tickets available from: Deborah Childs 01935 891744 and the shop.
Adults: £8.00, U 18's £6.00, To include a hot supper
Booking essential
Pete and Ali's famous good valuebar
Proceeds to Halstock Village Hall
CorscombeFest - Saturday 18 June
The aim is that the event should be fun for the village and should also attract visitors of all ages who look forward to our unique take on the traditional fete. It should also raise funds for local village good causes. So this is what is planned:-
The day part of the Fest will start at 1pm and will have a £2 entry fee. There will be a food and music theme to the day with lots to do and see. Keep an eye on our Fest website for up-to-date information. We are delighted to announce that Mandy Craddock will be presenting a cookery demonstration throughout the afternoon so there should be some lovely tastings - as well as local food stalls to peruse. And of course we will have a BBQ, hog roast, tea & cakes cafe and two bars serving real ale, ...... !
At around 5.30pm Julie Dunn will be performing in the marquee. The idea is that Fete visitors and those working on the stalls will have the opportunity to relax and enjoy a cafe or bar drink and unwind to some superb jazz
The evening part, called 'The Devil's Chair' Music Festival (the name of one of the Corscombe standing stones) will start at 6.30pm, and entry will be by ticket. Tickets may be purchased in advance via the website . If you purchase a ticket early, the price is just £6.95 for adults / concessions for under 18s and for under 12s who are accompanied by a paying parent or guardian. This 'early bird' discounted price is to provide the opportunity for village residents to secure tickets at a discount before the price is increased nearer the date.
We aim to provide a really good day's entertainment for all the family, and raise much needed funds for village organisations.
We hope you have the date in your diary and will support us on the day
Fest Planning Committee
Local Walks
The Corscombe website has details of 13 walks around the Corscombe area. Go to web page:
You will find the walks listed with full details. You have the option to print a guide for each of the walks to keep you on track. Thanks to Deborah Childs for making these available.
Halstock Community Shop
(Lottery Funded)
Firstly, our thanks to Judith Graham who has taken on the job of village editor enabling us to bring you our local shop news again.
January was so wet and windy that we thank all of our intrepid customers who braved the elements to support our community shop. These included several new residents to whom we extend a warm welcome. This is your shop and we try our best to keep what you need in stock, so if there are items that you need, please ask and if we can source them and feel there is a demand from others we will do our best to stock them.
Orders are taken for bread, which we receive daily, newspapers and magazines. Please ask Barry or Jane or one of the volunteers for details.
In 2016 we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Halstock Village Shop Ltd, the community supported company set up in May 1991 to run a village shop. It is thanks to the initiative of those residents that we are fortunate today to have a vibrant shop and community room. Further details of the celebrations will be provided in due course.
Tony Woodroffe - on behalf of the Community Shop Committee.