Inspection Number: / I-2 / Product: / Scotch YokeInspection Name: / Inspect Finish Width of 3-1/2” +/- 1/64” (.015”) / Worked on by: / Student name
Previous Station: / O-6 Plane to finish width (3 ½” +/- 1/64”) / Next Station: / O-7 Cross cut better end
Part Name: / Base /
Part Number: / 1
Quantity: / 50
Material or Stock: / ¾” X 3-1/2” X 12” hard maple, FAS, S2S2E, KD
Tools/Equipment: / n/a
Fixtures/Gauges: / Gauge I-2
Supplies: / Screw driver, dial caliper
No. / Description of Step / Fixtures
or Gauges / Materials
or Stock / Supplies / Tools and
1 / Retrieve Gauge I-2 from storage. / Gauge I-2
2 / Check gauge for accuracy and adjust screws if necessary. / Screw driver, dial caliper
3 / Receive back plates from previous station O-6 / Back plate
4 / Place Gauge I-2 on table face down
5 / Slide one end of the machined stock from O-6 into Gauge I-2.
6 / If the stock does not slide past the first screw (3.515”) it is too wide. Send the part back to O-6 (REWORK) and notify the operator that the machine is not accurate. Have the operator adjust the machine and test each piece until it is adjusted correctly. Tally the part as a REWORK on your Quality Control Sheet. Go on to Step 3. / Quality Control Sheet, pencil
7 / If the stock does slides past the first screw (3.515”) but does not slide past the second screw (3.485”) it is too acceptable. Go on to Step 9.
8 / If the stock does slides past the first screw (3.515”) and also slides past the second screw (3.485”) it is too narrow. Throw the part in the garbage (REJECT) and notify the operator that the machine is not accurate. Have the operator adjust the machine and test each piece until it is adjusted correctly. Tally the part as a REWORK on your Quality Control Sheet. Go on to Step 3.
9 / Examine the part for tear out of grain. Tear out is typically caused by the stock being fed into the planer with the grain pointing down to the rear instead of up to the rear.
10 / If there is tear out throw the part in the garbage (REJECT) and notify the operator at O-6 that there is a probability that the grain direction was not correct when the stock was fed into the planer. Tally the part as a REJECT on your Quality Control Sheet. Go on to Step 3.
11 / If there is no tear out go on to step 12.
12 / Examine the part for burn marks on the machined surface. Burn marks are typically caused by the planer knives being too dull.
13 / If there are burn marks notify the operator at O-6 that blades may be dull and need to be sharpened. If the burns are severe throw the part in the garbage (REJECT) and tally the part as a REJECT on your Quality Control Sheet. Go to step 3.
14 / If the burns are minor and can be sanded out go on to Step 15.
15 / If there are no burn marks the part is good. Tally the part as a ACCEPTABLE on your Quality Control Sheet. Go on to step 16.
16 / Place acceptable parts in box to be taken to next station / Transfer box
17 / Take to next station O-7 in quantities of 10-20
Clean up area and return
Gauge I-2 to storage.