Points to note:

2.  Contact number in all sections refers to the number where the respective personnel can be reached after office hours, e.g., home number or handphone number. Asst Supervisor of the lab is the Post-Doc, RA, LO or post-graduate appointed to assist the PI in the management of the Lab.

4.  Is a copy of the keys to the lab kept in Lab Supplies?

5.  List of all research personnel in the laboratory. UROPS and Honours student are only allowed to work in the presence of a post-graduate/staff after office hours

7.  Please mark the items available in the lab

8.  Please mark the hazards present in the lab

A copy of this roll call form must to be submitted to the Purchasing, Safety and Security Office whenever there is any update.

Department of Chemistry

Laboratory roll call and emergency contact team

1. / Laboratory location :
2. / PI : / (1) / Contact number
Co-PI : / (2) / Contact number
3. / Asst Supervisor of the laboratory : / Contact number
4. / Lab access key deposited in Lab Supplies / No
5. / List of Authorized Research Personnel
Authorized Research Personnel / Day/Night access / Contact Number

6. In case of emergency, researcher(s) in the lab to contact the following numbers after office hours:

Campus Security: 68741616

Biosciences Security Post: 67787450

7. Safety implementation system:

1 / Safety goggles / No / 2 / Face mask / No
3 / Fire extinguisher / No / 4 / Spills wipe / No
5 / Gas leak detector / No / 6 / Security access / No
7 / Eye Wash / No / 8 / Safety Shower / No
9 / Safety Blanket / No / 10 / Others:

8. Potential safety hazards:

1 / Flammable gas cylinders / No / 2 / Toxic gas / No
3 / Solvent stills / No / 4 / Waste solvent carboys / No
5 / Others:
Signature of PI : / Date :

Dept of Chemistry Emergency Evacuation Route