Ward Council Meeting – March 17, 2017
Attendees: Dana, Laurie, Monica, James, Deepti, Peggy, Charlie, Justin M., Sergio, Mary, Lenny, Jake, Isaac, Miriam, Jenny, Tony, Balin, Eileen, Justin R., Seth, (4 residents)
- Back Fill – Mary/Jake/Charlie
- Still collecting data to determineif feasible to do a proposal for Back Fill.
- Bounce Back – Deepti
- Question of shortening or eliminating bounces for Gold because never the same providers, we don’t maintain continuity.
- Should we have a bounce back policy for all teams, shorten it for all teams, or eliminate it?
- We don’t have many bounces, have a low readmission rate.
- Originally came up with bounce back policy when residents and attendings were on the same team for a while, that is no longer the case, there is no continuity.
- There is no requirement for a bounce back policy.
- Don’t have any data on it. Can see how many bounce backs have weekly to see if it would affect anything.
- Can use the bounce back to see what could be done differently with discharge.
- Discuss with new chief residents when have a policy for bounce backs.
- Some bounces make sense, some don’t. Try to come up with number of days that would be most appropriate and useful. Go for something shorter—1 or 2 weeks. Can be consistent and say 1 week on any team.
- Action Item – next meeting in April will focus on the Bounce policy and see if want to revise it. Dana will come up with a proposal to shorten the Bounce policy. See if can come up with data on how many bounces. Will talk about it.
- Triage Sheets – Dana
- Have been revised. Initial trial getting 7% of them completed. (Getting all the information, every one had some information but only 7% completed)
- Have revised it and made it much easier to complete.
- Can be completed by medical record, time patient was presented by ED, time patient was evaluated by resident—just checking one box.
- Would like to develop a policy that first or second PALs is admitted by our Cross Cover rather than being admitted by the ED night float.
- If we can show that the PALs patients are taking away, can assign that to one of the Cross Cover people.
- If we pay them more or how we would do that would need to be figured out
- Hoping to get at least 3 weeks of data from triage sheets to show something.
- Question by Deepti
- Cerner will be down on Sunday for 5 hours and she is on day call; what do you do, anyone have experience with that?
- Do everything by paper; wait until comes back online to do documentation.
- Or can put in word document or dictate.
- Following of patients - Lenny
- Patients admitted by Silver in the morning and the responsibility of communication with the nurses, Powerchart to go over with day call team.
- Idea of day call team being in charge of patients or Gold team.
- Hard to follow, ER nurses found frustrating.
- Recommendation to have one consistent thing.
- Tech issue nationwide. Would be nice to have a way to let everyone know what providers are responsible for a patient on a given day.
- Silver has a lot to do already with admitting, consultations, triaging, seeing patients in the afternoon.
- Tony brought up that Keith mentioned the new OCD policy was becoming effective in April.
- James emailed everyone to know why they were ineligible.
- Keith emailed those that needed remediation.
- Told the soonest remediation courses available would be May or June.
- Will take several months to finish.
- Jenny – concern about text paging to nurses
- Just forwarded memo to Kendall that she saw from Greg Aguilar.
- Memo from new telecom representative, Greg Aguilar, that AMiON is not secure and no one should be text paging through it.
- Do only numeric phone paging.
- He believes that AMiON is not secure. The old fashion way of paging is recommended.