All Area Club Talk Synchronization: Gospel of Luke
Paradise Valley and Cave Creek Young Life

Vision: That every club, YL and WL, would go through the gospel of Luke roughly at the same time.


·  It will simplify the question, “what should I talk about?”

·  It will give leaders and students an easy springboard into campaigners and personal Bible reading

·  Since several leaders will all be giving the same talk each week they can connect to prep, encourage, pray, share ideas, etc.

·  It allows Luke to set the progression of the “gospel” we proclaim in club


·  We realize WL meets less often so they will not cover all of the talks, pick the ones closest to club

·  Since we are using one story from each chapter, we will end up speaking on stories which may have never been done in club. I think this will stretch us in a good way to think about our gospel, but it may require extra planning and might be a better fit for a leader with several years experience.

·  The club talk progression will look a little different. It is OK if we talk about responding to Jesus before the sin talk, or before the cross talk... why? Because Jesus didn’t wait for that either. The founder of YL was well known for saying we must give kids a chance to respond to Jesus in every club talk we do.

Fall 2014 Schedule

Date / Ch / Topic / Details
Sept 15 / Luke 1 / Incarnation / Birth of Jesus foretold (1:26-38)
Sept 22 / Luke 3 / Divinity of Jesus / Jesus’ baptism (3:21-22)
Sept 29 / Luke 5 / Invitation / Calling of Levi the tax collector (5:27-32)
Oct 6 / Luke 7 / Faith in Jesus / Jesus anointed by a sinful woman (7:36-50)
Oct 13 / Luke 9 / Power of Jesus / Feeding of the 5000 (9:10-17)
Oct 20 / Luke 11 / Man’s Heart / How Pharisees and religious experts miss the main point (11:37-54)
Oct 27 / Luke 13 / Power of Jesus / Jesus heals a crippled woman (13:10-17)
Nov 3 / Luke 15 / Sin / Invitation / Prodigal son (15:11-24)
Nov 10 / Luke 17 / Response / Jesus heals ten lepers, only one returns (17:11-19)
Nov 17 - All Area / Luke 19 / Invitation / Jesus and Zacchaeus (19:1-10)
Nov 24 / Luke 21 / Response / The widow’s offering [we offer little back to God, but it matters much] (21:1-4) *tough chapter
Dec 1 / Luke 23 / Cross / Jesus before Pilate, Herod, sentenced to death (23:1-25)
Jesus crucified (23:25-49)
Jesus buried (23:50-56)
Dec 8 / Luke 24 / Resurrection / Resurrection (24:1-12)