The Amazing Race in Physical Education

Brenda Erdman

Elementary Physical Education Teacher

School District of Reedsburg, Westside Elementary School

401 Alexander Avenue Reedsburg, WI. 53959

This unique experience is fun, educational, challenging, and encourages cooperation and teamwork! It includes fitness and academic integration, including reading, writing, health and social studies. It can be used in physical education, health class, or in any classroom. With adaptations it can be used with ALL grade levels, and your students will love it!

On my website I have included two Amazing Race experiences that I have done with my students. The first document includes The Amazing Race Around the World, and the second document includes The Amazing US Race. These documents will provide a lot of information that will show you how I set up and managed my Amazing Race experiences, and it will help you get started on your own Amazing Race experience.


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My presentation will include taking you through my Amazing Race materials and explaining how I set up the Amazing Race with my classes. I will also take participants through a “mock” Amazing Race, so they can experience the Amazing Race challenges (mental and physical) first hand. It’s an AMAZING experience!

Taken from the idea of the Amazing Race, as seen on CBS, these amazing challenges encourage students to work in teams to accomplish fitness, skill, and/or mental challenges. As they accomplish these challenges they earn points or a challenge check-off and travel to different places around the World or the United States.

I have chosen to do the Amazing Race activities every other year with my elementary students. I have done the amazing race during a part of the year and as a year-long activity and both worked well. Alternating years gives me time to look forward to new challenges and new ways to manage and set up the race.

The Amazing Race in P.E. addresses all of the National Standards for P.E., so not only are you expanding the growth and knowledge of your students, but yours also.

Make it simple or complex, but any way you try it have fun with the challenges and enjoy the excitement your students will have for the Amazing Race in Physical Education!

The Amazing Race in Physical Education

Getting Started

1.  Choose the number and specific destinations you want in your race.

2.  Choose the PIT STOP questions you will ask and have them prepared ahead of time. Students will reach their destinations quicker than you think, so being prepared ahead of time is important. I gave the students a list of pit stop questions each time they reached a new destination.

3.  Create the challenges you want the students to perform.

4.  Decide how often you would like to perform challenges: one per class, several during one class per week, etc. We performed approx. 1-5 challenges each week, sometimes more. Every so often we would devote an entire class to performing challenges. I see my students three times a week.

5.  Post the team progress in the gym – points and travel.

Choosing Teams: Choose teams that the students will work together on throughout the year. I chose the teams myself to make sure one team would not dominate, to have boys and girls on each team, and to spread around the more challenging children. In one class I let the students pair up and then had the pairs group together. Overall the students arranged themselves fairly well, however, I did do a little rearranging.

Team Leaders: Once the students were on a team they chose a team name and a team leader. The team leader was in charge of making sure the team demonstrated good sportsmanship. They also solved team problems before coming to the teacher. The team leaders were in charge of turning in the pit stop questions, and sometimes were called upon before, during, or after challenges by the teacher.

Team Posters/Team Recording Sheets: Each team was required to make a poster. The poster was hung in the gym. I used the poster to indicate where each team was located on the race route. Students could look at the posters and see what destination each team was at. I also had a recording sheet for each team to keep track of challenges completed, points received, and what destination the team was at.

Team Lists: I had a list of all the teams hung in the gym with the team leader highlighted. Each team chose their team name.

Map: I hung a map on the gym wall to show the location of each destination. I also asked each classroom teacher to use their classroom maps to talk about the destinations.

Pit Stop Questions: When a team reached a new destination they received questions. I have given out questions different ways…one example is the teams had to choose from 3 questions all given different point values. Another example is a “test” of questions the team needed to answer and return.

Road Block: One person on your team is chosen to perform the challenge by themselves. Sometimes I asked for a team volunteer before announcing the challenge.

Sample of part of a team list:

Amazing Race Physical Education Teams

L = Leader


The Mighty Eagles – Joana (L), Kyle, Riley, Courtney

All Stars – Anthony (L), Talon, Sade, Danielle

Avalanche – Jessie (L), Kacey, Alyson, Jesse

Beavers – Jonathon (L), Paige, Libby, Nate

Pack Attack – Cassidy (L), Natalie, Mykl, Zach

Sample of World Race destinations:

Amazing Race Around the World - Challenge Levels and Destinations

Level Points/Miles Destination

1 100 Madison, WI.

2 200 New York, New York

3 300 Torino, Italy

4 400 Mt. Everest

5 500 Sydney, Australia

6 600 Madagascar

7 700 Casablanca, Morocco

8 800 Rio de Janeiro

9 900 Madison, WI.

10 1000 Reedsburg, WI.

Sample of US Race destinations:

Amazing U.S. Race Destinations

Start: Reedsburg, Wisconsin…Here we go!

1. LaCrosse, Wisconsin: Climbing Grandad Bluff

2. Ely, Minnesota: Boundary Water Canoe Area

3. Jackson, Wyoming: Skiing and visiting Yellowstone National Park

4. Olympic Mountains, Washington: Great views, hiking, and hot springs.

5. Palmer, Alaska: Moose, Bear, Salmon…OH-MY!!!

6. San Diego, California: We are going to the ZOO!

7. OAHU Island, Hawaii: Remember Pear Harbor.

8. Salt Lake City, Utah: Let’s go swimming!

9. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: WOW!

10. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado: Put on your hiking shoes.

11. Fort Worth, Texas: National AAHPERD Convention

12. New Orleans, Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina

13. Orlando, Florida: Walt Disney World

14. Nashville, Tennessee: Yee-Haw! Enjoy a show!

15. Niagara Falls, New York: Visiting Niagara Falls

16. Chicago, Illinois: The Aquarium – so cool!

End: Reedsburg, Wisconsin…Home at last.

Amazing World Race Challenges

Name of challenge and number of points.

1.  Noodle Up Run for 2 minutes (1 noodle per team) = 5

2.  Climbing ladder (1 team member)= 10

3.  3 minute jump rope = 15

a.  whole team at 1 minute = 5

b.  whole team at 2 minutes = 10

c.  any team member left after 2 minutes = 2 points/person.

4.  Mat up while standing still. Mat can not touch head = 20

5.  2 person chain (2 team members) = # of jumps are your points

6.  Mat carry while moving for 3 minutes = 15

7.  Football Throw past point markers = 2/3/5/double

8.  1 minute sit-ups. # of sit-ups = # of points.

9.  Bulls Eye mat toss.

10.  Dribble knock out = 1 point for each winner.

11.  2 minute shoot. Each team member shoots the free throw and the inside corner shot, team member rebounding = 1 point per basket.

12.  Team free throw. Two shots per team member = 1 point per basket made.

13.  3 basket shooting. Each shot is 2 points.

14.  Flat/open mat team carry for 3 minutes = 10

15.  Monkey on the wall (1 team member) = 10

16.  Hula Hoop toss = 1 point per person

17.  Team badminton – “keep it up” (last team left) = 10

18.  Badminton smash = 10

19.  Half court shot = 5 points per person

20.  Conehead (1 minute) = 10

21.  Lap sit = 10 points for the group that lasts the longest

22.  One foot group stand for 4 minutes = 10

23.  Group body hold for 2 minutes = 20

24.  Mat up balance on head for 3 minutes = 20

25.  Hockey goal shot, length of the gym-5 shots/team = 1 pt./shot made in the goal

26.  Shoe mess. Everyone puts both shoes in the center circle. Teacher mixes them up. On signal the team that finds their shoes, puts them on and tied earns the points = 10

27.  Feet mat up. Team holds a mat up with their feet for 2 minutes = 20

28.  All team members Hula Hoop for 2 minutes. Every 5 seconds = 5pt

29.  One team member headstand for 10 seconds = 10

30.  The PACER = Highest score from a team member are the team pts.

31.  Beanbag balance for 2 minutes = # of bean bags for 2 minutes are points.

32.  Hang time on the monkey bars outside for 1 minute = 10

33.  100 yard dash: 1st=40, 2nd=30, 3rd=20, 4th=10

Amazing U.S. Race Challenges

1. Mat up, 2 minutes / 31. Monkey on the (climbing) wall
2. 4 Scarves, 4 times / 32. Hula hoop cone toss. Whole team do, only need one hoop on a cone.
3. Tunnel Target Throw / 33. Playground monkey bar hang.
4. Group Juggling (2 for 20 secs.) / 34. Tumbling Test (A or B-team)
5. Human Bowling / 35. Hula Hoop for 10 seconds.
6. 3-6-3 Check off / 36. Small Parachute launch critter into basketball hoop.
7. Climbing Ladder – 5th bar / 37. PACER-Beat your old score.
8. Everyone Hover! / 38. 1 minute jumping jacks.
9. Cone Heads, 30 sec. / 39. Health Test-90% or better, team test. (XX) if team gets 100%
10. Chinese Jump Rope levels, 1 person must pass the glutes level! / 40. Pedometer-Team total over 5,000 steps for class period.
11. 10 Front Crosses / 41. Fitnessgram-beat sit-up score, each team member.
12. 1 Minute Jump Rope
Whole Team = Double Whammy (XX) / 42. Fitnessgram-beat push-up score, each team member.
13. 1 Minute Sit-Up / 43. Fitnessgram-beat flexed arm hang score, each team member.
14. Team Leg Hold, 15 sec. / 44. Standing Broad Jump-One over 5 ft.
15. Popcorn Dance 2 min, XX whole song. / 45. Cone Throw. Land in hoop, all.
16. Standing Mat Up, 2 min. / 46. Bulls eye Toss-Bean bag on target.
17. 30 seconds – 10 shots / 47. Javelin throw (noodles), farthest team.
18. ONE Free throw / 48. Scoop Throw to target.
19. PACER- minimum of 1 person (X), whole team (XX) / 49. Class health question given. First team with correct answer (XX), any team with correct answer (X).
20. Volleyball Team Keep Up 5 times / 50. Mileage track lap, no walking, team.
21. All Pit Stop papers turned in. / 51. Team jump rope 20 times.
22. Cow Chip Toss-A minimum of one team member needs to hit the “cow.” / 52. Frisbee target hit, designated throw spot.
23. 2 minute Throw and Catch / 53. Map Test, whole team. 100% correct.
24. Birdie-5 consecutive team hits. / 54. Catch a ball in cone 10x, gym width.
25. Paddle bounce hits. / 55. Water balloon toss.
26. Badminton Juggle 3 times (1 person, 1 bird, 2 racquets.) / 56. Watermelon Seed spitting challenge.
Over line (X), in target (XX).
27. One foot stand-1 minute, whole team. / 57. Medicine Ball pass, 1 minute.
28. Team Snowball Throw, Hit the tree.
Whole team hit tree XX / 58. Mat on head (unfolded) 30 sec.
29. Headstand-1 person, 20 sec. / 59. Class creation:
30. Team Box Stand – Smallest box, whole team (XX) / 60. Class creation:

XX = a double “whammy” = two challenges marked.

Amazing Race Around the World Sample Questions:

Teams needed to choose the level of question they wanted to answer. If they got the answer correct the points were added to their challenge total. If they got it wrong they lost that amount of points.

1.  Madison

a.  5 points-Camp Randall was originally used for what purpose?

b.  3 points- Who is the Governor of Wisconsin?

c.  1 point-Name the capitol of Wisconsin.

2.  New York

a.  5 points-What New York city hosted the Olympics?

b.  3 points-Name the island the Statue of Liberty is on.

c.  1 point-Was New York state one of the original colonies?

3.  Torino, Italy

a.  5 points-Which country won the most medals in the 2006 Winter Olympics that were held in Torino, Italy?

b.  3 points-Name the 3 colors in the Italian flag.

c.  1 point-Is Torino in the Northern or Southern part of Italy?

4.  Mt. Everest

a.  5 points-What is the highest elevation of Mt. Everest?

b.  3 points-Where is Mt. Everest located?

c.  1 point-What do a lot of people like to do on Mt. Everest?

Amazing US Race Sample Questions:

Each team received a PIT STOP Test when they reached that destination. The team needed to complete the test outside of class and return it as soon as possible. The points were tallied per team with each test they took. The points helped them in the end.