Years 4 - 12


Novelties & Handymount

Showjumping AM7Equitation

This event is proudly sponsored by

Saddleworld Albury

419 Townsend St

Albury 2640

(02) 60212133

Individual Ribbons to 6th place, Age Champions, School Team Prizes and Trophies.

Canteen available from 6:30am

Entries close: May 14th 2011

Entries online:

Enquiries: Alison Mitchell

Version 1.5 24/03/2011


Age groups The competition is open to all years4 – 12. The age categories are:

Junior (Years 4 – 6)

Intermediate (Years 7 – 9)

Senior (Years 10 – 12)

RulesThis event is to be run under EA/FEI rules insofar as they are applicable to this event and shall include any other rules formulated by the organising committee. Rules for dressage and showjumping are available on the Equestrian Victoria website

Scoring Points (pts) will be awarded as follows:

1st 6pts / 2nd 5 pts / 3rd 4pts / 4th 3pts / 5th 2pts / 6th 1pt

Age champions will be awarded to the rider with the highest score in their age group. To be eligible for an age champion, a rider must compete in both classes of two disciplines. The Interschool Team winners will be calculated using the top three scores in a team. Each school is only allowed to enter one team. There is no restriction on team size. Composite teams are permitted where a school does not have enough riders to form a team (i.e., less than 3 riders).


Champion Team: Shield for the school. Sashes and rugs for the three top scoring riders

Reserve Champion Team: Sashes and saddle cloths for the three top scoring riders

Age Champion: Sash and rug

Reserve Age Champion: Sash and prize



8am start . A rider may do one test. However, to be eligible for the age champion, two tests at the same level must be completed. All tests can be found on the EA National website

Class No. / Class No.
01 / Preparatory Test 1 (2006)–primary* / 02 / Preparatory Test 2 (2006)-primary*
03 / Preliminary Test 1C (2009)-primary / 04 / Preliminary Test 1D (2009)-primary
05 / Preliminary Test 1C (2009)-junior / 06 / Preliminary Test 1D (2009)-junior
07 / Preliminary Test 1C (2009)-senior / 08 / Preliminary Test 1D (2009)-senior
09 / Novice 2C (2009)-junior / 10 / Novice 2D (2009)-junior
11 / Novice 2C (2009)-senior / 12 / Novice 2D (2009)-senior
13 / Elementary 3C (2009)-junior / 14 / Elementary 3D(2009)-junior
15 / Elementary 3C (2009)-senior / 16 / Elementary 3D (2009)-senior

* Preparatory tests may be called.


Competitors must walk both courses prior to competing. The course walks will commence at 7.30am, with the first classes commencing at 8.00am. Competitors must compete at the same height in both classes.

Class No. / AM7 / Class No. / Showjumping Equitation
17 / 45cm-primary / 18 / 45cm-primary
19 / 60cm-primary / 20 / 60cm-primary
21 / 60cm-junior / 22 / 60cm-junior
23 / 75cm-junior / 24 / 75cm-junior
25 / 90cm-junior / 26 / 90cm-junior
27 / 60cm-senior / 28 / 60cm-senior
29 / 75cm-senior / 30 / 75cm-senior
31 / 90cm-senior / 32 / 90cm-senior
33 / 105cm-senior / 34 / 105cm-senior

Novelties and Handymount

No whips are allowed; reins or articles used as whips will cause elimination.Bitless bridles and dummy spurs are not permitted. This discipline will run throughout the day, there will be no draw.


The novelty coursewill comprise of Keyhole, Bending, Flags and Stepping Stones. Riders will commence the Keyhole with a standing start. Upon completion they will immediately proceed to the Bending and then to the Flags. After placing the last flag in position the rider will dismount and run over the Stepping Stones leading their mount with them to the finish line. The event will be awarded based on the time taken to successfully complete the course.


  • A mount stepping on or over the Keyhole
  • Missing a pole in the Bending without rectifying
  • Stepping over the demarcation line in Bending or Flags

Penalty timeof 5 seconds will apply for each knocking of a Bending pole.

Missing a Stepping Stone will require the rider to start the Stones again from the first Stone.

Flags knocked overriders are required to correct any flags knocked over. If a flag falls from a drum,it must be replaced whilst the rider is mounted (not from the ground) before continuing the course.


This is an activity course designed to test a rider’s horsemanship skills together with the willingness of their horse. The course will comprise 10 tasks/obstacles each to be scored out of 10. Points will be awarded based on the calm and clean execution of the tasks. The entire course is to be completed within three minutes. Placings will be awarded based on the aggregate score for the 10 tasks/obstacles. These may include; carrying an article, dismounting and mounting, opening and closing a gate, jumping a small jump.

Class No. / Novelties / Class No. / Handymount
35 / Primary / 36 / Primary
37 / Junior / 38 / Junior
39 / Senior / 40 / Senior


Individual riders will enter using Nominate Once on the website, choose Equestrian, then Interschools. For those that are new to Nominate you will be required to register so that you can log into the system. Each class costs $10. Non EA member riders will be required to pay an additional day insurance of $20. All riders are to pay the day use fee of $8 for AWEC.

Riders may enter as many classes as they wish. However to make sure that the day runs on time, restrictions have been put on numbers in the dressage entries. So enter early to ensure that you get the team and the classes that you want.

Entry enquiries can be made to Sarah Adams 0260208504, 0409922791 or via email to Alison Mitchell at


One Horse/One Rider, One Rider/One Horse

Medical Armbands: to be worn at all times whilst mounted.

School Teams:Team members must represent the school they are currently attending. Each team must have an adult Team Manager. Teams must also provide helpers to assist during the day. One helper per four riders should be nominated, helpers will be rostered on for 2 hours. Duties will include; marshalling, showjump pole pickup and dressage arena packup. Teams that do not provide helpers will not be eligible for championship awards. The Team Manager must send a list of helpers with contact details to Jenni

Uniforms: All competitors are to wear the uniform of their school. Uniform to consist of a school shirt and tie with the school jumper, light coloured jodhpurs and smooth-soled, low-heeled boots. Gloves are compulsory for Dressage, preferably light coloured. Gaiters and long boots may be worn in all disciplines. SUEDE CHAPPETTES are not permitted (see EA Rule on gaiters).

Helmets: All helmets must satisfy the Australian Safety Standards AS/NSZ 3838 or En1384 or ASTN F1163 and must be worn at all times whilst mounted.

Rider Numbers: must be displayed on each side of the bridle or saddle for all phases.

Gear Check:There will be no gear check points. Gear check is the responsibility of the Team Manager. Discipline rules can be found on the EA website. Judges have the right to eliminate riders if they compete in the incorrect gear.

Horses: All horses and ponies must be four (4) years of age or over at the time of nomination. Stallions are not permitted.

Draws: Draws and updated information will be available on the Scots School Website from 21st May 2011

Event times: The Event Organisers reserve the right to alter the programme including commencement times. Depending on entries, some riders may have to compete in showjumping before they ride their dressage tests.

Protests: Any protest must be made in writing to the organising committee within 30 minutes of the completion of the class giving rise to the protest. A formal protest requires a deposit of $50 that will be forfeited unless the protest is upheld. All protests must be made through the Team Manager to the Technical Delegate. The decision of the Delegate will be final and no other discussions will be entered into. No objections will be accepted from parents.

Entry refund: No refunds will be given if riders miss their classes. A full refund will be issued if the rider withdraws a week prior to the event. If a competitor withdraws less than a week prior to the event a refund will be given minus any costs upon the receipt of a doctor’s or veterinary certificate.

Event Cancellation Refund: If the event has to be cancelledprior to 48 hours before the event the organising committee will refund all entry fees. If the event is cancelled within 48 hours or during the event the organising committee will refund entry fees minus any already incurred expenses.

Insurance:Riders who are members of EA are covered for public liability through their membership. All other Riders will need to pay EA Event membership prior to competing. The day fee is $20 and will be paid when entering on Nominate.

AWEC Day Fee: Riders, regardless of whether they are an AWEC member or not, will need to pay the $8 AWEC Day Fee. The fee is paid online via Nominate.

AWEC Stable, Yard and Camp Bookings: All stables, yards and camping bookings must be booked directly through AWEC’s Online Booking System with Nominate. This is a separate booking to the Interschool entries. All bookings must be completed prior by 2pm on Friday 27th May 2011. No late bookings will be accepted. AWEC has both powered and unpowered camping facilities. Toilets and showers are available. The internet link for online bookings is

Bedding and Feed:Wood shavings are to be used in the stables. AWEC has an exclusive arrangement with Doug Dydes Produce for the supply and delivery of bedding and feed to the Centre. Doug Dydes can be contacted on 02 6021 2984 or email .

Electric Tape Yards are not allowed.

Code of Conduct: for competitors, spectators and volunteers as well as other relevant Codes and Policies relating to the conducting of an equestrian event under EA rules are available at the EA website.

Strictly NO Dogs allowed

Canteen: The Scots School P&F Committee will be running a canteen from 6.30am for breakfast and lunch.

Scratchings: Barb Chenoweth 0427820761 or email

Version 1.5 24/03/2011