Curriculum Vitae
1. Family Name : / AL-KHAROUF
2. First Name / Reem
3. Nationality / Passport : / Jordanian

4. Residence Amman, Jordan

5. Education:
Institution / Date from – Date to / Degree obtained and major field of study
International Institute for Education Planning, UNESCO / 2005-2006 / ■  International Diploma in Strategic Planning and Management
University of Jordan / 2003 / ■  PhD in Geography
Thesis Title; (Develop fifth strategy plan: Social, Economy, Environment for Kastal valley using GIS)
University of Jordan / 1996 / ■  Master in Geography
University of Jordan / 1991 / ■  BA in Geography

7. Language Skills

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
English / 1 / 1 / 2
Arabic / 1 / 1 / 1
Frensh / 4 / 4 / 4

8. Membership of professional body :Member of the national team in charge of developing the curriculum un geography (Especially GIS)

9. Other skills :Fully computer literate and proficient user of major programming tools (Macro/C/C++/Visulal basics…) and GIS application packages as well as main database management systems (including RDBMS)

10. Key qualifications:

■  Experienced consultant with over 15 years of experience in school mapping, educational planning and using GIS in the Jordanian education system

■  Participation in most sector-wide education projects aiming and supporting the Jordanian Education system since 1996. One person who worked on the design, implementation and evaluation for the ERFKE project.

■  Excellent GIS skills with several GIS application packages (ARCGIS and all extinction ,Geomedia,and ERDAS ) and excellent programming skills. Extensive experience in developing databases.

■  Sound training experience University professors ,Planning departments managers and heads of departments in the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education the Iraqi in collaboration with UNESCO Iraq, Heads of departments in the planning departments of Education , in collaboration with UNESCO Jordan, Municipal staff, private sector, graduate students, Queen Rania Foundation staff, Planning department heads and supervisors and the Ministry of Education in Oman, Heads of departments of planning, workers and supervisors at the Ministry of Education UAE's (Dubai), including for MoE staff or training of trainers programs

■  Excellent understanding of policy and statistical analysis pertaining to education indicators

11. Country, Regional and International Experience

Country / Date from – Date To
Jordan / 1998-present

13. Professional Experience

Date / Location / Employer / Position / Description
2011/2015 / Jordan / Yarmok university
, queen Rania Foundation,and Freelancer with HCD / Assistant Professor
Sr educational planning / ■  Teaching Interdaction of GIS, Applied GIS, Digital mapping, Thematic mapping , Principles Maps, Advanced GIS, Advanced digital Cartography ,Remotsensing ,Data base ,PLANING depending on Database and GIS, Micro planning (school mapping) macro planning,and Educational map for Undergraduate students and MA students
■  Supervisor of theses related to geographic information systems and their uses
■  Researcher and publisher of a number of research related to geographic information systems and school map
■  Contribute to the preparation of human resources development plan as an expert educational planning based on GISand EMIS
■  To contribute to the follow-up plan and evaluation of the plan of human development based on Geographic Information Systems and EMIS
■  Expert evaluation of the strategic plan of the Supreme Council for People with Disabilities 2010-2015
2003-2013 / Jordan
Iraq / Freelancer with UNISCO Jordan and UNISCO Iraq / Sr GIS , Indictor , Strategy consultant / ■  Preparing data- base for the educational districts on the real geographical historical and educational situation for each district.
■  Preparing a comprehensive data-base (population, industry, business, agriculture, tourism, services, education, water and soil of the Kastal valley dock
■  Preparing Quantitative and Qualitative Education and Demographic Indicator depending on
■  UNESCO National Education Support Strategy(UNESS)
■  Develop Education for All ( EFA) Indicators and Report depending on EMIS and GIS data
■  Develop World Education Indicators (WEI depending on EMIS and GIS data
■  Monitor and Evaluate Education for All med term plan depending on EMIS and GIS data
1998-2000 / Jordan / Freelancer with British Council / Sr education consultant / ■  Building up a model training workshop for women working in administration/committee of woman leadership role development in MOE and British council. ?
2003-presant / Jordan / Freelancer / SrGIS consultant / ■  Developed main items of Geographic Information System in curriculums (8-12)
■  Develop Geographic information system(GIS) in Geography and Geology Text Books
■  Develop Geographic information system (GIS) Training Manual.
■  Develop Geographic information system(GIS) training program and train core team
■  Trained teacher and supervisor to use GIs in curriculums
■  build a digital school map in MOE in oman.
■  Preparing data- base for the educational districts on the real geographical historical and educational situation for each district.
■  Preparing a comprehensive data-base (population, industry, business, agriculture, tourism, services, education, water and soil of the Kastal valley dock.
2010-2011 / Jordan / Ministry of MOPIC / Chief in the Directorate of programs and projects, the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation / ■  Develop med term Strategic Planning and corresponding implementation program 2010-2013, as well as corresponding annual action plans
■  Monitoring and evaluation all reforms in education sector (General Education, Higher Education ,Vocational Training)
■  Focal point for donors (EU, WB, UNESCO…) for all educational reforms plans and projects, in particular the for Education Reform for Knowledge Economy I and II
■  In charge of Monitoring and Evaluation of National Agenda (EDUCATION SECTOR)
■  Monitor and Evaluate mid term implementation program, and defined corresponding performance indicators
■  Supervised and supported the development of the education MTEF and global framework for results-oriented planning and budgeting
1/2010-12/2010 / Jordan / Ministry of education / Technical advisor to the Minister / ■  Studying all Agreements ,Memoranda of understanding and projects with local and international authorities, international organizations NGOs (UNICEF UNESCO,…)
■  Give technical advice
2007-2010 / Jordan / Ministry of education / EDDS director / ■  Preparing ,flowing ,monitoring and evaluation data- base FOR EDUCATION- Education Management Information System (EMIS)
■  Establishing Education Management Information System, and EMIS Division ..
■  Team Leader for EMIS ,GIS, and Statistic groups.
■  Helping the resolution makers adopting the proper resolutions based on scientific analytical basis.
■  Improving the MOE operations.
■  Job coordination among the different parts (partnership).
■  The responsible person for geographical information system in Ministry of communication and information technology, within the project of net –connection between schools and universities using Broad Band.
■  The responsible person for Strategic Planning in Ministry of Education.
■  Preparing all research depend in GIS and EMIS to help decision taker
■  Creat EDSS websit depend depending on EMIS, GIS data,Indecator
2003-2007 / Jordan / Ministry of education / Head of the school mapping division / ■  Establishing GIS Division
■  Establishing Geographic information System
■  Helping the resolution makers adopting the proper resolutions based on
scientific analytical basis.
■  Managing location information (maps).
■  Connecting data through connecting the layers of schools, lands, roads, housing , land organizing , soil, water and geology.
■  Improving the MOE operations.
■  Better using of available informational resources.
■  Job coordination among the different parts (partnership).
■  Better analysis of spatial and a-spatial data.
■  Participating in the project of land usage in the river Jordan valley authority, in cooperation with Ministry of water. The responsible person for geographical information system in Ministry of communication and information technology, within the project of net –connection between schools and universities using Broad Band.
■  Preparing the maps of land usage in Aqaba.
■  Preparing all data for GIS
■  Preparing all research depend in GIS to help decision taker
2007-present / Salt, Jordan / Al-Balqa Applied University / Lecturer at the department of regional planning / ■  Participating in preparing a lecture on the Islamic values and the young education.
■  Educational policies in Jordan.
■  The real situation of Education in Jordan.
■  Education in Jordan: Real situation and anticipations .
■  The new projects of Educational development within the Educational innovational plan 3rd stage 2000-2005.
■  Acrreditation courses:
■  Queen Rania Awards (How to Evaluate Reports from Field Studies)
■  Radar Course for King Abdullah Second Awards
■  Basis of Scientific research on Family Violence
■  Management of Key Personnel
■  Applications of Advance Geographical Information Systems
■  Progressive living Analysis and the field research in Sakhra / Ajloun
■  ICDL course 2003.
■  Approach to cohesive training for Social Science teachers in beginning stages.
■  Geographical Information systems (supporting the educational resolution)
1998-2003 / Jordan / Ministry of Education / Member of the Board of Researchers / ■  Conducted surveys, evolutional quantity and quality studies in addition to strategically planning, international cooperation agreements and studies and books evaluating.
1991-1998 / Jordan / Ministry of Education / Teacher / ■  Teaching Geography

14. Other relevant informationan reports

■  Evaluator for Queen Rania awards2007-2013

■  Evaluator for King Abdullah awards 2010- present

■  Participated in the drafting of the following reports:

o  Guidance boy scout movement.

o  Changing the directions of resolution makers regarding the woman’s taking leadership positions in MOE.

o  The real situation of education in Jordan 2001.

o  Development of education 1998-2000 in Jordan in English language presented to Geneva conference on the basic education publication 2001.

o  The report of the second human development conference in Jordan.

o  The project of digital school – mapping in MOE.

■  Participated in the drafting of the following books and articles:

o  Evaluating the books: Story of water in Jordan, Learn your rights and teach them, The educational resources room in Al-Balqa.,Reasons of the parents non-attendance to school.

o  Evaluating the studies: Evaluating the effectiveness of the basic school developmental program, Hidden reasons behind the pupils non-directing to vocational education in kura district.

o  Evaluating gender in MOE and education (leadership positions in MOE )

o  Evaluating the comprehensive tenderness in supervising.

o  Evaluating the training program for preparing geography teachers and furnishing them with the mapping skills.

o  Evaluating the importance of geopolitics in Jordan.

15. Course

GEOG 274 (Introduction to Remote Sensing)
GEOG 474 (Remote Sensing Applications)
G 302 : Surveying
Geo 281 : digital cartography
Geg 100 Water resources
Geo 214: Climatology
Geo 271 : Principals of Cartography
Geo 276 : Introduction To Geographic Information System
Geo 318: Geography of Arid Lands
Geo 374: Distribution Maps (Thematic MAPS)
Geo 418 : Maps' Usage and Analysis
Geo 452: Geography of Water Resources
Geo 481: Regional Planning
Geo 482 : Urban planning
Geo 495 : general researches project
Geo 497: GIS Applications
Geo .499Research project in geographic information systems
GEOG 633:Advanced Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 612:Geographical surveys and field
GEOG 616:Applications in Urban and Regional Planning
Geo. 348:(GIS) Geographic Information Systems
Geo. 349 Remote sensing in Geology
GEOG 274 (Introduction to Remote Sensing)

16. Published Research

·  The Topology in Jordanian Land and Survey Department Maps and Controlling its Quality Using Geographic Information Systems. Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS. 2015; 6(3): 14–32p.

·  Measuring the Effect of a Geography Developed Instructional Unit on 10th Grade Students Achievement and their Acquisition of Geography Information System (GIS) Skills, ,Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies 4 (4), 698

·  Exploring the Usage of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Methodology in e-Learning ,Latest Trends in Applied Informatics and Computing

·  The Application of GIS Tool to the School Mapping Data Model in Jordan, ABHATH AL-YARMOUK: "Basic Sci. & Eng." Vol. 21, No.1, 2012

·  GIS School Digital Mapping for Educational Planning in Madaba Directorate, Jordan, ABHATH AL-YARMOUK: "Basic Sci. & Eng."Vol. 21, No.1, 2012

·  An Analysis of the Spatial Distribution of Untapped Schools and the Rationalization of the Administrative Educational Decision (An Applied Study Using GIS). Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences. AL-Bahrin University

·  Then Pattern of Geographical distribution for malls and commercial Complex in Greater Amman Municipality. Journal of Faculties of Arts in the Arab World.

·  The Analysis of Roads' Network in Irbid Governorate. The Journal of Islamic University for Human Research. Islamic university, Gaza.

·  The Spatial Distribution of Children Begging in Irbid City Using GIS. DIRASAT for Human and Social Sciences.

·  Integrated Architectural Framework for Geoprocessing in Cloud Environment, Spatial Information Research.

17.Supervision of Master Theses

·  Finding The Optimum shortest most Optima path for private school Buses – al Etemad international school \ Region of Ramtha – A Model " An Applied study using geographic information system ( GIS)

·  Detection of land cover change and land use in the district of Ramtha using Remote sensing and geographic information system (1989- 2014 )

·  The Effect Of Water Polices on Land Use and Agriculture productivity in the Jordan valley ( An Applied study using GIS )

·  Documenting tourism site and services in the northern Region of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan ( An Applied GIS study )

18.Discuss the master's theses

·  Evaluation of development indicators in Malls and commercial complex' pattern in greater Amman municipality

·  The effect of development policies of the Aqaba private developments authority on building growing in Aqaba