Girls Dropping out of School Early: It is a hard reality in Mozambique!

According to the estimates from 2010 to 2015, at least 25% of girls between 20 – 24 years old in Mozambique had their first baby before 18 years old, as a result of early pregnancy girls cannot carry on with their studies, so they stop. Besides, all the work the authorities have done early pregnancy is still the principal reason for girls dropping out of school in Mozambique. Early pregnancy cannot be taken as a normal issue within our society so the whole society must fight it.

The phenomenon of early pregnancy is complex, multi-dimensional and influenced by several biological, family, social and cultural factors. In the biological field, the adolescents have presented anticipation of their first menstruation cycle, they begin to produce fertile gametes sooner, being thus exposed to the risk of an early pregnancy, (Caputo: 2008).

At the family level, adolescents, most of the time, mirror their parents or family environment. For example, drunkenness, drug use, the frequent exchange of sexual partners in the family environment that increasingly characterize Mozambican families tend to act as negative examples to children, influencing them. Situations such as a lack of dialogue in the family about sexuality can contribute to early pregnancy especially among the most needy or less educated families.

The social context is also an important factor. The social changes observed in the context of sexuality, characterized by greater openness and withdrawal of inhibitions and stigmas related to sexuality can stimulate greater sexual activity among young people and increase the risk of early pregnancy if young people do not have adequate knowledge about sexuality and contraception. The weakening of parental or social control over adolescents may also partly explain the fact that one of the highest risk areas of early motherhood is among urban rather than rural adolescents. It causes several changes in the teenager's life as it generates serious biological, family and social consequences that are reflected in her life and society as a whole.

The cultural factor also plays an important role in rural areas. In some provinces of Mozambique, we have some practices such as the initiation rites which have the objective of getting ready girls to rule the own families, many of the times after the rites girls have to rule a family and it obliges them to leave school to look after their children.

It is clear that the most influencing causes of school drop outs is early pregnancy. I believe that the best instrument to be used to minimize early pregnancy rates is sexual education with adolescents, this must be done in a continuous and permanent way. Sexual education in schools should begin in childhood and it should not underestimate children's ability to understand, even before puberty. It is already possible to talk about menstruation, pregnancy, sexual intercourse, body hygiene, gender relations, social life, courtship, expression of affection. Nevertheless, all the society must fight early pregnancy for the welfare of our girls.


Caputo, V. G. & I. A. Bordin. 2008. “Gravidez na Adolescência e uso Frequente de Álcool e Drogas no Contexto Familiar.” Revista de Saúdepública42 (3).

Mahy, M. & N. Gupta. 2002. Trends and Differentials in Adolescent Reproductive Behavior in sub-Saharan Africa. DHS Analutical Studies No. 3. Calverton, Maryland: ORC Macro.

José RaúlMachaieiefinished his secondary school in 2012. He is currently a year 4 student of Public Administration atInstituto Superior de RelaçõesInternacionais. He is also a member of a group in his community that works with young people in order to motivate them to go on in their studies. He has always been interested in social issues related to women’s empowerment, which is the reason why he didn’t hesitate to participate in the essay contest.