Student Name:

University of Alaska Fairbanks - Graduate School

Application for Advancement to Candidacy for Ph.D. Degree


Name: Student ID#:

Mailing Address:

Phone: (Home) (Campus)

Email address:

Degree: Ph.D. Major: Clinical-Community Psychology

(Biological Sciences, Physics, Geology, etc.)

Important Dates: / Semester: / Year: / Catalog Year: *
Admission to Graduate Program:
Date or semester of comprehensive exam:
Expected Date of Graduation:

* You may elect to graduate under the degree requirements in effect the first semester of your enrollment in your graduate degree program or under the catalog in effect when you graduate. However, if you do not meet continuous registration requirements, you waive the right to use the catalog in effect when you first entered your graduate program; you will use either the catalog in effect during the semester of your re-entry or the catalog in effect when you graduate.

Provisional dissertation title:

GPA in 600-level courses GPA in all courses in degree program

List subject areas examined on comprehensive exam:

1. Clinical-Community Competency

2. Research Competency

Credits Required for Degree Program:
Required program of coursework, research, and dissertation (thesis) credits based on your graduate study plan. In your graduation semester, your transcript will be reviewed to see that all these credits are included.

University of Alaska courses (Indicate grades for those courses completed; use an asterisk for those not yet complete.)

Any difference between the courses listed here and the course requirements in the catalog requires submission of a Graduate Student Petition Form.

600- level (including thesis, project, and research credits):
Sem/Year Course Dept. & No. Title Credits Grade


Transfer courses. You may apply post-baccalaureate degree credits earned at UAF while a non-degree student toward a graduate degree only with approval of your graduate advisory committee, to a maximum of one-half of all credits used to meet your degree requirements. Up to one-half of all graduate degree credits approved for your program may be transferred from UAA and UAS. No more than one-third of approved program credits may be transferred from other accredited institutions outside the UA system. You must earn a minimum B grade in all graduate courses presented for transfer.

Courses are to be transferred from:


Signatures / Please Print Name:
Advisor or Co-Chair:
Dept. Chair:
College/School Dean:
Graduate School Dean:

TO: Office of the Graduate School (original)