Midterm Review

Which of the following does NOT apply to Christopher Columbus?

he sought a western trade route to China

found the Western Hemisphere

signed the Treaty of Tordesillas

conquered the Aztec civilization

Which of the following was NOT a reason Europeans came to the Americas?

people became influenced by Renaissance ideas

to escape religious & political persecution

to wipe out Native American civilizations

to seek business ventures

The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed by the countries of

Spain & Italy

Spain & Portugal

Italy & Portugal

England & France

Spanish conquerors of the New World were called



both A & B

neither A nor B

Which of the following was NOT an English settlement?



New Hampshire


What was the name of England's first colony in the New World?



New York

North Carolina

Which of the following does NOT apply to Jamestown?

it was established by the VA Company of London

it was founded by laborers & industry workers

it introduced the cash crop of tobacco

it established the House of Burgess

Which of the following does NOT apply to the Massachusetts Bay colony?

it was founded by John Winthrop

it was named the "City Upon a Hill"

corn was its major cash crop

all members of the colony had to belong to the congregation

The colony of Connecticut created a federal system type government called the

House of Burgess

Mayflower Compact

Treaty of Tordesillas

Fundamental Orders

The Rhode Island colony, established by Roger Williams

was for free thinkers

allowed for religious freedom

both A & B

neither A nor B

The first constitution of the English colonies was the

Treaty of Tordesillas

Mayflower Compact

Fundamental Orders

House of Burgess

The cash crop of the Southern Colonies was



Both A & B

Neither A nor B

Who invented the cotton Gin

John Smith

William Bradford

Anne Hutchinson

Eli Whitney

Which colony was known as the penal colony?



North Carolina

South Carolina

Which colony did religious fanatics start a witchcraft hysteria?




Rhode Island

Enlightenment thinkers included all of the following EXCEPT?

Ben Franklin



Wayne Newton

The Great Awakening

was led by Jonathan Edwards

led to the establishments of Princeton, Brown, & Dartmouth universities

caused numerous conflicts between Enlightenment & religious thinkers

all of the above

Choose the term which is illustrated by this statement.

"Variation in North and South American geography led to the development of a number of different lifestyles among Native American tribes."





Which term is broad enough to include the other three?





How did ancient Greek and Roman ideas about the world, democracy, and law enter western European culture during the 14th to 17th centuries?

Pax Romana

conquests by Alexander and Marc Antony



When prehistoric people first came to America, they crossed over a "land bridge." The present location of that crossing point is the

Isthmus of Panama

Cumberland Gap

Donner Pass

Bering Strait

In terms of religious beliefs, many Native Americans worshipped nature, while most Europeans of the Middle Ages believed in





Which economic activity in New France created the greatest amount of income for France?




Bernal Diaz, who was with Cortes in Mexico in the early 16th century, wrote the following description of a marketplace:

"The bustle and noise caused by this large crowd was so great it could be heard four miles away. Some of our men, who had been to Italy, said that they had never seen a marketplace so large, so well regulated, and so crowded as this one in Mexico."

Diaz was MOST probably describing a marketplace of the

Apaches Incas

Aztecs Mayans

Which system of labor did the Spanish employ to persuade the Indians to work their plantations in America?


wage labor


indentured servitude

Who won the French and Indian War (1754-1763)?





European monarchs who wanted to enrich their countries by exporting more than they imported practiced the economic policy known as





Who was MOST likely the author of the following passage?

"Thursday, October 11

Our course was southwest and the sea was very rough. The crew on the Pinta saw a green reed and a stick which appeared to have been shaped like a tool. The crew of the Nina also saw signs that land might be nearby."

Marco Polo Christopher Columbus

Henry Hudson Bartholomew Dias

Which present-day American city was NOT founded by the French?

St. Augustine


St. Louis

Baton Rouge

The House of Burgesses is historically significant because it was the

first colonist-controlled legislature

site where several Salem women were found guilty of witchcraft

first democratic government in the world

first meeting house of the Society of Friends (Quakers)

What name was given to those who, in exchange for passage to America, agreed to work without wages for a certain number of years?


tenant farmers


indentured servants

During the 17th and 18th centuries, the frontier for the British colonies of North America could usually be found at the

edge of the Atlantic Ocean

Appalachian Mountains

continental divide

borderline where French and Spanish territories began

The Parliament, the New York Assembly, and the House of Burgesses were similar in that

their members were chosen by the English king

they are located in the 13 English colonies

they are outgrowths of mercantile policy

they are examples of representative government

One of the first steps toward self-government in the 13 colonies was an agreement by the Pilgrims that they would make and obey their own laws. What was the name of that agreement?

Act of Toleration

Quebec Act

Mayflower Compact

Albany Plan of Union

Which group of English men and women formed a church which separated itself from the Anglican Church?





Roger Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island. He is known for his support of

freedom of the press

the right of trial by jury

religious toleration

the right of assembly

In the Southern colonies, the system of indentured servitude was replaced by

wage labor

the tenant farm system

a system of share-cropping


Which of the following was the FIRST "cash crop" of the English colonies?





All of the following were major reasons for the British defeat in the America Revolution except

misinformation about the strength of the American forces.

the French support of the American forces.

Howe's failure to capture New York City.

over expectation of Loyalist support.

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except

accuse members of Parliament of being tyrants.

borrow ideas from English writers.

inspire other nations to seek Independence.

list reasons for separation from Great Britain.

July 4th marks the anniversary of the

approval of the Declaration of Independence.

beginning of the American Revolution.

surrender of the British at Yorktown.

signing of the Constitution of the United States.

Which of the following is the best summary of the movement for independence in America?

The colonists planned the war immediately following the French & Indian War.

The colonies gradually moved toward rebellion as a result of British policy.

The colonists were united in revolution.

All of the colonies equally shared the hardships of war.

Which battle is considered the "turning point" of the American Revolution?

e. Bunker Hill f. Lexington & Concord g. Saratoga h. Yorktown

After the French & Indian War, the big problem facing the British was

guerrilla warfare by the French-Canadians.

quarrels with Spain over Florida.

Indian uprisings west of the Appalachians.

getting the colonies back under royal control.

Identify the most obvious reason for the British taxes on the colonies.

a. to help pay for war debts b. to increase the standard of living in Britain

c. to teach the colonists a lesson d. to finance western expansion

What was the main principle the colonists' raised in debating the British taxes?

liberty and equality for all

the colonists were independent and not subject to British tax

freedom of speech

no taxation without representation

Why did many colonists refuse to drink tea after 1770?

to punish the British for the Boston Massacre

to limit the number of British ships in the Boston harbor

to destroy the British East India Co.

to protest the tea tax

In the War for Independence, the Patriots' greatest advantage was probably their

highly qualified generals


highly disciplined army.

support from the Native Americans.

Britain's greatest obstacle to winning the war was

their overconfidence.

their ability to support troops so far from the Mother land.

the lack of colonial sympathizers.

limited financial resources.

The battle at Yorktown resulted in

e. a victory for the Patriot navy.

f. the capture of the French navy.

g. the end of the War.

h. the British capturing the South.

The Continental Congress proposed a government plan for the new nation. This plan was called the

Declaration of Independence

Bill of Rights

Articles of Confederation

the Constitution

Which of the following was NOT a weakness under the Articles of Confederation?

The government could not collect taxes.

The government had to borrow money from the states.

The government's ability to stabilize a new nation.

The government was unable to fund the creation of a federal military.

The cause of Shays's Rebellion was

a renewal of loyalist feeling in the United States.

a conflict between poor farmers with large debts and state government's high taxes.

a conflict over slavery between northern and southern states.

all of the above

The Northwest Ordinance of 1789 provided for

settlement and statehood of western territories.

removal of Indians to reservations.

the exiling of British loyalists.

the ratification of the Constitution.

The Virginia Plan called for

a bicameral legislature.

a monarch rather than a President.

reduced taxes on tobacco.

a Congress with representation based on population.

According to the Great Compromise, representation in the House would be

two representatives for every state.

one representative for every 40 thousand people in the state.

determined by the physical size of the state.

determined by the state legislatures.

The Three-fifths Compromise referred to

a plan for settling western lands.

a system for electing representatives.

the creation of a bicameral Congress.

a method of counting slaves to determine representation .

The Constitution provided for the following persons in the three branches of national government:

President, Vice President, Congress, Supreme Court

Federal, State, & Local governments

the governor, mayor, and state legislature


The creation of the Articles of Confederation existed mainly because Americans feared

the British Parliament.

strong local governments.

a strong judicial system.

a strong national government

According to the Constitution, the "supreme law of the land" is

Congress the Constitution the President the Supreme Court

The Legislative Branch of the United States is called

the President Congress the Supreme Court the bureaucracy

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A President must be born in the United States.

A Senator must be at least 30 years of age.

The Elastic Clause is a power given to Congress.

The President of the United States is directly elected by the American citizens.

Which amendments to the Constitution compose the Bill of Rights? The first

five ten twelve fifteen

Why has the War of 1812 sometimes been called the "Second War of Independence"?

The war was fought to free the states of Vermont and Maine from

British rule.

Many perceived that Britain continued to violate American rights.

The British tried once again to tax Americans without their


The U.S. fought for the independence of Canada.

Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans

won the War of 1812 for the Americans

secured his reputation as a national hero

destroyed the ability of the Indians to resist American advancement

a and b

The Trail of Tears is associated with

the relocation of the Cherokee tribe

difficulties on the Oregon Trail

deaths at Donner Pass

the expatriation of pro-British Americans

How did Jackson "kill" the Second Bank of the United States in 1833?

He chartered state banks.

He ordered the withdrawal of federal deposits from the bank.

He canceled the charter of the bank.

He fired Nicholas Biddle as president of the bank

The Seneca Falls Convention was a high point of the

abolitionist movement

nativist movement

literacy drive

women's rights movement

Which of the following gives the most direct evidence of Jackson's view that he was elected as the representative of the people?

his use of the spoils system

his relations with the Supreme Court

his attitude toward Congress

his proposal of constitutional amendments limiting presidential power

In 1823, the United States proclaimed itself as protector of the Western Hemisphere through its declaration of

Washington's Farewell Address

the Rush-Bagot Agreement

the American System

the Monroe Doctrine

Which of the following was a well-known abolitionist?

Frederick Douglass

Susan B. Anthony

Washington Irving

Walt Whitman

In 1824 Henry Clay coined the phrase "American System." Which of the following was an integral part of Clay's "American System"?

federal protection of states' rights

laissez-faire economic policies

protective tariffs and federally sponsored internal improvements

all of the above

Which case resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that granted Congress broad powers over interstate commerce?

"Dartmouth v. Woodward"

"Fletcher v. Peck"

"Gibbons v. Ogden"

"McCulloch v. Maryland"

Which song is a legacy of the War of 1812?

"America the Beautiful"

"God Bless America"

"The Star-Spangled Banner"

"Yankee Doodle"

Controversy over which issue led to the Missouri Compromise (1820)?

the protective tariff

slavery in new states

cost of lands west of the Mississippi

proper interpretation of the Constitution

Who was the Chief Justice United States Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835?

John Marshall

Eli Whitney

Samuel Slater

Samuel Chase

In which case did the Supreme Court assert the power of judicial review?

"Dartmouth v. Woodward"

"Fletcher v. Peck"

"Marbury v. Madison"

"McCulloch v. Maryland"

Which development during the 1830s was aimed at ending slavery?

Nativist Movement

Manifest Destiny

American System

Abolitionist Movement

Andrew Jackson's practice of rewarding his supporters with government jobs was, and still is, called the

spoils system

civil service


log rolling

What was the LAST piece of contiguous (touching) territory added to the U.S.?


Gadsden Purchase

Panama Canal Zone

Mexican Cession

What was the name of the warning to European nations to stay out of the Americas?

the Adams-Onis Treaty

the Mason-Dixon Line

the Monroe Doctrine

the Missouri Compromise

What agreement temporarily settled the issue of slavery in the territories?

the Adams-Onis Treaty

the Mason-Dixon Line

the Monroe Doctrine

the Missouri Compromise

What did the South gain in the Compromise of 1850?

Tariff rates were lowered.

California was opened to slavery.

A strict fugitive slave law was passed.

All territories would be equally divided into slave and free states

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 is an example of

separation of powers

division of powers

Manifest Destiny

popular sovereignty

Which is the most accurate statement concerning the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case?

It ended the argument over slavery in the territories.

It granted citizenship to former slaves.

It upheld the Missouri Compromise.

It intensified arguments over slavery in the territories.

Nat Turner and John Brown were similar in that both

were abolitionist leaders

used violence in their opposition to slavery

escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad

were involved in the Bleeding Kansas dispute

How did the South react to the news of the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in 1860?

John C. Calhoun issued his Doctrine of Nullification.

Southern states called for a constitutional convention.

Several states seceded from the Union.

The South placed an embargo on cotton exports.

Between 1850 and 1860 many plans were put forward for "solving" the slavery issue. The idea of popular sovereignty was that

no slavery would be allowed in the territories

slavery would be allowed in the territories

settlers in each territory would vote on slavery

Congress would decide if a territory would allow slavery

The chief purpose of the Northern blockade during the Civil War was to prevent

English volunteers from reaching the South.

Confederate officials from escaping to Europe.

the South from exporting cotton.

the French navy from aiding the South.

The Emancipation Proclamation was

a. a law passed by Congress.c. an amendment to the federal Constitution.

b. a Presidential order.d. a joint resolution of Congress.

During the Civil War, which action posed the greatest threat to civil liberties?

The seizure of Mason and Slidell from the Trent.

Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus by President Lincoln.

The impressment of British soldiers by the American navy.

The assassination by President Lincoln.

The chief reason why the English commercial class supported the Confederacy instead of the North in the Civil War was that the South