Albemarle Road, Woodthorpe,

Nottingham, NG5 4FE






























The Club is called WOODTHORPE TENNIS CLUB(“the Club”) and is an unincorporated Private Members Club operating its business from Albemarle Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. NG5 4FE.


“Accounts” has the meaning given to it in Clause 23.5 hereof

“Age” of a Member, means that age as at the 1st January of that year

“Aims” means the aims and objectives stated in Clause 3 hereof

“Bar Secretary” means the person elected or appointed by the Members annually to bethe Bar and Social Secretary of the Club in accordance with Clause 9

“Bar Committee” means the persons referred to in Clause 9 hereof which personsshall collectively be responsible for all sale and supply of liquor

“Chairman” means the person elected or appointed by the Members annually inaccordance with Clause 9 and whose position as Chairman shall entitle him without fearor favour to exercise an additional or casting vote at any general meeting of the Clubincluding Management Committee meetings and whose decision shall be final andbinding

The “Chairman” may also be referred to as the “President”

“Club Captains” means those persons elected or appointed by the Members annuallyto be the Club Captains of the Club in accordance with Clause 9

the “Company” means Woodthorpe Tennis Courts Limited (registered no 506127 )

the “Directors” means the directors for the time being of the Company

“Head Coach” means the person appointed by the Management Committee to be theHead Coach in accordance with Clause 9

Fixture Secretary” means the person elected or appointed by the Members annuallyto be the fixture secretary of the Club in accordance with Clause 9

LTA” means the LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION (the governing body of Tennis withinGreat Britain, the Channel Islands and Isle of Man) of the Queen’s Club, WestKensington, London W14 9EG

Management Committee” means the persons referred to in Clause 9 hereof whichpersons shall collectively represent the interests of the Members of the Club

“Members” means the members of the Club admitted from time to time to membershipof the Club in accordance with Clause 5

NLTA” means the NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION of TheCounty Ground, Tennis Drive, The Park, Nottingham. NG7 1AE

Other Committee Members” means those persons elected or appointed by theMembers annually to be Other Committee members in accordance with Clause 9

“Premises” means the land and buildings occupied and used by the Club at Albermarle Road Woodthorpe Nottingham and owned by the Company whose entire issued share capital is held by the Trustees on trust for the Club

“Professional” means those persons taking part in Club activities as a means oflivelihood and receiving remuneration from the club for those said activities

Representative Member” means a Full Member representing the interests of all members of the Club

“Secretary” means the person elected or appointed by the Members annually to bethe Secretary of the Club in accordance with Clause 9

Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by a majority of not less than two thirds of the Full Members of the Club present andvoting

“Shares” means the issued share capital of Woodthorpe Tennis Club Limited

“Treasurer” means the person elected or appointed by the Members annually to bethe Treasurer of the Club in accordance with Clause 9

“Trustees” means the persons appointed from time to time to be Trustees of the Clubin accordance with Clause 12

Words denoting the singular number include the plural number and vice versa; wordsdenoting the masculine gender include the feminine gender; and words denotingpersons include bodies corporate (however incorporated) and unincorporated, including unincorporated associations of persons and partnerships.


3.1The Aims of the Club are: -

3.1.1to provide tennis, social and other activities for its Members and generally toencourage and facilitate the playing of tennis

3.1.2to promote, improve, develop and support the interests of tennis

3.1.3to affiliate to the NLTA (and by doing so affiliate to the LTA) and to comply with anduphold the Rules and Regulations of the NLTA and the LTA as amended from time totime and the Rules and Regulations of any body to which the LTA is affiliated

3.1.4to acquire, establish, own, operate and turn to account in any way, for the Members’benefit, the tennis court facilities of the Club together with buildings and easements,fixtures and fittings and accessories as shall be thought advisable

3.1.5to comply with any legislation as affects the Members of an unincorporated privateMembers’ Club, and a club holding a Club Premises Certificate

3.1.6to do all such things as the Management Committee thinks fit to further the interestsof the Club or to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the aimsand objectives stated in this Constitution.


The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used tomaintain or improve the Club’s facilities and in furtherance of the Club’s Aims.No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body orthe NLTA or a Charity committed to support the sport of tennis on winding-up ordissolution of the Club


5.1Eligibility for membership

5.1.1Persons of either sex and of any age are eligible for membership of the Club.

5.1.2No person shall be denied membership on the grounds of race, ethnic origin,creed, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political persuasion

5.2Admission of Members

5.2.1Any person who wishes to become a Member must submit an application in suchform as the Management Committee shall decide.Every candidate for membership shall be considered by at least two members of theManagement Committee, who shall, in their absolute discretion, decide whether toadmit that candidate as a Member.

5.2.2A person shall not be entitled to any privileges of membership of the Club untilelected, and until two days have passed since their application for membership wassubmitted.

5.3Conditions of Membership

All persons admitted to membership of the Club shall: -

5.3.1Abide by the Rules of the Club, a copy of which will be displayed at the club. Acopy of the rules shall be provided to any member, on request, from a member of theManagement Committee.

5.3.2For their own safety, comply with the Club’s Health and Safety Regulations.

5.3.3Comply with the Club’s Policies and Codes of Conduct regarding ChildProtection, Equality and Diversity, and to all other Policies or Codes of Conductpromoted by the LTA and adopted by the Club, all of which will be displayed at the Club.

5.4Membership Categories

There shall be the following categories of member for the Club:

A FULL Member, who shall:

be entitled to receive notice of, attend, speak and vote at General Meetings

be entitled to hold office on the Management Committee, or any Sub Committees that have been established by the Management Committee

An ASSOCIATE Member, who shall: -

be entitled to receive notice of, attend, and speak at General Meetings, butSHALL NOT be entitled to vote.

NOT be entitled to hold office on the Management Committee, or any Sub-Committees that have been established by the Management Committee

APROFESSIONALMember, who shall:-

be entitled to receive notice of, attend and speak at General Meetings, butSHALL NOT be entitled to vote

A TEMPORARY Member, who shall: -

NOT be entitled to any rights of inclusion in any Club matters.

5.5Membership Types

There shall be the following types of membership for the Club:

Senior / Person over 18 years of ageEntitled to use playing, and all other facilities of the Club
Off Peak / Person over 18 years of age Entitled to use playing facilities of the club, at off peak times ONLY. OffPeak is defined as Monday to Friday prior to 5pm (excluding BankHolidays). Entitled to use all other facilities of the club at any times.
Student / Person in full time education over 18 years of age Entitled to use playing, and all other facilities of the Club
Country / Persons with a permanent address more than 30 miles from the site ofWoodthorpe Tennis Club
Intermediate / Person over 18 years and under 21 years of ageEntitled to use playing, and all other facilities of the Club
Honorary Life Member / Person awarded Honorary Life Membership Entitled to use playing and all other facilities of the Club
Junior / Under 18 years of age Entitled to use playing and all other facilities of the Club at designated times as declared in the Club Rules, with the exception of any facilities pertaining to the sale, supply or consumption of intoxicating liquor in the Club premises.
Social / Over 18 years of age.Entitled to use all the facilities of the Club other than the playing
PPP / Parent Practice PartnerEntitled to use playing facilities of the club to help Juniors to learn basic Skills
Head Coach / A Head Coach having a contract of services with the Club, and receivingpayment for their services. Entitled to use the facilities of the Club as declared within their contract of services
Coaches / Any Coaching personnel having a contract of services with the Club,and receiving payment for their services. Entitled to use the facilities of the Club as declared within their contract of services
Other / Any other personnel having a contract of services with the Club, andreceiving payment for their services. Entitled to use the facilities of the Club as declared within their contract of services
Competition Personnel / Competitors, players, officials or assistants involved in competitivefunctions on the Club premises, as authorised by the Club
Guests / Guests introduced by a Member. Entitled to use playing, and all otherfacilities of the club in the presence of the Member.
Visitor / Any visitor to the premises other than those defined as CompetitionPersonnel or Guests

Membership Types may be reviewed from time to time by the Management Committeeand they shall be entitled to define additional types as they consider appropriate.


5.6.1The annual subscription for each type of Member shall be determined from timeto time by the Management Committee and they shall be entitled to:

(a)call in and collect annual subscription fees

(b)increase the annual subscription fee by up to 10% in any one year

(c)offer reduced, concessionary and discounted subscription fees to certain types

(d)of members in such amount or amounts as they consider appropriate

5.6.2The Members shall pay the annual subscription fee fixed by the ManagementCommittee by the 1st May each year or on such other date, and in the form, prescribedby the Management Committee.

5.6.3Any Member whose subscription fee remains unpaid on the 31st May shall bedeemed to have voluntarily resigned his membership of the Club and have forfeited allrights and privileges of membership. Re-admission will be subject to payment of apenalty amount as prescribed by the Management Committee, in addition to the fullsubscription fee.

5.6.4In the event that a person applies to become a Member of the Club after the 1stMay such applicant shall be required to pay an amount stipulated by the Managementthat allows a month by month proportionately reduced scale of subscription. The Management Committee shall have the power in exceptional circumstances to allow the payment of subscriptions by instalments on such terms as it considers fit and proper.

5.7Refund of Subscriptions

5.7.1In the event of a Member suffering exceptional hardship, or being unable to usethe Club for a substantial part of the year on account of severe injury or illness, theManagement Committee may determine to make a refund of the subscription, pro-ratedto the period of non-use of the facilities.

5.7.2In the event of the death of a Member and subject to the deceased Memberhaving pre-paid in full his or her annual subscription shall be entitled to a refund of theunexpired portion of subscription calculated from the First day of the month following thedeath of the deceased to the end of the current year of subscription.

5.7.3Subject to the Rights reserved in Clause 8.2 hereof a refund of subscription is notavailable to a Member who voluntarily resigns or who is expelled from membership.


A Member may withdraw from membership of the Club on the giving of 14 days clearnotice in writing to the Club Secretary. Membership shall not be transferable in anyevent and shall cease immediately on death or dissolution or on the failure of theMember to comply or to continue to comply with any condition of membership set out inthe Club’s Rules or in this Constitution


7.1The Management Committee shall have power to expel a Member when, in itsopinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for him to remain a Member.

7.2A Member shall not be expelled unless he is given 14 days’ written notice of themeeting of the Management Committee at which his expulsion shall be considered andwritten details of the complaint made against him

7.3The Member shall be given an opportunity to make written representationsand/or to appear before the Management Committee and at any such meeting to beaccompanied by a representative or friend, who may answer complaints made againstthe Member and to cross-examine any witnesses on behalf of the Member. TheMember must not be expelled unless at least two-thirds of the Management Committeethen present, vote in favour of his expulsion

7.4The Management Committee may exclude the Member from the Club’s premisesuntil the meeting considering his expulsion has been held but such Member shall beentitled to attend the meeting at which his expulsion is determined.


8.1Any person ceasing to be a Member forfeits all right to and claim upon the Club,its property and its funds and he has no right to the refund of any part of hissubscription.

8.2The Management Committee reserves the right to refund a proportionate part ofa resigning Member’s subscription if it considers it appropriate to do so after taking intoaccount the circumstances of the resignation but the Committee, or any Member of it,shall not be under any obligation to give reason thereof if no refund is made.


9.1The Structure of the Management Committee

The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee of six persons consisting of: -




Representative Member

Bar Secretary

And in addition:

Mens’ Club Captain or in default any Full Member

Ladies’ Club Captain or in default any Full Member

9.2The Structure of the Bar Committee

All licensable activities of the Club shall be managed by the Bar Committee, whosechairman shall be a member of the Management Committee.The number of members shall be no less than four and must be elected by the Members at general meeting

9.3Nomination and Re-election of the Management and Bar Committee

All members of the Management and Bar Committee shall voluntarily resign at theClub’s Annual General Meeting each year but shall thereupon, if willing to do so, offerhimself for re-election.

The Secretary shall send to all FULL Members each year a nomination form for theelection of members to the Management and Bar Committee. Those persons proposedfor nomination as members of the Management or Bar Committee, must be a FULLMember and be nominated by any two FULL Members on the form prescribed by theManagement Committee which form must be submitted to the Secretary 7 days beforethe date of the AGM and shall be signed and dated by the Nominee and by theProposer and Seconder.

9.4Nomination of Trustees and Directors

In the event of there being a vacancy of the position of Trustee or Director the Secretary shall sendto all FULL Members, a nomination form for the election of a new Trustee or Director (as the case may be) at an AGM or EGM Thosepersons proposed for nomination as Trustee or Director must be a FULL Member and benominated by any two FULL Members on the form prescribed by the ManagementCommittee which form must be submitted to the Secretary 7 days before the date of themeeting and shall be signed and dated by the Nominee and by the Proposer andSeconder.

9.5Nominations Received

Details of the Nominations received for all positions shall be prominently displayedwithin the clubhouse for the 7 days prior to the meeting.


In the event of a nomination not being received for any post(s) as described above (except in paragraph 9.4 relating to Trustees and Directors), theChairman may, at his discretion, accept verbal nominations from any FULL Memberpresent in person, at the Annual General Meeting. If there is only one candidate nominated to fill any particular vacancy, that candidateshall be declared elected unopposed for that particular vacancy at the Annual GeneralMeeting. If there is more than one candidate for any particular vacancy, there shall bean election at the Annual General Meeting for that position.

9.7Election of Members

The Management and Bar Committee members shall be elected at the Annual GeneralMeeting in each year, and subject to termination of office by resignation, removal orotherwise, the members remain in office until they or their successors are re-elected orelected (as the case may be) at the Annual General Meeting following their re-electionor election. (As the case may be)

9.8Right of Co-option to the Management Committee

In addition to the members elected or appointed in accordance with this Rule 9, theManagement Committee may co-opt further Members who may be requested to attendManagement Committee meetings, for a period of time as agreed by the members ofthe Management Committee. Co-opted Members SHALL NOT be entitled to vote at themeetings of the Management Committee.

9.9Casual Vacancy on the Management Committee

The Management Committee may appoint any FULL Member to fill any casual vacancyon the Management Committee until the next Annual General Meeting when that personshall retire but shall be eligible for re-election

9.10Right of Co-option and Casual Vacancy on the Bar Committee

In compliance with the Licensing Act 2003, Members shall only be eligible to sit on theBar Committee as a result of election by the Members of the Club at general meeting. The Bar Committee shall not co-opt further Members or appoint any Member to fill acasual vacancy