Hosted by

The Mongolian Cultural Center

In partnership with

The Embassy of Mongolia

With contribution from

Mongol-American Cultural Association

Pyramide Granite LLC (Mr. Delgertsogt Manaljav and Mr. Olziikhuyag Dash)

Media sponsors

Daily news (Өдрийн сонин)


NTV, Mongolia

MAY 2-4, 2012

The Embassy of Mongolia

2833 M Street NW, Washington, D.C., 20007


Friday, May 2

09:00 Registration & Breakfast

10:00 Opening Remarks

H.E. Altangerel Bulgaagyn, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the United States of America

Dr. Saruul-Erdene Myagmar, President, the Mongolian Cultural Center

10:30 Panel One. History

Batsaikhan Ookhnoi, Sc.D

Mongolia’s National Revolution Of 1911 And Viii Bogdo Jebtsundamba Khutukhtu

William Fitzhugh

Deer Stones, Ovoos, and Rock Art: New Discoveries From Khovsgol to the Mongolian Altai

Khishigsuren Vaughn

Core strength within Mongol Diaspora communities

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Panel Two. Literature

Tsendjav Dolgor, Ph.D

Зохиол Бүтээлийн Үнэт Зүйл Болон Монголын Яруу Найрагт Гарсан Таван Шинэ Үзэгдлийн Тухайд

Simon Wickham-Smith, Ph.D

Natsagdorj’s Journey To the West:

The Influence of the Weimar Republic on Mongolian Modernist Literature

Dagvadorj Choisuren, Ph.D

'"Хотогойд гэдэг нэрийг аман түүхийн үүднээс мөшгөх нь"

15.00 Trip to Library of Congress. Delegates will be introduced to Mongolian Collection of LOC.

(Hosted by Susan Meinheit, Mongolian and Tibetan Specialist of Asian Division, LOC)

Saturday, May 3

09:00 Breakfast

09:30 Panel Three. Modern Mongolian Society

Erdene Bayarnyam

2008 оны 7 сарын нэгний үйл явдалд хийх социологийн шинжилгээ

Mikhail Vlasov, Alexander Bespalov, Mikhail Vlasov, Alexander Bespalov

Youth Value Orientations: A Field Study in Western Mongolia

Sunmin Yoon, Ph.D

The Third Space: The Mongolian Soundscape Between Ulaanbaatar and the Countryside, and Beyond

Цэвэгдоржийн Болд

Монголын нийгэм дэх дотоод ялгарал, нөхцөл байдал

12:00 Lunch

Exhibition: Original Copies of Laws of Twenties.

13:00 Panel Four. Hangin Gombojav Memorial Session (co-sponsored with MACA)

Sanj Altan (MACA)

Life and Career of professor Hangin Gombojav.

Dagvadorj Choisuren (Mongolian National University)

Poems dedicated to Hangin Gombojav

Saruul-Erdene Myagmar (Mongolian Cultural Center)

Few words on Hangin Gombojav’s Linguistic Works

14:30 Panel Five. Education

Thomas Sheiding, Ph.D

Learning from History and Others – The Ongoing Reform of Economics Education in Mongolia

Munkhbat Lkhagva

Төрөөс үзүүлж буй санхүүгийн дэмжлэг оюутны сурах идэвхэд нөлөөлөх нь


Таван настай хүүхдийн сургуульд бэлтгэгдсэн байдлын

харьцуулсан судалгаа

16.00 Wrap-Up and Concluding Remarks

18:00 Reception in Honor of Conference Participants

Hosted by H.E. Bulgaagyn Altangerel, Ambassador of Mongolia to the United States of America

Performance of the singer Saran Erdenebat (Mongolian Cultural Center)

Sunday, May 6

10.00 Sight-seeing Tour and Informal Party, Great Falls, MD

Hosted by the Mongolian Cultural Center and Sponsors