KleinForest Physical Education
Rules and Policies: 2016-17
Randy Angerstein –
Cary Black – Brent Verzwyvelt –
Wynne Fobbs – Jean Hurt – eslie Wylie –
Boys P.E. – 832-484-4209Girls P.E. – 832-484-4217
- All P.E. students will:
- Purchase a Klein Forest PE Uniform for $14.00 ($7 for shirt & $7 for shorts).
- Pay a District wide PEfee of$6.00 for lock rental, soap, and laundry service.
- Be issued an individual locker. Lockers are not to be shared.
A total of $20.00 will cover the cost for all items needed to start the semester. Daily participation points will be deducted until all fees are paid, The fees can also be paid online at the school cash store.
- All PE students will dress out everyday, even if the student is unable to participate in the class activity.
- Proper dress consists of the appropriate school uniform athletic/workout clothes and tennis shoes.
- Rental uniforms are available for $.25 ($.15 for top, $.10 for shorts)
- Failure to dress out in appropriate school uniform athletic/workout clothes will result in a grade deduction for that day. The grade deduction will be:
a)The 1st non-suit will be a 30-point deduction for not wearing appropriate athletic/workout suit.
b)The 2nd non-suit is a warning to student and a 30-point deduction for not wearing athletic suit.
c)The 3rd non-suit in a 6-week period will result in parental contact and discipline referral.
- Attire that is detrimental to the student’s safety will not be worn. (i.e.: hoop earrings, necklaces, rings, flip flops, or sandals)
- Students will not be allowed to participate unless they are fully dressed out in appropriate athletic/workout clothes. Wearing inappropriate clothing will result in a non-suit being issued.
- Students are allowed to bring sweats and jackets during cold weather.
- Make-up work:
- Work will be related to the activity missed, and can be written or activity based.
- Student will be responsible for getting make-up work from teacher. It must be turned in during the same time frame that the student was absent.
- Excuses from Participation:
- It is the Klein ISD policy that any student not able to participate in PE class activities must present a written excuse from his/her parent or guardian. This note is good for only three (3) days. After three days, a doctor’s excuse is required. All notes need to be dated. Please include your name, your child’s first and last name, PE teacher’s name, and the reason for the excuse.
- Students unable to participate in any activity for an extended period of time may have their schedule changed so that they can complete their PE requirement at such a time that they are able to fully participate.
- Students excused from participation must continue to dress out in order to receive credit.
- If a student goes to the nurse, it will be counted as an absence. If the student is sent home, it will be an excused absence. If they are not sent home, then it will be an unexcused absence and points will be deducted from the student’s grade.
- Grading: Students will begin each day with a grade of 100. Points will be deducted for the following:
- PE uniform shirt/shorts/shoes: 50 pts.
- Participation (including tests/written assignments)50 pts.
**********Parents will be able to view their child’s grades online via Skyward. **************
- Tardies:
- Students must be in dressing room when the tardy bell rings.
- Students must be in their roll lines 7 minutes after the tardy bell rings.
- Students will be responsible for securing their own valuables during the PE class in their individual lockers. Teachers are not responsible for lost or STOLEN items.
- Any equipment or clothing left more than 14 days will be turned into the school’s Lost and Found.
I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Klein Forest Physical Education 2016-17.
Parent Signature: ______Student Signature: ______Date: ______