Board Meeting

September 1, 2016

Pam Gross’ house--DRAFT

Call to Order (Leslie Miniken & Kirsten Juenke)

  • Meeting called to order at 10:10
  • A quorum is present (In attendance: Leslie Miniken, Kirsten Juenke, Pam Gross, Nga Selbig, Susan Schlossten, and Tina Yerges)

Approval of Minutes (Susan Schlosstein)

  • May 25, 2016 minutes were reviewed, approved and filed

President’s Report (Leslie Miniken, & Kirsten Jeunke)

  • May need to reassign the duties of VP communications

Principal’s Report

  • September 19 is the special presentation with Dr. Luther from Arizona State University to discuss results of study conducted at SHS

Membership and Marketing (Nga Selbig & Pam Gross)

  • After RSVP our membership stands at 728 families, 47 staff and one community member for a total of 1504
  • During RSVP 297 people made donations ranging from $10-$500 for a total of $20,855
  • Board agreed to send hand written thank you notes to donations greater than $100
  • Membership forms will be put in mailboxes of teachers who haven’t signed up
  • 2nd membership drive may be to send postcards to families who have not yet joined

Treasurer’s Report (Tina Yerges)

  • Have moved $20000 from checking to savings
  • Pam Gross will be responsible for downloading paypal contributions into our account

Committee Reports

Teacher Appreciation—Back to school lunch successful Sign up Genius worked well

College Readiness—Mary Jo Webb and Susan Schlosstein meeting with Karin Plastina on 9/2 to plan 2016-2017 school year

Volunteers—Diane Moore doing the Sign Up Genius

Parent Ed—Oct 18 7 pm on following our first general meeting


Skyline Board Meetings - At Skyline (meetings are tentative)

Sept 20(Board Meeting and Thank you’s 7:30 Susan Schlosstein’s 22917 SE 25th PL, Samm)

Oct 20

Nov 17

Dec 15

Jan 19

Feb 16

March 16

April 20 or 27

May 18

June 8

Skyline General Meetings and Parent Ed - Tentative

Oct 18 Mindfulness in Your Home

Jan 31 - nominating committee

March 14 - elections

May 16 - budget

Dates that impact Us

Oct 10 - teachers work - no school for students

Nov 11 - no school for anyone

Dec 21-Jan 2 - 1st winter break

Jan 16 - martin luther king jr day - no school for anyone

Jan 30 - teachers work - no school for students

Feb 20-24 - pres day and 2nd winter break

April 10-14 - spring break

June 16 - last day of school

Issaquah PTSA Council Meeting Dates - 2nd Thursday of each month

Sept 15

Oct 13

Nov 10

Dec 15

Jan 12

Feb 9

March 9

April 20

May 18

Meeting Adjourned at 11:40

Respectfully submitted by Susan Schlosstein