Summer Meeting & AGM

24th June 2011


with an afternoon tour of MShed

Help us to celebrate our octogenarian status in grand style in Bristol on Friday 24 June 2011.

Learn how the Fed goes from strength to strength providing a strong, independent voice and network of support for our region’s museums at our AGM.

Hear from leading figures in the museum sector, including representatives from AIM, the HLF and the MLA, as part of our panel discussion on Reasons to be Cheerful: opportunities and advantages in troubling times.

Visit MShed, Bristol’s brand new £26M flagship city history museum. Tour the three new permanent galleries with the curators that created them just days after MShed opens.

Fill in and return this booking form to reserve your place.

Museum: ……………………………………………………………………….………..…………………………………..

Please book…..… [no.] place(s) for this event:


I/We enclose cheque for £ ……………. (at £12.50 per person to cover the cost of lunch and refreshments). Please make the cheque payable to ‘South Western Federation of Museums & Art Galleries’

I/We have the following access needs (e.g. wheelchair, BSL, etc.):


I/We have the following dietary requirements (e.g. wheat free, dairy free):


I/We would like to book:

___ coach places for the afternoon session at MShed

___ coach places to return to the car park at BlaiseCastleHouseMuseum

Contact Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone (Day): ……………..……..…………… (Evening): …………………….……………………………..

Address: ………………………………….……………..…………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………..……..…………………… Post Code: ..………………………......

E-mail: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ……………………………………………..…………...... Date: ………………………………………….


To celebrate the South Western Federation’s 80th year we will be hosting

Reasons to be Cheerful: opportunities and advantages in troubling times

A panel discussion that brings together key voices in the museum sector including the HLF, AIM and MLA.

Submit your question to the board here:


NB Ideally questions should fit with this year’s theme of opportunities and advantages, though all questions will be considered.


Kate Iles, Hon Meetings Secretary, South Western Federation of Museums & Art Galleries, c/o Bristol City Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1RL by 13 June 2011. Places cannot be guaranteed for bookings received after this date; lunches may not be provided for late bookings.