Village of Pleasant Plains
200 West Fourth Street, P. O. Box 177, Pleasant Plains, Illinois 62677(217)626-1024
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday

February 2, 2015

The Village Board of Pleasant Plains met in regular session on Monday, February 5, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall. President Jim Verkuilen called the meeting to order and roll was recorded:

Nicholas Bodinepresent Ian Magerlpresent

William Riggins, Jrpresent Duey Blair present

JD Harrispresent Wayne Heideman present

President Jim Verkuilen declared a quorum present.

Staff Present:Jim Verkuilen, President

Carl Draper, Attorney

Judy Reiser, Village Clerk

Kevin Kesselring, Chief of Police

Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent

Visitor(s): Greta Myers

The agenda was reviewed and approved by aunanimous aye vote.

Attorney Carl Draper advised it is a clear violationin the Open Meetings Act if three board members (including the mayor)discuss issues amongst themselves. The issue was brought to light when two board members discussed an issue prior to the meeting. Carl states there was not a violation however it is inviting mistrust and inviting problems. He also reminded us e-mail goes out to inform, as well as, any two members can have a one on one phone call, but cannot do a one on one down the chain.

The issue that was being discussed was regarding the fact that all the revision to the November 3rdmeetings had not been recorded. There seemed to be a misunderstanding by the mayor as to whether an event actually took place or if it was heresay. Therefore the minutes were not amended as voted. Clarification was received and the November minutes will reflect Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair’s conversation with Dale Milstead. The attorney states the minutes should include the most vital points of discussion and what action was taken. The Board decides what needs to go into the minutes. If the words they want are not included then it is up to the Board to let the Clerk know what is important to the discussion and what should be preserved in the record.

Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. made a motion to amend the January 5th minutes from him suggesting the Village purchase the old car wash, to suggesting the Village look at the old car wash as a possibility if the lot meetsthe specifications for a water tower. He also would like to see monthly amounts listed associated with regard to the RDWWDLG and EPA loan options. Trustee Wayne Heideman seconded this motion.

Ayes: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Wayne Heideman

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: N/A

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by an aye vote.

Motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair and seconded by Trustee Nick Bodine.

Ayes: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Wayne Heideman

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: N/A

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

In the Treasurer’s absence the Mayor presented the Treasurer’s report for the period ending January 31, 2015, for review. The Trustees reviewed the Balance Sheet, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the General Fund, Special Revenue Fund, Water Fund and Sewer Fund.Motion was made by TrusteeWayne Heideman to accept the Treasurer’s Report and TrusteeDarrell “Duey” Blair seconded the motion.

Ayes: Wayne Heideman, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris, Bill Riggins, Jr., Nick Bodine

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: N/A

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

The Board reviewed the bills that were presented for payment. Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr., asked what Sage Software was, it is our bookkeeping software that is renewed annually. Trustee Nick Bodine asked about our payment to JULIE. The Village is charged by JULIE for each request made within our water district. Charges for 2014 were $643.36. Motion to pay the bills as presented was made by Trustee Darrell “Duey” Blair and seconded by Trustee Wayne Heideman.

Ayes: Nick Bodine, Bill Riggins, Jr., JD Harris, Ian Magerl, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Wayne Heideman

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: N/A

President Verkuilen declared the motion carried by a roll call vote.

Police Department: Police Chief Kevin Kesselringreports last month was Laura Howard’s first month and she is doing a very good job. Chief Kesselring has been contacted by the Sangamon County Sheriff’s Office to assist at the Sangamon County Fair again this year. Sangamon County has always assisted Pleasant Plains during the 4th of July and Homecoming Parade traffic. The chief will be attending a meeting on February 18th to get together with them to discuss a game plan for this year. The new county sheriff has asked outside agencies to assist with calls as a first response. We would not be expected to handle the whole call as they would be in control but he is asking if something happens we assist with watching the road, etc. This sheriff feels someone needs to respond to an incident in a timely manner until one of their deputies can get there. Years ago when our police department assisted with these types of calls the territory was to Salisbury, Berlin, county line, etc. Sangamon County does fill in for our department when there is no one on duty. We are fortunate to have two Sangamon county Deputies living here in Plains. Chief Kesselring states their office has started the process of archiving old records. After the records are organized he will contact the State and they will advise that can be burned or shredded. Attorney Draper offered assistance with the shredding.

Water/Sewer Department: Dave Stewart, Water Superintendent reports the results of the two test wells that were recently dug showed them to be high in nitrate. The cost of the test wells was $14,000. There was a leak over the weekend found on the west end of RT 125. Since the village does not have the equipment it will take to repair this, Petersburg Plumbing and Heating has been contracted to do the job. Sometime this month Brotcke Well & Pump Company will be here to clean wells.

Streets Department: A written report was provided to the Board in the absence of Greg Miles, Streets Superintendent. We were fortunate in the month of January not to have had any accumulation of snow. Greg has been working in the shop and going through his files, working on the budget and MFT records. Trustee JD Harris was concerned as to who is responsible for restoring the alley behind his house. He indicated due to the construction next door trucks have been running in and out causing ruts in the alley and his yard. He was advised the construction company is responsible for this.

Old Business

Update on Brown Property- A title report with a 20 year history was received. Any mortgagesand/or refinancinghave been released.The taxes that are just under $15,000have not been paid for 5 years in a row. The tax buyer has filed a petition in court for a tax deed. Carl can proceed in sending the Brown’s a letter asking them to sign a quit claim deed which should satisfy the operating engineers so demolition can proceed or we can wait until the tax buyer obtains a deed and approach them to demo the building.

Carl’s recommendation is for him prepare the quit claim deed and to write to the Browns and see if they will sign a quit claim deed. If so, then we have a decision to make on how we want to proceed. If they don’t sign it, then it is out of our hands

We would never have to pay the $15,000. We would get ownership only to lose it to title to the tax buyers.

Update on Wells and Water Tower-Trustee Bill Riggins, Jr. asked that in the future we keep the topic of the water tower on the agenda so if they need to discuss this topic they can.

New Business

Closed Session:

A motion was made by Trustee Wayne Heideman to go into closed session to discuss litigation under the provisions of 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Motion was seconded by Trustee Nick Bodine.

Ayes: Wayne Heideman, Darrell “Duey” Blair, Ian Magerl, JD Harris, Bill Riggins, Jr., Nick Bodine

Nays: N/A

Abstain: N/A

Absent: N/A

President Verkuilen declared motion passed by a roll call vote at 7:50 p.m.

Returned to regular meeting at 8:20 p.m.


There being no further business TrusteeDarrell “Duey” Blair made a motion to adjourn the meeting.Trustee Ian seconded the motion. The motion was passed by voice vote. President Verkuilen declared the meeting adjourned at 8:21p.m.

Submitted by,Approved by,


Judy Reiser, Village ClerkJim Verkuilen, President

Minutes – Village Board – Regular Session –February 2, 2015Page 1