English Learner Advisory Committee
Culver City Unified School District
School: La Ballona
Date: 5-12-09
Members Present:Aura Farfan
Elvira Gamboa
Gabriela Barillas
Ana Luz Ramirez
Maria Haro
Verónica Contreras
Florina Blas
Alejandra Urbina
Jawaid Ahmed / Noemi Hernandez
Maria Merino
Socorro Cervantes
Cristina Hernandez
Estela Garcia
Maria Salazar
Rosa Cruz
Patricia Juarez
Isabel Garcia
Verónica Areas / Staff Members Present
Ms. Chris Collins, Principal
Mrs. Claudia Benitez, ELD Specialist
Mrs. Gaby Díaz, ELD Instructional Assistant
Legal Requirement / Training Covered
Development of the School’s Plan on Services for English Learners / X / Conduct of the School’s Needs AssessmentX / Administration of the School’s Language Census / Importance of Parents awareness of school attendance.
Summary of discussion / action(s) taken on legal requirement(s) (what and by whom)
Mrs. Benitez explained that the primary ELD provider is the classroom teacher. The ELD Specialist consults with the teacher to assess student and provides support accordingly. This information is still unclear to many of our parents.
Mrs. Mojarro wanted to know what tools are in place to help students who score below basic in the STAR test. Mrs. Benitez informed the group that the STAR test is a tool to gather information on the students and to devise intervention groups according to the students’ needs.
Mrs. Ramirez inquired about summer school. She wanted to know when parents will find out whether their children will be attending. Mrs. Benitez explained that the recommendations that the teachers made have already been sent and that the invitation will come directly from the district. The classroom teachers are the ones who choose students based on their proficiency level and who need extra help. This year space is limited due to budget cuts.
Mrs. Merino asked if there are other programs for students who do not qualify for summer school. Mrs. Benitez and Ms. Collins offered a few suggestions like the program at the Public Library, programs at the Adult School, STAR and YMCA summer camps, although these are for enrichment and not academic development. Mrs. Benitez will research some more and have information available.
Mrs. Benitez talked about the R-30 Language Census Legal Requirement which entails finding out what languages are spoken at La Ballona and how to best service those students. Utilizing our different funding sources it is decided how to make students better succeed in order to be reclassified. This information is presented to the district and to the state.
Mrs. Benitez talked about how we are getting funds now that we are going through these budget cuts. The Lloyd Society is our Booster Club. Parents can get forms in the office. Another way is to sign up on line with e-script. This is a partnership between companies and all you have to do is register and a portion what you spend at these stores will automatically be donated to La Ballona. There is no cost to the parents. Ms. Collins will include more information in the newsletter. We will try to have the computer lab opened for an hour during the International Dinner for parents to register for e-script and perhaps parents could be trained as to how to register during the Monday Parent class at the Family Center. We expect to have a table with forms available for parent sign-ups.
Box Tops and Campbell labels are collected as well and help the school in our fundraising efforts.
Mrs. Benitez informed the parents regarding the International Dinner. This year we will be charging $1 per plate to help cover the costs of the event. Silent Auction items/donations will be available for bidding throughout the evening.
Mrs. Estela Garcia inquired about the $180 that Ms. Cano was telling them about. Mrs. Benitez told her that this is money the Culver City Education Foundation is collecting from all schools and then distributing equally to raise funds for all of the schools in the whole district. This is $180 per family and it signifies $1/day=180 days of school. It is one of many ways parents can come together as a “unified” community. The idea was proposed of involving the children in a meaningful way. A parent suggested it may be financially easier for students/parents to contribute $ 1 a day or $5 a week directly to the school/classroom. The possibility of organizing this is still being discussed. Mrs. Merino suggested that the parents be informed at Back to School Night to continue this next school year.
Ms. Collins commented on the fact that all administration personnel donated 10% of their salaries to this cause.
It was decided that perhaps it would be more effective to collect everyone’s information and then a volunteer could be in charge of inputting the information for e-script.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a..m