Port Commission Meeting – September 9, 2015
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The Port of Port Townsend Commission met in regular session at the Commission Building, 333 Benedict Street, Port Townsend, WA
Present: Commissioners –Tucker,Clinefelter and Hanke
Executive Director – Crockett
Deputy Director - Pivarnik
Auditor –Berg
Minutes – Nelson
Commissioner Tucker called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
Proposed addition to agenda includes Executive Session with Mr. Crockett and the Commission only, duration ten minutes, no action.
CommissionerTuckermoved to approve the Agenda as amended.
Commissioner Hanke seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
- Approval of Meeting Minutes – August 26, 2015
- Operations Reports – August 2015
- Approval of Warrants
Warrant #055035 through #055049in the amount of $96,493.64for Payroll & Benefits
and Airport Liability Insurance
Electronic Payment in the amount of $44,438.01 for Payroll & Benefits
Warrant #055050 through #055099 in the amount of $154,309.18 for Accounts Payable
CommissionerTuckermoved to approve the Consent Agendaas presented.
Commissioner Clinefelter seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Not related to agenda) (1:14):
Bertram Levycommented on the Profit Analysis sheet and the reserve fund.
George Yount commented on the commission retreat held previously in Port Ludlow.
Melinda Bryden commented on Mr. Levy’s comments
Ron Hayes commented on financial statements and reserve accounts.
Vigo Anderson commented on reserve funds.
V.SECOND READING (Action Items):
A.Contract Award for Boat Ramp Expansion (13:03):
Mr. Pivarnik reminded two bids were received and Neptune Marine came in with the lowest bid of $412,750. He added the Port’s cost aside from the grant money would be $150K.
Mr. Crockett recommended contract approval with Neptune Marine.
Commissioner Clinefelter asked if the $150K included the $78K spent to date. He also asked what permits have the Port not received yet.
Commissioner Hanke expressed concerns that the insurance coverage requirement might not be high enough in case of some type of spill.
Mr. Crockett discussed the required liability amount and possibly the need for further discussion on raising this amount.
Commissioner Clinefelter asked about the project manager and his cost.
Commissioner Clinefelter commented that he does not want Port staff to think the Port is undercutting their salaries by paying for the boat ramp.
Commissioner Hanke moved to approve the Boat Ramp Expansion contract as presented with Neptune Marine.
Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Pivarnik explained the job would begin mid-October, which would require a 4-6 week ramp closure to the public.
B.2016 Budget (21:02):
Mr. Crockett explained to the audience the budget was discussed at the morning workshop. Speaking to the commission, he recommended focusing on reserve funds in the 2016 Budget. He stated that currently the emergency reserve fund stands around $75K but ideally, he thinks it should hold around $200K. However, he added, it is difficult to fund any reserve fund with the Capital Facilities Plan.
Commissioner Hanke commented that he likes Ron Hayes earlier idea of dedicating 5% to the reserve fund.
Commissioner Clinefelter asked if any staff have come up with ideas on cost savings. Mr. Crockett answered he has some ideas that he will present on paper.
After hearing more comments on reserve funds, Commissioner Tucker stated everyone likes the idea of a reserve fund, but where does the money come from?
Commissioner Hanke asked for a line item for reserve funds on the Profit & Loss statement.
C.October 28, 2015 Meeting Date/Time Change (32:46):
Commissioner Tucker announced that after reading the agenda in more detail for the NMTA Boatyard & Marina Conference, it would not be necessary to change the date or time for the October 28, 2015 meeting at 5:30 PM.
VI.FIRST READING (Discussion Only):
A.Acceptance of the AWOS Project Work (34:51):
Mr. Crockett said this is for administrative purposes only. A formal acceptance is required upon completion of this project, per the noted RCWs.
Ms. Berg requested immediate action for this item.
Upon unanimous approval from the commission, the item wasplaced under VII, Potential Immediate Action.
A.Acceptance of AWOS Project Work:
Commissioner Tucker moved to accept the completion of the AWOS Project Work as described.
Commissioner Hanke seconded the motion.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Ms. Berg stated she continues to work on the budget.
Ms. Nelson reminded everyone of the Port’s booth at the Wooden Boat Festival this weekend.
Mr. Crockett announced he would attend tomorrow’s CEO breakfast meeting. He also reported that five very large solar panels were stolen from the airport on Friday.
Commissioner Clinefelter asked for an update on the stormwater cleaning project. Mr. Pivarnik reported that he has not yet received a bid from Phoenix Environmental on the remaining work. Staff will pursue two other proposals from businesses on the Small Works Roster. Mr. Pivarnik hopes to have those results at the next commission meeting. He explained twelve catch basins and Vault #3 still need cleaning, estimating that 60-70% of the stormwater project is complete.
Commissioner Tuckerreported on the MRC meeting he attended last week.He explained they installed four new voluntary no-anchor zone buoys. He reported on the success of the buoys and how the program has helped the eelgrass.
XI.NEXT MEETING: Next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 5:30PMin the Port Commission Building, 333 Benedict St, Port Townsend.
The regular session recessed into Executive Session (Commissioners and Executive Director Crockett), at 1:47 PM to discuss a personnel matter, pursuant to RCW 42.30.110, duration of ten minutes with no action.
The meeting reconvened and adjourned at 2:02 PM there being no further business to come before the Commission.
Stephen R. Tucker, President
Peter W. Hanke, Secretary
Brad A. Clinefelter, Vice President