August 9, 2016

Dear Friends,
We invite you to attend the 24th Jack Lynch Invitational Debate and Speech Tournament on Saturday, November 5, 2016 at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire.

We will offer Lincoln Douglas Debate, IPDA debate, and 11 Individual Events, all within a one-day tournament.

Our tab room staff is the BEST! They do an excellent job and keep the tournament running on time. It will be a full day of high quality competition. We plan to have all of the final rounds finished and begin the awards at 7:00 p.m.

Tournament highlights:

  • Open LD Debate will have an open forum in the morning, with 4 preliminary rounds, breaking to semifinals.
  • Novice LD Debate will feature 2 workshops, 4 prelim rounds, and breaking to semifinals
  • One division of IPDA Debate, with 4 prelim roundsbreaking to semifinals.
  • IE will offer two workshops in the morning (Platform Speaking and Interpretative Speaking). There will be 2 prelim rounds in all 11 IE events, and final rounds in events with 12 or more speakers.

If you are flying, Manchester airport is conveniently located 10 miles from the college.All of the major airlines fly into Manchester airport. Also, Boston airport is only an hour away. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.

We look forward to seeing you in November.

Sincerely yours,

David Trumble Director of Debate St. Anselm College Manchester, NH

Tournament Summary

1. LD Open division: We will start the day with an Open Forum for LD debaters in the Open Division. We will start the forum with a discussion on the topic of Critiques. After that, the debaters may talk together about topics of their own choosing. The Open Division will havefour preliminary rounds of NFA Lincoln-Douglas debate.We will break to semifinals.

2. LD Novice division: This division is designed for students in theirfirst semester of college debate. Novices will have two debate workshops ("Stock Issues" taught by Katie Muzzy, law student at UNH School of Law, and "2016-2017 Topic Analysis" taught by John Boyer, Director of Debate at Lafayette College) to start the day. The novices will then have four preliminary rounds of competition. We will break to semifinals.

3. IPDA division. We will offer four rounds of IPDA debate in an Open division. We will break to semifinals.

4. IE:IE will have two workshops to start the day (Platform Speaking taught by Heather May,Director of Forensics at Emerson College and Interpretative Speaking taught by Jodi Nevola, Director of Forensics at Suffolk University). We will offer two preliminary rounds in all events. Our general guideline will be to hold a final round if there are at least 12 competitors in prelims.We will follow NFA guidelines.


If at all possible, please help us run a good tournament by registeringearly.We appreciate the hard work of the coaches who run the tab room. Registering a couple of days ahead of the deadline will allow us a little more time to prepare for the tournament. Our deadline to register is Monday, October 31 at 9 pm.

Please register via e-mail at: .E-mail entries will be confirmed. We will confirm all registration information when you check in Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. in the Cushing Center.

Tab Room

The LD tab room will be run by John Boyer, Director of Debate at Lafayette College.

The IE tab room will be run by Scott Placke, Director of Forensics at Lafayette College.

The IPDA Division will be run by Trent Webb, Director of Forensics at Nassau Community College and Tomeka Robinson, Director of Forensics at Hofstra University.

NFA LD Topic

We will use the 2016-2017 NFA LD topic and the NFA LD Rules as approved in 2013.

Resolved:the United States Federal Government should substantially reduce the role of the United States Southern Command in Latin America.


Debate: Trophies will be awarded to all debaters that advance to the elimination rounds. This includes open division of LD, novice division of LD, and IPDA. Also, we will provide trophies to the top five speakers in LD Open, the top five speakers in novice LD and the top five speakers in IPDA.

IE: Trophies will be awarded to the top three speakers in each Individual Event. Also, we will provide trophies to the top three students in Triathlon. To be eligible for Triathlon, a student must enter at least three IE events.Their top three IE events will be counted. There are no rules regarding which particular events the student must enter to be eligible (e.g. limited prep, interpretation, platform speaking).

Sweepstakes: We will offer Team Sweepstakes Awards to the top five schools in IE, the top five schools in LD Debate, the top five schools in IPDA debate and also the top community college overall.

Jack Lynch Debater Award: This award was started in 2011 in honor of ProfessorJohn “Jack” Lynch. Prof. Lynch started the debate team at St. Anselm College in 1948 and coached for 46 years. The award will go to a debater who best exemplifies the values of education and integrity. We ask each debater and judge to cast one vote for a debater (not from their own school) for someone who works hard, knows their material, respects the activity and personifies the idea that how you play the game is more important than winning or losing.


There are many nice hotels in the Manchester area. There are hotels in downtown Manchester, also on South Willow Street, and also near the Manchester Airport. All three locations are about 15 minutes from the College.


Nutritious food awaits you Saturday morning. A quality continental breakfast (fresh fruit, baked goods, juice and coffee) will be provided. The breakfast is included in the fees. Good and inexpensive food is available in the College cafeteria for lunch. The Cafeteria is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Judges will be used in either the debate judging pool or the IE judging pool throughout the preliminary rounds


LD.One LD debate judge who is available for all of the preliminary rounds and one elimination round will cover two LD debaters.

IPDA. For IPDA debate, one judgewho is available for all of the preliminary rounds and one elimination round will cover two IPDA debaters. IDPA encourages a broad range of judges, including coaches, forensics alumni, students(if they are not competing this weekend), parents, educators, and members of the community.

IE. Each full time IE judge covers 6 slots.

Hired Judges.

Hired judges will be available on a limited basis. Please bring as many of your own judges as possible. We are very fortunate to have an excellent pool of qualified hired judges in the New Hampshire/ Boston area. Many alumni from our college and other colleges in the regioncome to judge rounds for the day. We appreciate theirsupport for the activity and thefeedback and encouragement they give to current competitors.

If you would like to hire a judge, please contact David Trumble by email as soon as possible.

The cost is $10 per uncovered slot for IE and $60 per debater for LD or IPDA.

If you have alumni or other friends of forensics who would like to be hired judges for the day, please let us know. If they can stay for the whole day, we will pay them $120.


IPDA will follow Phi-Rho-Pi rules for IPDA found atthe Phi Rho Pi website –

IPDA (International Parliamentary Debate Association)

a. Topics will be announced in-round with 5 topics (2 value, 2 policy, 1 metaphor) provided for strikes. Negative strikes first, and then turns are taken until one topic remains to be debated.

b. Debaters will not be allowed to consult any other person during prep time. Prep IPDA rules, they will be allowed paper and/or electronic research material, which may be quoted or paraphrased from notes during the round, but not read directly, as extemporaneous delivery is required.

c. Time limits:

Affirmative Constructive5 minutes

Cross Examination2 minutes

Negative Constructive6 minutes

Cross Examination2 minutes

First Affirmative Rebuttal3 minutes

First Negative Rebuttal5 minutes

Second Affirmative Rebuttal3 minutes

Here are a few other notes about IPDA at the Jack Lynch Tournament.

  • The topics will be announced in the actual room where each debate takes place, not in a common room.
  • The teams will have 30 minutes from the first strike by the Negative until the debate begins.
  • There will be a variety of topics including domestic, economic, social and international issues.
  • We will make sure that you have Wi-Fi available so that your debaters can use their laptops during their prep time.

Entries and Schedule Notes

1. IPDA debaters can enter IE events in Category A. They should finish Round 2 of IPDA before they do Round 1A of IE. After lunch, they should finish round 2A of IE before they do Round 3 of IPDA. Please note that competitors in IPDA may not enter the following events: Category B of IE, Extemporaneous Speaking or LD debate.

2. Extemporaneous Speaking is its own Category for competition. It is not part of either Category A or B of IE division. The only limitation on Extemporaneous Speakers is that they may NOT enter IPDA. They probably will not have time to go to the workshops. However, Extemporaneous Speakers may LD Debate (Novice or Open division). Also, they may enter IE events in both Category A and B. They should finish Round 2 of Extemp before they do Round 1A of IE.

3. LD debaters may enter no more than one event in Category A and no more than one event in Category B. LD debaters may enter Extemp. They may not enter IPDA.

4. IE competitors who do not compete in debate, can enter up to 3 events in each flight (i.e. – 3 events in Category A and 3 events in Category B). IE competitors who do enter any form of debate must follow the rules listed above.

5. We will enforce a 15-minute forfeit rule for all debaters unless a student is double entered in IE.

6. Category A:POI, Impromptu, Informative, ADS, and DI
Category B: Persuasion,Prose, CA, Duo, and Poetry

7. The cafeteria is open from 7 am to 6 pm. There is a lunch break scheduled in

the middle of the day for each division of the tournament. Competitors can eat as their schedule allows.

Jack Lynch Invitational Tournament

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Time / IPDA / LD Open / LD Novice / IE / Extemp
7:30 / Registration & Continental Breakfast / Registration & Continental Breakfast / Registration & Continental Breakfast / Registration & Continental Breakfast / Extemp Draw
Rd. 1
8:00 / Rd. 1 / Open LD
(Scott Thomson)
Critiques / Workshop 1
Stock Issues
(Katie Muzzy) / Workshop 1
(Heather May)
9:00 / Workshop 2
(John Boyer) / Workshop 1
(Jodi Nevola) / Extemp Draw
Rd. 2
9:15 / Rd. 2
10:15 / Rd. 1A
10:30 / Rd. 1 / Rd. 1
11:45 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
12:45 / Rd. 2 / Rd. 2 / Rd. 2A
1:30 / Rd. 3
2:00 / Rd. 3 / Rd. 3 / Rd. 1B
2:45 / Rd. 4
3:15 / Rd. 4 / Rd. 4 / Rd. 1B
4:15 / Semifinals
4:30 / Semifinals / Semifinals / Finals A
5:30 / Finals
5:45 / Finals / Finals / Finals B
7:00 / Awards / Awards / Awards / Awards

Jack Lynch Invitational Tournament

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Entry Fees

Contact Person ______

Name of School ______

Phone Number ______

Email Address ______

School Fee $ __20__


IPDA Debaters

# ______x $25 per debater $ ______

LD Debaters

# ______x $25 per debater (varsity or novice)$ ______

Individual Events

# slots ______x $10 per slot $ ______


# ______x $5 per person $ ______



# uncovered IPDA debaters ____ x $60 per debater $ ______
(note: 1 judge covers two IPDA debaters)

LD Debate

# uncovered LD debaters ____ x $60 per LD debater$ ______
(note: 1 judge covers two LD debaters)


# uncovered slots _____ x $10 per slot $ _____
(note: 1 judge covers 6 IE slots)

Drops at Registration:

# dropped IE slots, LD debaters or IPDA debaters

______x $ 20 each $ ______

Total Due $ ______

**If paying by check, please make check payable to St. Anselm College