New Testament—10th Bible

Unit 1: Introduction to the New Testament

Lesson 1: The Intertestamental Period

I.Introduction and Background

A.Intertestamentary Period

1.The _____ years between the _____ and _____ Testaments

a)Old Testament ends with the return of the ______from ______and the ______people living in their homeland under ______rule, about 430 B.C

b)The New Testament opens with the ______people living under ______rule, about 5 B.C.


a)the Bible does not speak about this period

3.______books written during this period

a)gives us a good idea of the ______and ______of the Israelite people during this time.

4.Years of ______and significant ______changes

a)Empires grew in strength, became world powers for a period of time, were defeated and replaced by other world powers.

B.______Changes between Testaments

1.Jewish people live in ______under the rule of successive foreign Powers




d)Only ____ years of Jewish independence.

2.______(Roman Peace or the Peace of Rome)

a)Rome’s ______Age

b)The world is at peace at the birth of ______(circa 5 B.C.)

C.______Changes between Testaments

1.Jews still worship at the ______as in the Old Testament

2.Jews study ______and the ______at the local synagogue

3.As long as the Jews kept peace with Rome, they were allowed their own ______, ______and ______.

4.The chief priests and rabbis enjoyed the ______of the people


1.The language of Palestine was ______

a)the official language of______diplomacy

2.The language of trade was ______

3.Religious Jews also spoke ______


1.______is the basic unit in society

2.Most people live in small ______

3.______is the most important industry

a)Many religious feasts and festivals tied into farming





1.Between the ______and the ______over the Roman occupation

2.Between the Jewish ______groups about what should be done

a)______, ______, ______, ______

b)Majority of population ______belong to a religious party

3.Many Gentiles also ______with the permissiveness of ______culture and religion

G.Time was ripe for the coming of the ______

1.______state of the people

a)People waiting for the ______

b)Removes burdens of the ______people placed by the ______leaders

c)Alternative to Greek and Roman ______and ______


a)conducive to the ______and ______of Christianity

b)peace and safety of ______Empire

c)good system of ______and bridges for travel

d)common ______(______)


1. Setting the stage (session 1)

  • Read Daniel 2 together. Draw a picture of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream and discuss what each part represents. What is so special about "the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands" (vs. 45)?
  • Compare maps of the four empires to the vision of the four beasts in Daniel 7.
  • Label and color the map of the Roman world at the time of Christ.

Note: See The NIV Study Bible, pp. 1305, 1311, 1318-1319, 1430-1433 and the maps at the back.

II.The ______Empire - 536-331 B. C.

A.King Cyrus of the Persians defeated the ______Empire in 536 B.C

B.Persian custom was to let conquered nations _____ in their ______lands.

1.______other conquering nations

2.______exiles were allowed to return home

a)Recorded in the books of ____ and ______.

b)Not all ______exiles chose to return to their native land, as we can see in the story of ______

(1)only a small ______returned, those who had a strong commitment to the ______and the ______

C.Hostility between ______and ______starts during the Persian time period

1.Ezra 4:1-2

2.John 4 - Jesus and the woman at the well; Luke 10 - the parable of the good Samaritan

D.______Changers in Temple starts here

1.The ______Jews of the Diaspora who came to ______to celebrate important religious festivals needed to exchange their currency for the ______currency used in the temple

a)hence, the presence of the ______changers in the ______court

III.The ______Empire - 331·166 B.C.

A.Persians were eventually defeated by the ______.

B.______the Great of Greece conquered the known world _____ years

C.Spread Greek ______wherever he went

1.built ______and ______

a)Cities were built in the Greek style with Greek ______and ______(gymnasia).

2.insisted that the people learn Greek as their second ______

3.Greek ______, ______and ______were adopted throughout his domains (forced)

a)Two common philosophies were ______and ______

b)______religion questioned traditional beliefs, even the reality of the gods;

(1)As a result, the ______of people found themselves in a moral and spiritual ______.

c)______thinking began.

(1)based on the belief that there were two worlds:

(a)the world of ______, where God is, which is ______and ______;

(b)and the world of ______, where we are, which is ______and ______

D.Even after the Greeks no longer ruled the world, the Greek ______and ______, known as ______, influenced many nations

1.The fact that the ______was originally written in Greek is evidence of this


2. Read 1 Maccabees chapters 1 through 4. Write a summary paragraph (3-4 sentences) for each chapter.

IV.The Era of the ______and ______- 320·166 B.C.

A.After the death of Alexander the Great, the Greek empire was divided into ______parts.

B.Palestine, the New Testament name of Israel, came under the rule of the ______

1.An ______royal family (of which Cleopatra probably is the most famous member)

2.These rulers treated the Jews ______, and the people lived ______.

3.During this time, the ______writings were translated into Greek; this translation is known as the ______

C.Syria, directly to the north of Palestine, had been given to the ______to rule

D.In 198 B. c., the ______king captured ______

1.Soon persecution of the ______began

2.______Epiphanes (175-163 B.C.)

a)hated anything and everything ______

b)He was determined that all his ______would

(1)worship Greek ______,

(2)speak the Greek ______and

(3)follow Greek ______.

c)forbade the practice of ______

d)tried to wipe out the worship of God by building an altar to ______in the temple and sacrificing a ______on it.

e)Hasidim or Hasideans, "______people,"

(1)Those Jews who ______this hellenization and paganization

(2)a name still used for ______Jews today

f)Many ______were slaughtered without mercy.

E.______(168 B.C)

1.a village ______who refused to offer sacrifices to ______

2.______the representative of the king, and fled into the Judean wilderness with his five ______.

3.Mattathias ______soon afterwards

4.his son ______Maccabeus carried on the revolt.

a)Maccabeus was the nickname given to Judas; it meant "______."

5.The Hasidim ______the revolt, and by 165 B.C., they had recaptured ______

6.In ______of that year, the ______was purified and rededicated to the worship of the LORD

a)an event commemorated by the Jews in the ______, or ______

b)______(John 10:22-23).

V.The ______Era - 142-63 B.C.

A.Won independence from the ______

B.______, a brother of Judas Maccabeus became "the great high ______and ______and ______of the Jews."

C.Simon established the ______dynasty, named after Hasmon, great grandfather of ______which lasted until 37 B.C

1.details in 1 Maccabees

D.Palestine remained an ______Jewish nation (____ years)

1.under the leadership of the Hasmonean dynasty

E.Time of "internal ______caused by ambition for power.

1.The political aims and intrigues of the Hasmoneans alienated many of the religiously minded Hasidim, who developed into the ______and the ______

2.The aristocratic and politically minded supporters of the Hasmonean priesthood became the ______

VI.The ______Empire - 63 B.C.-A.D. 472

A.63 B.C., ______rule in Palestine came to an end

1.Roman general ______captured Jerusalem and conquered Palestine.

2.______became governor of Palestine

B.Herod the ______

1.Antipater’s _____ becomes king of ______through cunning and manipulative ways

2.Herod’s ______with the Jews

a)He was an ______(also related by ______to the Maccabees).

b)Because of this, no matter how hard he tried to win the favor of the Jews, he did not get it. They ____ him, and he ____ them.

c)Had the ______rebuilt to impress the Jews

d)He was despised because he was a ______, ______king

(1)he killed two of his ______and at least three of his own ______

(2)He was the Herod who was king at the time of the birth of ______in Bethlehem and ordered the ______of all the male children under the age of two.

3.His son, Herod ______, was the one who had John the ______beheaded, and to whom Jesus was sent by Pontius Pilate

C.The Roman Empire at the time of the ______of ______

1.______which lasted from 30 B.C. to approximately A.D. 180

2.Golden Age under Caesar ______(nephew of Julius Caesar)

a)______, ______, and _____ and ______prevailed throughout the empire

3.Everyone spoke one language, ______

4.Each ______had its own system of _____-government, together with a ______force, in case of uprisings and rebellions.

5.The people were allowed to keep their own ______, ______and ______, as long as they kept peace with Rome.

6.Here we see God working ____ and ______history, ______it toward the coming of Jesus

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