/ Global Learning Association

GLA KEY ACTION 1 COURSE: Preventing Failure, Leading for Success

Coordinators: Chris Souvlis: & Chris Williams:

Course no. GLA-UK15-A002 GLA PIC: 948140566

5 Participants from Järfälla, SE, 2 from Italy; 3 from Romania

PROGRAM 13th – 19th March 2016

Sunday, 13th March 2016: Travel Day

Participants arrive in London, check into Tavistock hotel, Russell Square (Participants should book rooms and request them on ‘refurbished floors and overlooking the park’.) --County Hotel is nearby, owned by the same company, bookable on the same web site…. and is cheaper if you need to save money…. as bathrooms are shared.)

6.30 pm Dinner with Chris Souvlis, GLA, who will meet the group for ‘orientation’ in the Tavistock Hotel foyer and give them their Lincoln train tickets.

Monday, 14th March: School Learning

AM: Walk to Kings Cross Station for 0830 Train via Newark Newgate arriving Lincoln 1023,_England

Met at station by Chris Williams, GLA and taken to: Bishop King Primary School by minibus

11 am The Context of School Leadership: Overview of British Education/ Overview of Lincolnshire Education. Chris Williams

(Discussion of recent political changes/ Changing roles of Local Authorities/ The growth of Academies and the market place in UK Education)

School Tour


From ‘Special Measures’ to Success—Our School’s Journey of Improvement. Head teacher, Kate Rouse

(Preventing Failure & Building Success)

Taken toNewport Guest House B&B £50pppn max.

(Rooms reserved for participants who must arrange their own payment on arrival)

6 pm Dinner at Café Zoot

Tuesday, 15th March: School Learning

9 AM Travel to Frances Olive Anderson School, Lea, near Gainsborough,

Small school issues in the Rural Setting. Ensuring success with Limited Resources. Sarah Woolley….Head teacher (& New Leader of the School)

(New leaders—finding their feet, making their stamp, achieving success in a smaller, more isolated schools, Health & Safety Issues & Risk Assessment)

School Tour

11pm Travel to: Queen Elizabeth High School, Gainsborough

12pm Lunch

1pm The Large Selective Secondary School in the Small Town Setting. (Led by members of the Senior Leadership)

(Keeping high flying pupils on the right track to Success/ Maintaining ‘Outstanding’ Achievement)

6pm GLA Dinner at traditional British Pub, The Wig and Mitre (Cost covered by GLA.) -- Reflections on what we’ve seen so far.

Wednesday, 16th March: School Learning

9am Depart (with luggage) to Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School for presentations, conversations and observation in a large non-selective Secondary Academy in the City of Lincoln

School Tour

Challenges of Leadership. Driving Forward Achievement & Raising Standards. Martin Mckeown, Head teacher

How are students taught Safety and to Assess risk? School Pastoral Team, including Education Welfare Officers and Progress Team. (Those with ‘Caring’ and ‘Driving Progress’ focuses.)


PM Split up for class room observation in lessons relevant to participants’ backgrounds.

3 pm Taxis to station.

Depart Lincoln at 1545 via Newark Northgate arriving King’s Cross, London at 1742.

Tube to Check into: Greenwich Travelodge Hotel (Make own bookings online—sharing or single rooms possible)

Free time

Thursday, 17th March: School Learning/ University Level Input

9.15 am Met in Hotel Foyer by Chris Souvlis, GLA. Bus to Peckham

10.00 am Arrive John Donne Academy, Peckham Welcomes, Chris Souvlis GLA

10.15 – 10.45 Coffee, tour of the school

10.45 – 11.00 The Inner London Context/ Ofsted Inspections/ Our former LA roles as Roving ‘Improvement’ Heads/ Head Teacher Nick Tildesley & Head of Special Projects (and former Municipality Leadership Adviser), Evelyn Holdsworth

11.00 – 12.001) Leading for success: Pupil Needs, Our beliefs and Educational Role from Primary to FE, Evelyn Holdsworth 2) Supporting the Education of ALL of our Students, Ericka D’Carvalo, ESL Leader

12.00 Lunch

1 pm Principles of Good Leadership. Dr Raphael Wilkins, formerly of the London Centre for Leadership in Learning at University College London, Institute of Education --How do we challenge expectations? --How do we prevent failure in schools and lead for success in difficult circumstances?

Free Evening

Friday 18th March: Conclusions

9.15am Met in Hotel Foyer by Chris Souvlis, GLA. 453 Bus travel—A2 to Pilgramage St, left at Beomund Sch then right to Porlock St Centre, SE1 3RY

10.00 am Arrive at Southwark Inclusive Learning Service – SILS 2 (Porlock hall Meeting room KS4)

Met by Head teacher, Yomi Adewoye, and Assistant Head, Deon Wilson

--Tour of school

--Preventing failure – raising standards – HoS KS4 / Inclusion – developing links
School bus to Davey Street Centre.LondonSE15 6LF
--SENCO – multi agency approaches Inclusion – developing links
--Q & A session – Head teacher

What is the Southwark Pupil Referral Service? How do we re-engage ‘lost’ young people with meaningful and realistic personalised learning plans that offer clear pathways into post-16 provision?

How do we work with Southwark College, Ilderton Motor Project, New Start, Vox and Street Vibes (a music based provision), focus on work related learning and engage in various Enterprise Education projects, work with partners including the youth offending team, child and adolescent mental health services, Connexions and social care services.

Discussions, School observations

12.30 Lunch

1.30 pm Outcomes. Discussion—What we’ve seen in both regions. Divide into ‘Inclusion’ group and ‘Preventing Failure’ groups. Evaluation & Action Planning. Evelyn Holdsworth & Chris Souvlis, GLA

Presentation of Certificates.

Option for Sightseeing/ Shopping/ Meal in Central London together/ Free time

Saturday 19th March: Travel

Free Time/ Return home


Education in the UK:

Eurydice report on Education in England:

Ofsted reports for Bishop King Primary School:

Ofsted report for Queen Elizabeth High School, Gainsborough

Ofsted report for Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School:

Ofsted report for John Donne Academy:

Information on Southwark SILS service


-  Trains Kings Cross London to Lincoln Rtn – these are booked for you by GLA and will be invoiced.


Accommodation and meals are not included, except for some school lunches & breakfasts provided by hotels;

Assistance with hotel recommendations is provided but participants are responsible to book and pay for their own single or shared rooms.

We recommend:

13th March, London, Tavistock Hotel

as its close to the train you need on 14th (--or their partner hotel County, which is nearby but cheaper if you prefer)

14th – 16th March: Newport Guest House B&B max £50 pppn

16th – 19th March: Greenwich Travelodge.

as we can collect you from here to take you to the course venues each day easily.



Mr Chris Williams: PH 0044 (0) 7952 346 223 ---Lincoln

Mr Chris Souvlis: Ph 00 44 (0)7943 326 440 --- London


Advice with flights etc will be provided if requested


Training cost will be 350 Euros per participant, due at the latest: 28 days in advance of course start

Paid to: Global Learning Association,

Name and address of bank:

Co-operative Bank, PO Box 250, Delf House, Skelmersdale, WN8 6WT

Account: Global Learning Association

Account number: 65464076Sort code: 08 92 99

IBAN is:

GB58 CPBK 0892 9965 4640 76


The Global Learning Association ( is the not-for-profit trading arm of the UK Global Learning Association for Schools, a charitable organisation formed in 1996. GLA Associates have current or recent experience as International Education Advisers for Local Authorities, as Global Education Co-ordinators, in other advisory posts or as trainers and advisers to government departments. The majority of our Associates are also qualified teachers and some have recent experience of headships or other senior management posts.

Current and recent involvement in training by GLA Associates includes etwinning in Poland and Ukraine; classroom English for non-specialist linguists in the UK; International Dimension Training in Oxfordshire, Erasmus + Key Action 1 Course delivery, etc.

+ the arrangements and timings in the host schools are subject to change

Executive (Deputy Chair) GLA
Call:UK (0)7943 326 440
Location: (London, UK)

Chris Souvlis worked for The British Council from 1999 to 2010, helping to deliver a range of education programs as diverse as the Fulbright US/ UK teacher exchange program and the Comenius Universities and Schools European Partnerships and In-service visits.

He managed the 2-Week Primary Teachers Project, devised for the Teacher Development Agency and Department of Children, Schools and Families to support the delivery of school languages at Key Stage 2.

Since 2010, he has continued to support teacher in-service training abroad, working every half term with training centres in Spain and France to deliver EU funded, language courses for teachers. Initially, he supported funding applicants and teacher participants from the boroughs of Southwark, Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and Lewisham, where he led the South London Schools International Support Network. Lately, he has worked supporting International links and projects across the country, including in Southend, Essex.

He has contributed to the Coordination and/ or Evaluation of 5 large scale European projects in recent years as well as hosting visits for international groups to the UK and providing training at home and abroad including the delivery of Key Action 1 Courses on Leadership and Outdoor Learning.

Chris has been deputy Chair of the GLA since 2015.

/ Executive (Treasurer) GLA
Call: UK 07952 346223
Location: Lincoln (UK)

Chris Williams worked in large secondary schools for 34 years, initially teaching History, and latterly for over two decades as Deputy Head and twice Acting Head teacher at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School. He remains on the staff l in a part-time capacity and is the Lead Practitioner for its Global Learning Programme Expert Centre.

While at LCHS he prepared the first of its six International School Award applications in the launch year of 1999. Chris now works across Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and abroad as a facilitator, trainer and keynote speaker either as a freelance consultant or as a British Council Ambassador. He particularly enjoys helping schools start their international journeys through the ISA, supporting more established schools, taking INSET sessions and being involved in assemblies and multi-national student project events.

He has hosted over 30 CPD courses in the Transversal and Comenius programmes, and is now developing Erasmus + KA1 events. Recent professional visits have included Romania, China, Nigeria, Ireland, and francophone Guadeloupe, Morocco and Senegal. In autumn 2014 Chris made keynote speeches on ‘what makes a good partnership’ at a European etwinning+ conference in Gdansk and the Ukrainian national conference in Kiev. In autumn 2015 he spoke at conferences in Maputo, Warsaw, Sopot and Bucharest. In 2016 he is hosting several groups from Poland and also Turkey and China

Chris has been Treasurer of the GLA since June 2012.