Fall ‘14
Language Arts: English 12
Instructor: Mr. Gustin
Office Hours: Before and after school by appointment. Please let me know in advance when youwould like to meet. Seminar hours are also available.
Course Philosophy
English 12 is a preparatory course that is majorly significant for your advancement into the work place and/or college. Technical writing, computer proficiency, and interpersonal communication skills will be emphasized. Interdisciplinary units will go further in depth investigating the link between literature and historical/social events. Writing skills are stressed in the development of analytical approaches to understanding the material. The content of the course will be assessed via standards, all of which tie to the Iowa Core Curriculum and the vision of the Solon Community School District.
How to Succeed in English 12
• Here are the essentials: be actively engaged, regularly complete your homework, read, and re-read!
• Come to class willing to examine how and why stories are told, not solely to comprehend plot for an exam.
• Challenge ideas by asking thorough and thoughtful questions. Respond with intelligence and wit.
Gradingand Reassessment Policies
You will not receive independent grades for each term. Rather, you will receive a semester grade that will be used for both terms. For example, if you have an A- after our 18-week course is complete, you will receive an A- for both terms. If you have a D+, you will receive a D+ for both terms.
Your semester grade will still be reported Your final grade for the classwill be on a standard scale: computed as follows:
100-93%=A 76-73%=CReading Standards: 35%
92-90% = A- 72-70% = C-Writing Standards: 35%
89-87% = B+ 69-67% = D+Grammar: 15%
86-83% = B 66-63%=DVocabulary: 5%
82-80% = B- 62-60% = D-Final Exam: 10%
79-77%=C+ 59-0%=F
*Grades for assessments will be administered using the 0-4 grading scale: 0, 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4.
In order to reassess on a standard, you must seek out and complete supplementary work. In addition, you must come in on your own time, whether that is during seminar or before/after school, to go over the work with me. If you demonstrate positive progress with the material, I will provide you with a reassessment date.We will discuss reassessment policies for grammar, reading, and writing standards in class today, and they will be posted on the class web site and in the classroom for your constant reminder. Please ask if you have any questions.
The attendance policy will coincide with the student handbook; however, if you are absent from class due to ANY reason, it is your responsibility to obtain any missed notes/assignments and to get yourwork handed in on time. Do not expect me to review the material in class for your account. Excuses will not be tolerated for major assignments on due dates.
Book Bags
Do not bring them with you. Having to put your book bag away is not an excuse for being late to class.
Bathroom/Drinking Fountain/Locker Policy
It is up to you to manage your time effectively. Bring a water bottle with you and use the restroom between periods.If it becomes a pattern that you are leaving class to mosey around, your privilege to leave the room will be revoked.
Cell Phones
Put them awayif you want to keep it. Did I mention your phone is your bathroom pass?
Both of these are grounds for serious disciplinary action and will not be tolerated. If you are found to be cheating and/or plagiarizing, you will receive a zero for the work at hand.
Current English 12 Texts (Subject to Change)
I) American Short Stories
II) Bram Stoker’s Dracula
III) Elie Wiesel’s Night
IV) F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby
Daily and Weekly Activities(in addition to the outlined units)
Among others, you will further enhance your skills pertaining to grammatical units, reading comprehension and analysis, writing development, and weekly vocabulary.
Food and Drink
Do not bring food unless you have enough for everyone. Bring water. Do not bring energy drinks or pop.
Materials Needed
You will need one three ring binder and a college rule notebook (preferably spiral bound) with perforated paper, blue or black pens, a highlighter, and a computer storage device—preferably a jump-drive (don’t rely on the school’s server). You should hold on to all materials because a comprehensive final will be given at the end of the 18 weeks.