September 2015 Board of Aldermen Meeting

September 2015

Minutes of September Meeting

Flint Hill Board of Alderman

Held on September 22, 2015 @ 6:00 p.m.

Knights of Columbus Lower Level

Members present and absent:

Mayor Doug Wynn – present

Alderwoman Jackie Jackson-Westhoff - present

Alderman David Schmidt – present

Alderman Christopher Jacobsen – present

Aldermen Robert Boehmer – present

City Attorney Matt Fairless Residents Erica Niederhelm, Jim Brown

City Clerk Becky McCollum Gary Rufkahr, Jeff Schiele, and Alex Daake

Mr. & Mrs. Bextermiller

The September 2015 Board of Aldermen meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

1st Item: Pledge of Allegiance

2nd Item: Meeting called to order, roll call, approval of agenda and minutes

Mayor Doug Wynn called the meeting to order. Alderman Schmidt made a motion to approve the agenda. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion approving the agenda with those numbered changes. The city clerk reports 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

A copy of the written August 26, 2015 regular minutes, were emailed (as requested) to the Board of Aldermen in advance of the meeting. The City Clerk asked if everyone had received copies of the minutes. All had.

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to approve the regular Board meeting minutes, from the August 26, 2015 Board Meeting with corrections. The motion was seconded by Alderman Westhoff. The City Clerk reports 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain votes. The minutes for the regular Board meeting stand approved on this day, August 26, 2015.

3rd Item: Open Forum

Erica Niederhelm spoke to the Board about her previous variance before the Board of Adjustment and their approved permit for garage and home addition. She expressed concerns about having to pave her driveway per the Board discussion. City Engineer Tom Rothermich stated as Zoning Official he would not require her driveway to be paved at this time.

Also, Jeff Schiele of 125 Hillary Circle, first thanked the Board for repairing the stormwater issue behind his home so quickly. discussed at length his problem with street creep and his driveway. Having called the City in July 2014, City Engineer visited onsite. And was then asked to visit site again in July 2015. Damage has continued and his driveway has now buckled, so he has sought remedy with a driveway saw cut. He asked the Board what could be done.

The City and Engineer Tom Rothermich stated they would commit to a measurement at this time, and a second one in the spring to identify and quantify any further damage. Also, saw-cutting of the street, cost, etc will be explored.

Separately, the Schiele Sunshine Request was received by the City. Copies have been made by the City Clerk for the most recent info requested and has been forwarded to the City Attorney for approval to release if not deemed to be privileged communications.

The date of release of info was set to be October 15, 2015.

4th Item: Bill 2015-16 THD Design Agreement

Alderman Schmidt made a motion to introduce Bill 2015-16 in the short form for a first time. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

After no further discussion, Alderman Westhoff made a motion to table Bill 2015-16 until a meeting can be held with the property owners. Alderman Boehmer seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

5th Item: Public Hearing-Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Article 12-A: DSD Downtown Special District

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the Article 12-A: DSD-Downtown Special District Ordinance Amendment. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

City Attorney Matt Fairless stated that in order to develop the less than ½ acre lots, as some of the existing lots in the DSD are non-conforming. The Board of Aldermen requested that the language be reviewed for revision and this request was reviewed and approved by resolution at the September 15 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

6th Item: Bill 2015-17 Article 12-A: DSD Downtown Special District

Attorney Matt Fairless suggested some changes to the language to eliminate the ability to further subdivide the less than ½ acre lots in the DSD.

After no further discussion, Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to introduce Bill 2015-17. That motion was seconded by Alderman Westhoff. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

After no further discussion, Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to read Bill 2015-17 in the short form for a first time. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-17 was read in the short form for a first time.

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to read Bill 2015-17 in the short form for a second time. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-17 was read in the short form for a second time.

There being no further discussion, Alderman Westhoff made a motion to vote on Bill 2015-17. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.


Bob Boehmer-yes

Jackie Jackson-Westhoff-yes

Dave Schmidt-yes

Chris Jacobsen-yes

Ordinance #2015-17 Article 12-A: DSD Downtown Special District

7th Item: Public Hearing-Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Section 24.09 Private Street Driveways

Alderman Westhoff made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the Section 24.09 Private Street Driveways. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

This language was suggested by our City Building Official Bob Barclay in response to the situation ‘street creep.’ All new homes would be required to meet these requirements including the details of expansion joints.

Resident Jeff Schiele stated this language would help protect he City but not the individual residents.

Alderman Schmidt made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Alder man seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

8th Item: Bill 2015-18 Private Street Driveways

This language was suggested by our City Building Official Bob Barclay in response to the situation ‘street creep.’ All new homes would be required to meet these requirements including the details of expansion joints.

With no further discussion Alderman Westhoff made a motion to introduce Bill 2015-18. That motion was seconded by Alderman Schmidt. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

After no further discussion, Alderman Schmidt made a motion to read Bill 2015-18 in the short form for a first time. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-18 was read in the short form for a first time.

Alderman Schmidt made a motion to read Bill 2015-18 in the short form for a second time. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-18 was read in the short form for a second time.

There being no further discussion, Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to vote on Bill 2015-18. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.


Bob Boehmer-yes

Jackie Jackson-Westhoff-yes

Dave Schmidt-yes

Chris Jacobsen-yes

Ordinance #2015-18 Private Off Street Driveways

9th Item: Resolution 171: Grantham Estates - Preliminary Plat

The Grantham Estates Preliminary Plat review was performed by City Engineer Tom Rothermich under the current language of our Zoning Ordinance for Preliminary Plats and the DSD zoning district. Under the current Zoning Ordinance there are no outstanding issues which would prohibit its approval from the City Engineer review standpoint.

Volz Engineer Jeff Atkins had stated there were 23 lots currently, which presents slightly under (1- 100th of an acre) less than the “half-acre average” if the plan is changed to be presented under a PUD. Questions were asked by some commission members of the actual square footage requirement of a half acre. If the Grantham Estates proposal is continued under a PUD, then an Area Plan would be needed which requires a Public Hearing and notification of all property owners within 185 feet of the proposed development and one lot will be removed to equate the accurate ½ acre average.

After no further discussion, Alderman Boehmer made a motion to approve the language of Resolution 171, recommending approval of the Grantham Estates preliminary Plat to move forward as a PUD Area Plan and for a scheduled Public Hearing Meeting at Planning and Zoning for October 19. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 “yes, 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes.

10th Item: Public Hearing: Tax Levy-2016

Alderman Westhoff made a motion to open the Public Hearing for the Tax Levy to be set for 2016. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

Attorney Matt Fairless opened the discussion by stating that per state statute, every year a City must set their tax rate and it cannot exceed the .25 cent per $100 of assessed value of real property.

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The City Clerk reported the votes as 4 "yes," 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.

11th Item: Bill 2015-19 Budget FY2016

Alderman Schmidt made a motion to introduce Bill 2014-19. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Mayor Wynn asked the City Clerk to discuss the budget. City Clerk Becky McCollum stated that some items were subject to change including Clerk salary, the rates of City Engineer and City Building Official may increase at the time of their contract renewal and a new line item for collection of taxes at 2.1% by the County Assessor should be included.

With no further discussion, Alderman Schmidt made a motion to read Bill 2014-19 in the short form for a first time, as amended. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2014-19 was read in the short form for a first time.

Alderman Schmidt made a motion to read Bill 2014-19 in the short form for a second time. Alderman Jacobsen seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2014-19 was read in the short form for a second time.

There being no further discussion, Alderman Schmidt made a motion to vote on Bill 2014-19. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.


Bob Boehmer-yes

Jackie Westhoff-yes

Dave Schmidt-yes

Chris Jacobsen-yes

Ordinance #2014-19 FY2016 Budget

12th Item: Bill 2015-20 Setting Tax Rate

Alderman Jacobsen made a motion to introduce Bill 2015-20. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

With no further discussion, Alderman Schmidt made a motion to read Bill 2015-20 in the short form for a first time, as amended. Alderman Westhoff seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-20 was read in the short form for a first time.

Alderman Westhoff made a motion to read Bill 2015-20 in the short form for a second time. Alderman Schmidt seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 “no,” and 0 “abstain” votes. Motion carried.

Bill 2015-20 was read in the short form for a second time.

There being no further discussion, Alderman Westhoff made a motion to vote on Bill 2015-20. Alderman Boehmer seconded the motion. The vote is reported as 4 “yes,” 0 "no," and 0 "abstain" votes. Motion carried.


Bob Boehmer-yes

Jackie Jackson-Westhoff-yes

Dave Schmidt-yes

Chris Jacobsen-yes

Ordinance #2015-20 Setting Tax Rate

13th Item: Engineering Report

City Engineer Tom Rothermich has been working with the contractor, Dan Myer, of Demien for the Ft Zumwalt project who has notified him of lane closures related to the new entrance on Mexico Rd.

He has also met with Robert Cox and Chuck Hoffman regarding their new later al line to be connected into the City interceptor line, now known as the (Dickherber) Mexico Rd interceptor line. This shared (personal) lift station, on their property will then run for their connection point at the Mexico Rd lift station. Their two new homes will be the last homes to be connected on that lift station.

In other matters, he has followed up with Matt and Ted Bross regarding Bob Bruns complaint of run off from the soccer fields on Hwy P. And he has met with Mr. Baldridge the T&C resident with complaints of drainage issues in his from yard.