Happy New Year to All Branch Members and their Partners

The Committee met this month and the Diary of Events for this year was organised and is attached to this letter for your information. The committee came up a few ideas for some of the meetings but as always at the February meeting everything is open to discussion.

Below are a few points that you need to know before the February meeting on the 7th February 2008 at the WO’s & Sgt’s Mess MCTC

  1. On a sad note one of our newest members Pete Laing informed me that his wife Tracy passed away after a long illness. The funeral will be held on the Monday 21 January 2008 at the MCTC church at 1345 hrs and then tea & coffee will be served in the WO’s & Sgt’s Mess MCTC. One of Tracy’s wishes was that those attending the funeral wore something Red that was visible. If you wish to attend please let me know before Friday. You can leave a message on my answer machine or call me on my Mobile (details below) or of course email me. I need to let Pete know by the afternoon on Friday 18th January, how many and who is attending for the security guards at MCTC.
  1. Please ensure that your annual subscriptions of £5.00 are paid to our Treasurer Tony before March 2008. You can either send him the money at his home address (listed below) or pay at the February meeting.
  1. Do you have a RMPA ID card? You will probably need one prior to us returning to the WO’s & Sgt’s Mess 156 Pro Coy RMP in Goojerat Barracks hopefully in April 2008. If you require an ID card please supply me with a couple of passport photographs. You can either send them to me (Address below) or hand them to me at the February meeting.
  1. Have you booked your places yet for our Weekend away at Gunton Hall Lowestoft on the 19 – 22 September 2008?There are still some places available total cost for the weekend will be £125 per person. If you require any further details contact me and I will send you out some information. You can bring as many guests as you would like. A deposit of £50 per person needs to be sent to our Treasurer as soon as possible

Allan Adam

Honorary Branch Secretary

Colchester & East Anglia Branch

Royal Military Police Association


Allan AdamTony Antony

1 Annbrook Road66 Layer Road

Ipswich Colchester


Phone: 01473 681094Phone: 01206 502052

Mobile: 07795 025758